There's a referendum on the Cali ballot (coincidental term) that would legalize -- and tax -- the sensemilla. I'm not sure what

Of the many tokes . . . uh, takes on the matter -- and there are plenty, from the religious right heavy-handedly condemning Lucifer's Oregano to the unintelligible ramblings of the Spicoli's Apostles, here's an interestingly narrow-minded one: suggests in an article entitled "Would Legalized Pot Threaten California's Economy?" that making the ganj legal might hurt the economy more than help it:
Oddly enough, the measure to legalize pot could undermine that stability. Illegality, the argument goes, plays a big role in keeping competition low and prices high. The high cost and risk of growing, distributing and selling the drug amount to barriers of entry that keep many potential competitors out of the business. So if these activities become legal, prices could plummet as aspiring marijuana moguls flood the market.You can draw your own conclusions as to how stony the author was when she scripted it, or whether it's a Christian values argument cloaked in economic sheepskin. The jobs lost would be untaxed positions employing lawbreakers. That many pot growers and dealers are peaceable humans on farms and on skateboards just bringing a little green joy into the world means that I wish no ill on them whatsoever; I just can't worry too much that their indie label might go mainstream.
The prospect of legalization has some Humboldt County growers so worried that an estimated 100 industry insiders met with community leaders last week to discuss the possibility of a "post-pot" economy. "The legalization of marijuana will be the single most devastating event in the work force on the North Coast," organizer Anna Hamilton reportedly said at the meeting. She estimates that the price of outdoor marijuana could drop to as little as $500 a pound and result in the loss of 15,000 to 30,000 jobs.
30,000 jobs lost? How many more would be created? How many manufacturers, packagers, marketers, and strategists would need to be hired? What about the increased demand for rolling papers, roach clips, bowls, bongs, and fresh fruit? It's venture capitalist heaven, the introduction of a new industry that isn't new. The market share is already carved out; it's now time to see who can produce and advertise their product the best. If, and it's a big if, it goes through, it's an exciting marketplace whose full potential we have yet to completely inhale.
Economics was never really my thing, however, as evidenced by my struggles just to get to C level in Micro at W&M. (It didn't help that I liked to cut class and Professor Barry had a renowned photographic memory.) No, what I am most excited about is marijuana legalization American style, meaning big budget advertising. Take the minds that brought you the best commercials for SportsCenter, Miller Lite, GoDaddy, and especially Nextel, and apply them to cannabis. The results are sure to be side-splitting, and I cannot wait.
Gheorghe: The Blog, nothing if not cutting edge, is now inviting you, our fair readership, to spitball and storyboard some possible slogans, premises, and ad campaigns for the kind bud industry. Who knows? With all of job opportunities on the horizon, you just might find yourself gainfully employed by the marketing department at Tarlek's Herb, Weedies, Reefer Sutherland, or The Green Leafe. Fire it up.
I hope you all saw the documentary CNBC did on weed in California. Blew me away how quasi-legal and widepsread it is in some parts of Northern California.
How can anyone possibly present an accurate number of people engaged in the pot production industry? They don't exactly keep their W-4's on record.
I saw the CNBC documentary, which I believe was aptly titled "Marijuana Inc."
saw the cnbc thing...there's also a documentary you can get on netflix..."something county" (but not "something" - i just can't remember name....irony?) that delves further into it...pretty amazing, but not as amazing as some of the plants that they show -dude...they're like redwoods.
and "dude...where'd ya get that jaaket?"
"ahh...the network gave it to me jeff"
Well, I'll tell you Stu, I did battle some humongous waves, but you know, just like I told the guy on ABC, "Danger is my business"
Reefer Sutherland, ahl.
from espn's twitter feed:
Former Notre Dame quarterback Jimmy Clausen completes 57-of-59 passes on pro day -
are we supposed to be impressed that he hit almost all his passes with no pass rush and no defenders? this is a bizarre stat. and somewhere, dan snyder just got on his cell phone.
Bradford and McCoy also missed only two passes on their Pro Day. And we care why?
McShay looked younger than Clausen when he was interviewing him.
colt went 59 for 59...
i missed, as in didn't see, a total of maybe 10 clausen passes this year. he is ridiculously accurate. he may crash and burn as a qb, but it won't be due to accuracy issues.
somebody find out how jamarcus did...
do you guys ever watch "Weeds"? good stuff. it deals w/said subject matter.
Not to make a serious point amid my weedy jokes, but wouldn't there be a need to control stoned driving the way they have with drunk driving? They don't have breathalyzers for stoners yet, right?
"Let me give you an example of the other side of it," Mayock said this morning on The Dan Patrick Show. "The best Pro Day I ever saw as a quarterback was JaMarcus Russell. . . . I've never seen a quarterback throw the football like that in my life, but I still couldn't take him in the first round -- the guy doesn't care about football. He doesn't have the passion for the game, doesn't have the work ethic, I don't want him. But by the way, it was a pretty impressive Pro Day."
Video of his pro day:
Oh internet, you surprise me once again...
very good chance of an all-brit final grouping on sunday in augusta...
Otherwise known as "The Orthodontist's Waiting Room"?
Nice grouping!
Thank you.
Some pedophile swim coach sold his computer on eBay but didn't erase everything, including secretly taped locker room footage. He's filthy and he's a moron.
Maybe I'm just a different kind of pervert, but I fail to see how video of anybody undressing and/or showering is in any way arousing.
just got back from a kids birthday party at the "jumping jungle." on friday night!
legalized pot would have made it much better. and if pot is legalized, it will get real cheap, if you can judge by amsterdam, where ten euros gets you enough dope to get stoned all week and then some (and that's the weak stuff.)
or so i've heard.
They have medical weed lollipops in Colorado.
Might as well put in a plug for Ron Paul. He'll legalize weed and drag us out of our fiscal disaster. And infuse the country with some much needed craziness. A little something for everybody.
The Wiz are hammering the crap out of Boston.
it's hard to imagine any more craziness than we've got now. but i'm game to try.
I've heard of those lollipops as well. Apparently they will put you on your ass. I want to try one...badly.
I'm sure nobody else here cares, but Florida's spring game is today. And ESPN is televising a spring game today...North Carolina's that is. This is beyond fucking stupid. They'll be more people in one section The Swamp than they'll be in all of Keenan Stadium.
you're right about not caring, me anyway. you're also right about unc's game being aired instead. wonder what the decision making process is on that one.
it's masters saturday people. coverage begins in 13 minutes.
It's not even that I think Florida's spring game should be on. There are probably another 5 more interesting games that could be televised over UNC. Doesn't matter though. The only thing any of us will be watching is The Masters.
tiger after his tee shot on the sixth hole..."tiger suck....god damn it"
poulter, tiger, sliding.
westwood, coasting - looking very, very solid
mickeltitties - close by
and right on cue, westwood hits tee shot on 7 left of left
i hope at least one of you saw that shot....mickelson, back to back eagles...the 2nd of which comes on 14. wow.
some serious back nine action today at....the national
tiger's sendin his whoo-ahs over to phil's place tonight
Um, some absurb golf shots being made right now...
tiger just talked dirty to that ball
tiger's got his play-uh shades on
ok, that's enough with tiger
phil figjam michelson....
fuck i'm good, just ask me.
Lez's me and 4,000 of my closest friends.
I've asked Flip if he'd like me to give 7 minutes of run tonight. Al Horford, watch out buddy.
Boxing out
Very overrated
30-30 after quarter one? Bring on the beverages.
Holy shit...kudos to the Wiz mktg folks...there might be 5K people in the 400 section. Wow.
getting ready to go to my daughter's dance competition. good thing nothing's happening this afternoon.
Sparkle Motion is always cramping Rob's style. His flow, however, is in good shape.
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