See the people walking down the street
Fall in line just watching all their feet
They don't know where they wanna go
But they're walking in time
They got Tha Beet
They got Tha Beet
They got Tha Beet
See the kids just getting out of school
They can't wait to hang out and be cool
Hang around 'til quarter after twelve
That's when they fall in line
Kids got Tha Beet
They got Tha Beet
They got Tha Beet
Kids got Tha Beet
Go-Go music really makes us dance
Do the Pony puts us in a trance
Do the Watusi just give us a chance
That's when we fall in line
We got Tha Beet
We got Tha Beet
We got Tha Beet
We got Tha Beet
Everybody get on your feet
We know you can dance to the beat
Jumpin' - get down
Round and round and round
Just got laid off. Dagger.
Oh Jesus...sorry TR.
Now I feel like an even bigger douche than normal bitching about being hungover.
fuck, tr.
Sorry 'bout that TR. Get yourself nice and drunk today.
And yes, I am dragging as in a major way this morning. I cannot imagine what I would feel like if I had been drinking last night.
You'd be still drunk. But trying to down a venti coffee.
If, hypothetically, you were drinking until 2am last night.
Sorry TR.
TR, perhaps you don't even have internet access right now, but I think our readership would like a further rundown of this day for you...are you already boozing? Did you whip it out and piss on a desk on your way out? Did you leave a legendary TR souvenir in the bathroom for management?
I feel like management knew about TR's bran plan for Monday morning and decided to cut him off at the pass...you know, before he shit his pants in their offices on Monday. Seriously though TR...have a few on Rob.
rob, better make sure that wallet is locked and loaded, because I'm having between a few and a case on you today as well, you tiny little pissant.
it's the least i can do after the showing you, mark and shlara made last night. i'm inventing a new g:tb award for the three of you. magnificent performance.
me, i was asleep two minutes into the first overtime.
teej, do you have the matching t-shirts ready? i really think the devito/schwarzeneggar 'twins' gambit will go over huge today.
The most annoying thing to me is that I have to take a local train home. I'll be okay as long as I maintain my usual level of vitriole towards society in general.
I may have to turn into this millenium's Fred Garvin. Ghoogle the name if you don't get the reference.
Unemployment. It's the new employment.
"We find it's always better to fire people on a Friday. Studies have statistically shown that there's less chance of an incident if you do it at the end of the week."
Nice to know one of our own was decommissioned by the Bobs.
TR, if you want, I can throw your former employers on my personal boycott list. It's fairly debilitating when you get placed on it. Just as the Foo Fighters or the Wendy's on Lee Highway.
In all seriousness, very sorry to hear it. I hope your severance exceeds your time out of the workplace by some margin.
Add Creed and the Union Station movie theater to that list.
i saw 'showgirls' in that theater. on opening day. yeah, that's right.
And Paul's Deli. And the Commercial Tap House in Richmond.
I think Rob may still be boycotting the Best Buy at Seven Corners. And the Supercuts where the Asian lady gave him sideburn chunks.
rob, will we be storming the floor later?
i should certainly hope so
hear me now and believe me later: if michigan state gets a #1 seed they go out in the round of 32.
There's no way they get a #1 seed, is there?
Are George & Lennie going to provide in game/at bar updates?
Yes, we will provide real time updates for you...
i can confirm that we are at the dubliner. i just ate a chicken sandwich with cheddar cheese, bacon, and fried jalapenos. i eschewed the chili on top. teejay is two vodka and red bulls in. hilarity to ensue.
Gheorghe: The Twitter. . . Fantastic.
dub ran out of red bull. teejay not deterred, went to a convenience store to replenish. all is well.
The metro really takes the juoce outta you...
no massive crowds leaving the metro. don't these people know an ncaa berth is on the line?
time to buy cheez-its.
Yeah, we tearing up some public transpo on our way...
If Rob loves Cheez-Its it might be time for me to reevaluate my hate for him.
I love the image some indian IT guy on the way home from work sitting next to TJ who is stinking of last night's wine while crushing red bulls and sneaking sips out of airline sized bottles of vodka.
The AU cheer squad is hurting
two nerrrvous basketball teams. took us 3 minutes of of clock time to find our seats and no points had been scored.
this gym is smaller than my high school's. considerably. atmosphere is awesome. loud, hot, apprehensive. kinda like teejay's wedding night.
guy in front of us has a signed kermit washington american jersey. awesome. film at 11.
Its the new 80/20 rule...Patriot League basketball, it white-tastic.
teejay's making loud melissa stark references. amusement reigns.
I strenuosly object...the actual AU cheerleaders are kinda moaney
You haven't lived til you heard the AU band ruin the Village People
Is there any chance we can get a score or some play-by-play recaps of the actual game?
What's the score? I don't feel like going over to ESPN.com
And, I don't get these stations in my office...
yes there is. you can turn your television to the channel that's broadcasting the game. we're purely color here.
well, fuck. au leads 28-18 at the half. little bit sloppy. american's getting points from everyone and playing tough defense. au's conference poy point guard, derrick mercer, had a terrible half - only 2 points. i'd feel pretty good about things if i were jeff jones.
Ok, then. Give us a play-by-play of the halftime show
It's like Cats...but much much worse
halftime pbp: layup, layup, layup, layup, layup, layup.
mayor fenty bigfoots somebody, gets front row seat. keeping the little guy down.
garrison carr with back to back triples - au up 43-25. teejay gives the billy packer 'it's over'.
rob is already chafing at the thought of us leaving pre-floor storming
TJ, you CANNOT leave until the kids storm the court. That's the best part!
Jeff Jones, Cowboy Cafe patron. If the they're tied after regulation, AU wins for that alone.
you tell him, shlara.
also, i'm pretty sure kermit just farted. not cool.
brian gilmore converts an old school three-point play, au up 53-36. second half moving slowwwwly - lot of fouls, holy cross pressing. teejay unhappy with a foul call.
Oh yeah AU band...its Billie Jean time...
call off the dogs, ralph willard.
storming! cool.
Photos and recap to follow...when we sober up....
kicked some old school rap with teejay (grandmaster flash, y'all) before jumping on the train back to my car.
fuck. this really is gtb twitter.
Wow, I was sure Cuse would have nothing left...I was dead wrong...
thought you may be done for the nite TJ. and thought the cuse would mail this one in... guess not
Mark, you think Florida might want to sac up and beat Auburn?
It's not delivery...it's devendorf.
cuse has no business winning this game. what the fuck is wrong with these cyborgs?
I mean, Baylor has to win the Big 12 tourney, right? They're four years removed from a teammate shooting another teammate execution-style and the coach deflecting the story with random drug dealers stories.
Plus, Scott Drew is Bryce's brother, yes?
I have tremendous manlove for Jonny Flynn.
"nowhere do you show more toughness than by making free throws with the game on the line" - bilas on jonny "tough" flynn.
who's fired up for the duquesne/temple a-10 final?
"So after Ollie makes this free throw..."
if this game goes overtime, there's no fucking way i'm going to bed tonight before it's over.
What a shock...more overtime...un-fucking-real...
I just got home from dinner. Is this really happening again???
I'll tell you what - no team in the last five years has had more great conference tournament moments than the Cuse.
gerry mcnamara is suiting up in the tunnel.
I really don't like Cuse, but I do like this Flynn kid.
fucking duke. it's now official, and i really don't know when this happened, but i hate you. i hate you as much as i hate carolina. i hate you as much as i hate syracuse. fuck right off.
seriously, I can't do another overtime
that was some bullshit, right there.
Jonny Flynn might have to be the new G:TB mascot. TJ loves him (natch), I love him, Shlara loves and Rob should love him because he's a midget (relatively speaking).
And, I'm saying it right now. I won't watch minute of Florida in the NIT. Not even if they make to the finals again. I've had it with these bunch of pussies. I hate this team and its allergy to defense and toughness.
Suck it Carolina
Damn...I predicted TJ would type "suck it tarheels".
little gtb cross-promotion for y'all:
big thanks to eric at storming the floor.
i'm trying to love jonny flynn, but that yankees cap he wore while walking into msg isn't helping.
It appears the Cuse may be all out of juice
Is the Big East getting three #1 seeds now?
#1 seeds: Lville, UNC, Pitt, Memphis
TR's probably right but I just can't endorse Memphis as a #1 seed. They are clearly a level below last year's team and their conference continues to be utter crap. For christ's sake, they've beaten UTEP and Tulane in the last two conference tournament finals.
jay cutler's a little bitch. he's going on the list.
I would like to see Joe Lunardi miss a couple of bubble teams for once. I'm getting a little sick of his all-knowing attitude.
I want the Jets to draft Cutler. I'll take a petulant guy with a cannon arm over Mark Sanchez at #17.
It's almost as if Seth MacFarlane wrote tonight's new Family Guy just for me:
The Juice Is Loose
Peter cashes in a winning 1989 raffle ticket that he had lost. The prize: a round of golf with O.J. Simpson. Peter, who had been unaware of Simpson's notoriety, thinks this is a fine idea.
Buckeyes are toast.
we need some gtb-based hijinks/game of skill for the tourney. any ideas?
i'm selling the big ten way short and going long on the big east. shocker.
I think thats probably the general consensus amongst our staff, Rob. I'd be shocked if most of my brackets don't have 2 Big East teams in the Final Four. Though, I'm always very weary of picking against Michigan State. For whatever reason, Izzo seems to get his teams to play their best during the tourney.
sparty's got a pretty easy run to the sweet 16. i think kansas gets them there. my no-analysis-whatsoever, first-thought final four is uconn, kansas, pitt, oklahoma. i'd pay real american money to see blair and griffin play each other in the semis.
i've got 4 big east teams in the final 8. that may be a little much.
I have a bad feeling about Kansas. My first reaction Final Four (and this will definitely change) is:
Michigan St.
Oh god, no, that won't do.
Your boys are Siena got a bit f'ed. I'm pretty sure they'd trade their pretty 9 for an 11 to go against Marquette and Missouri instead of a home game against tOSU and then Louisville.
i could definitely see cuse making a run - loads of moxie on that squad, and good, good guards, which is a huge deal in march.
somehow, i have a marquette/maryland sweet 16 matchup. that ain't happening. gonna need to change that one when i do a bracket for money.
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