The vitals:
Three feet tall
40 lbs of cooked bacon
Took 21 non-stop hours to build
Look at this monstrosity...

I strongly suggest curling up in your Tauntaun Sleeping Bag and sleeping for 40 years after devoruing this pork spectacle.
Dedicated to the premise that life would be better if we all took ourselves a little less seriously.
Perhaps you would like some of this Han Solo Carbonite Soap instead?
TJ, you're such a twamp with all this Star Wars crap.
Gheorghe is making me hungry of late. One question on the Double Down -- wasn't the breadless, carb-lowered, Atkins Diet type like so 1999?
And I will always remember fondly Buger King's Big King. After an extended happy hour one night, I was stopped by Arlington's finest after making an illegal U-turn. After explaining in some detail that I had seen the new Big King sandwich on TV and was out in desperate search of a BK, I was released with a warning. I think the phrase, "I'll probably get two" was the statement that set me free.
Z-man, you should see my twamp stamp.
Point of order - if you get the fried double down you will indeed get bread, or at least breading.
New Black Keys album comes out on May 18. If you like the White Stripes you'll like the Black Keys. Get some.
Black Keys are good, but they're barely worthy of holding the White Stripes' jock strap.
Your assertion is almost as preposterous as your "wucha thinkin about?" text, about which I would write a post but for my lack of technical capacity to get the image off of my phone and onto the internet.
Stripes are brilliant, Keys are pretty good. Not preposterous at all.
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