It's March Madness eve, and all is well with the world. So, naturally, my thoughts turn to...organized religion?
I'm a simple man. A short, simple man. I seek not to reap a whirlwind or tug on Superman's cape. Just tilt at a windmill every now and again, and usually an inconsequential one. Today, though, my teapot is atempest.
I grew up a Christian, attending church every Sunday with my family. I still consider myself one, at least in spirit, though I long ago parted with the organized church in a one-sided protest against the confluence of religion and politics. My youngest daughter attends an Episcopal preschool like her sister before her, and I value the lessons both were taught about the Golden Rule and the deep value of love and mercy.

If you don't hear much from me after this, you'll know that the Swiss Guards found me and I'm deep in the bowels of the Vatican being reeducated. Send Teejay after me - he looks really Irish-Catholic. Enjoy the tournament.
That feels soooo much better.
Too bad TeeJay topped your post with basketball before anyone could deliver a hear, hear.
it's probably for the best. the longer it stayed on top, the more likely the wrong people would find it.
Nah. It was a good post. Happy to skip TeeJay and say hear, hear.
That Pope, he's something, eh?
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