An 18-year-old has secretly painted a 60ft drawing of a phallus on the roof of his parents' £1million mansion in Berkshire. It was there for a year before his parents found out. They say he'll have to scrub it off when he gets back from traveling.
I'm pretty sure it's not a secret anymore.
To follow up on Teej's "one sleeve equals one serving" discussion on cookies, you have to throw Thin Mints into the mix. I like to freeze a sleeve and then throw it down like nobody's business. But Fig Newtons are a close second. It's almost like it's a fruit snack and not a sugar-laden cookie.
TR, have you noticed how girl scout cookies are getting smaller and smaller? Starting to piss me off. But it makes eating a sleeve even easier.
Chips Ahoy is still a tough sleeve to get through without some dedication. And milk.
Pepperidge Farm cookies... it used to be downing one of the three cupcake liners (or whatever those are) inside was enough. Nowadays I'm good for 2, or maybe the whole bag. Mint Milanos and Bordeaux are tops.
And I gotta say, Teej: ""Hard hitting news from across the pond"? No dick joke in the title? Too easy?
The Trefoils are getting so small that I think both sleeves will be in order next time.
I'm pretty sure even you can find a dick joke in that title...
I don't know if the cookies are smaller or my mouth (and gut) are bigger.
On the topic of eating a lot, I have utterly missed out on my calling. There's a show on the Travel Channel called Man Vs. Food. Basically, a guy who looks like a Jewish version of me (and who is shaped like me) travels the US and stops in towns to try unique/challenging/famous entrees at renowned places. For example, he'll try to eat a 12 egg omelette, or attack the hottest curry entree in the US. He's a freelance competitive eater who pigs out and talks like a smartass to a camera. This job was MADE for me.
trhymo - i made exactly the same comparison of you and the man v. food guy to my wife last week. she, of course, has no idea who you are, which made the conversation somewhat less interesting.
I discovered six months ago I like Doritos. Who knew?
Look at me, expanding my horizons.
I just ate an entire sleeve of Thin Mints last night, in about 5 mins. And that was without reading TJ's post. Thin Mints are like crack.
Whole Foods makes these kettle-cooked potato chips. I eat an entire bag in one sitting, no matter what size bag I bought.
I find it interesting that TR's calling has changed over the past 13 years. When we graduated he claimed that his calling was to "move to California and revolutionize the porn industry."
I believe that claim was made drunkenly after watching Boogie Nights in the theater.
But that was when I was younger and lived the phrase "hot fuck action to the max." Or at least wanted to pretend I did.
espn reporting grant having a second meeting with alabama. he using them for leverage? what other big conference jobs may be open this summer? uva's open. nc state? south florida? rutgers? oregon? alabama's as good as any of those. i wouldn't count on him buying a house in tuscaloosa, though.
I know the "move to California" thing was before Boogie Nights because you told my dad that was your plan in a post-graduation stupor on the back porch. Definitely May 12, 1996.
Your Dad must have been overjoyed to hear that. I know my Dad loves a good porn industry story.
What do you think Grant is being paid now, and what do you think Bama would throw at him?
If he's getting $300 K now, it would be hard to turn down a 4 year, $3.5 MM deal. It would be a life-altering contract for a guy who's been teaching at a dumpy school.
I have no idea what the numbers are. Just making a guess.
VCU, which does not have a football team, pays him a base salary of $400,000, with bonuses and incentives that boost his pay to nearly $1 million.
Those are some kinda incentives.
...although the NY Times said he gets a $400 K base, $100 K in annuities and other bonuses. I don't see how he could get $500 K in "other."
That said, never underestimate the deep pockets of an SEC school that wants to be more competitive.
reports out of alabama say that the school's prepared to offer $2m/year to "the right person".
that would be damn near impossible to turn down
Isn't "right person" Alabamese for "not a black guy"?
you said it, not me.
But you were thinking it you dirty little bigot, you.
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