I was already quite excited for this item, then I read this: This high-quality sleeping bag looks just like a Tauntaun, complete with saddle, printed internal intestines, and a plush lightsaber zipper pull.
Printed internal intestines? Yes please. And according to the Prodcut Features, it also "simulates the warmth of a Tauntaun carcass". Can it get any better?
Maybe you should buy me more than one.

Too bad it doesn't have a heated anus, for the nights when a man gets very lonely.
Can we set an over/under on Lupe Izzo shots and mentions tonight?
The light saber zipper is a nice touch. Fun to feel like you're gutting the Tauntaun each time you unzip the sleeping bag.
Order won for me too. Make it my engagement present from the G:TB staff.
Or order "one". Me smart.
I'll say 11.5, TR.
Her name is Lupe
She lives on the second floor
She lives upstairs from you
Here is a lovely shot of Tom and Lupe:
It will be a regular Lupe fiasco. I can't believe it took 25 years for someone to come up with a Tauntaun sleeping bag. Genius.
Is Whitney committing suicide? Or is this the departure of his old moniker?
(crossing my fingers for a comment from Al Coholic soon)
Buster Hymen's arrival is mere moments away...
you think eric cantor wets himself when a car backfires nearby?
he says, as non-sequiturly as possible.
vaya con dios, whit. may the road rise to meet you.
rob, post a few more comments in a row. Please.
teejay, eat a dick. i mean that in the nicest possible way, of course.
No really, we want to hear more. Please. In fact, text and drive at same time. If you have the Luke Wilson plan, make a call even. If you have the Owen Wilson plan, well, hope you're successful this time.
El Teej is a bit salty. Sounds like someone's got the 'Cuse choke blues.
I need a drink.
don't you mean another drink, Teej?
TJ, got a new snack for you: Bacon Cheeseburger Turtle
I even saw Steven Pearl make a contribution.
I still find it absolutely astonishing how far the Baylor basketball program has come in such a short time after that debacle in Waco. I need to hit the googles and see if I can find a good write-up of that tragic saga.
LaceDarius is outscoring St Marys by himself.
Do not mess with the LaceDarius.
The Cuse loss ruined his bracket last night.
Purdue is suffocating Duke on defense. Pretty impressive.
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