Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Caption This
If we have to deal with another Duke championship, we can at least have a little fun at Mike Krzyzewski's expense. What's the proper caption for this image?

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Dedicated to the premise that life would be better if we all took ourselves a little less seriously.
"we need to get some powder on those balls"?
"My favorite part of winning a title is that I finally have an excuse to hug sweaty young men without looking creepy. Although I do look a bit creepy right now."
"the beating of your heart..it's so comforting. whaddayasay we get outta here?"
If your hand is on my shoulder who's hand is grabbing my ass?
This was a great win, but still I can't help thinking that Scrabble is never going to be the same.
I just urinated down my leg and no one can see it!
'lance's dream had finally come true: he had an old white guy webkinz of his very own'
dave's scrabble comment makes more sense if you review the final few comments of the last thread.
his urinating comment makes more sense if you know dave.
My family played a lot of Scrabble when I was a kid (we didn't have cable either, so maybe Dave is my dad?) and I can't imagine the fights that would break out if we could use common names.
I had to google "webkinz." It's still unclear what they are. Is it like a virtual cabbage patch kid? Or is it a real Coach K doll?
"But why did they have to cancel One Tree Hill? I loved that show"
webkinz, z-man, are real-world stuffed animals with a virtual analogue. each one comes with an id/pwd for webkinz world, where kids can play games, feed their webkinz, decorate rooms for the webkinz, and generally learn the skills they'll need to dick around on the internet for years to come. i'm sure webkinz world is also a haven for kid-touchers, which is why my kids aren't allowed to use the chat function.
Are there Webkinz pimps and hos? The kids need to learn about how the real world works.
It shouldn't make me laugh, but it kinda does...http://bit.ly/biXrDS
I prefer to let my son learn about the world wide web through a subscription to phattycam.com.
t-minus 3 hours 45 minutes to the unveiling of the new tribe mascot.
Maybe I'll get a webkinz and an iPad so that I can feed my webkinz while I'm on the subway. What else does one need an iPad for? I don't get it, especially since they don't have a phone.
"Weekend at Bernie's Part VII: Coach K's Corpse Wins It All!"
I'm a pasty bastard but Krzyzewski looks dead in this photo.
"i wish i knew how to quit you!"
zoltan, i am your webkinz father.
i still don't know what the ipad is for. maybe i'll do a post, just as soon as i finish the photography for my upcoming post . . .
the magic twitter tells me that oregon's gonna offer brad stevens $3.5m/year to clean up after ernie kent. enjoy the pacific northwest, young man.
How is it I'm watching EPL action right now and TR is not?
$3.5MM is a ton of money. But might he not pull a Laycocke and just stay where he is (which is also where he's from), milk the legend (to quote Grandpa Zoltan), and build the ultimate mid-major (as Mark predicted)? I'm not saying that's what I'd do if offered $3.5MM a year, but it could happen.
i'd hope for him pulling a laycock, or maybe you should call it a jimmy instead.
did laycock even pull a laycock? meaning, was laycock ever offered the equivalent of 3.5 m at the age of 33....was he even a head coach then? i'm sure one of you wrens trivia'ers will educate me. it's different when you're 45-50 and have some modicum of wisdom. at 33, when someone offers you 3.5m when you're making what, 1/8th of that if i had to guess, how do you say no?
i agree with the danimal. laycock was settled, personally and professionally. butler's a great story, and they'll be really good next year, but they'd have to tell a really good story about long-term commitment to winning to get a guy to pass up 3.5 large.
seriously. really good.
i just found out that monty mason is on the tribe mascot committee. how did i not know this? we could have been lobbying him for months. i saw him in richmond just a few weeks ago. dagger.
And $3.5 M is only what he's being paid for coaching. He'll get another couple mill (at least) from his Nike Deal, incentives, various Oregon based endorsements and summer camp money. On top of that, the PAC-10 is a bit down right now and I'm sure Oregon is going to sell him on the idea that a quick turnaround is very, very attainable.
Maybe he takes the lesson learned by his former boss, Todd Lickliter, at Iowa and decides to stay where he's successful and comfortable pull, but that's hard to do with millions staring you in the face and Oregon's going to give you far more tools to succeed with than Iowa could dream of.
"Building the ultimate mid-major" should be code for something. I'm not sure for what, but something.
I agree. Taking a huge dump gets my vote.
I consider bosc pairs a midmajor, and thus have built them to be a huge vinner this eve.
i actually built 3 mid-majors today...all before lunch.
Or bosc PEARS.
This afternoon EPL watching can be....distracting...
There are few songs that make me randomly break into song throughout the day once I hear them like 'Medieval Woman'.
Insert "Weekend at Bernie's" joke here. http://bit.ly/aq5TQu
Lionel Messi just shat on Jerry today. Metaphorically speaking.
Jerry doesn't care. After Duke's win last night he's too busy swimming in piles of money ala Scrooge McDuck.
And there's why I love G:TB...Duck Tales jokes
Rob, I contend that if Monty Mason is unaware of the Wren campaign that's been staged for two years by fraternity brothers he still drinks beer with at tailgates, he has not done his job. At all.
That said . . . he may have advised the committe to go away from the Wren as mascot for the very reason that it was suggested for two years by fraternity brothers he still drinks beer with at tailgates. He's seen some of our very worst ideas, and it may be knee-jerk to associate the glorious Wren concept with inanity.
Rob just phoned me with the big news. The Tribe has picked for its mascot...
The Griffin.
You thought the institution that brought you the Homecoming drag queen and synchronized Thriller dancing would do something cooler? ?
the fucking griffin
At least it isn't the pug. I predicted pugs and I'm happy to be wrong.
Niffirg og? I don't think so...
Fastforward to 1:00. Prepare to be ripshit.
did taylor reveley diss the wren? i really wish i gave money to the school so i could write an indignant letter withdrawing my support.
He dissed the wren indeed. The W&M mascot site sucks. They note how unique the griffin is, and they also note that 4 other schools have a griffin mascot, including Sarah Lawrence and Seton Hill, which I suspect is really Seton Hall. And their mascot is a pirate. He asserts that the griffin reflects the fact that Thomas Jefferson and Jon Stewart are alums. As with all things W&M, I just don't get it.
I have already made my feelings known to Taylor Reveley about this embarassment. I suggest you all do the same (even Mark and the Danimal).
Can W&M break the cycle of loserdom? Ever?
Maybe they'll go hiphop and name the griffin Professor Griff. Probably not.
Wasn't Prof Griff a big Jew-hating Muslim?
I'd settle for Peter Griffin at this point.
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