Gator accused of starting fire at abandoned school
Mar 6, 8:55 PM (ET)
NEW CASTLE, Pa. (AP) - A four-foot alligator rescued in an abandoned school on fire in western Pennsylvania may have also started the blaze. North Beaver Township officials are not identifying the owner of the former elementary school that burned Thursday afternoon near New Castle, about 40 miles northwest of Pittsburgh.
But they said the man was living with a menagerie of animals in the building, including the alligator, about 70 rabbits and unspecified "aquatic animals." The Pennsylvania Game Commission was involved in caring for the animal.
Fire Chief Paul Henry said the building's owner believes the alligator started the fire by knocking over a portable heater. Firefighters removed the animal, but only after taping its mouth shut.
We have obtained a pic of the possible suspect, and it's likely his attempt to get in shape (as seen below) is what knocked over the heater:

And here you thought I was going with a
Jacques Rickerson pic, didn't you? (that link chosen to piss Mark off to no end)
Yeah, your sis sent me that link, along with some nude pics.
Well...enjoy them, I guess.
In other news, MAAC Final tonight, 9pm, espn2 I believe. Catch a glimpse of Siena before penciling them into your bracket as a first round upset winner.
Irony defined?
SILVER SPRING, Md. (AP) - Montgomery County police say 16 people were arrested after a fight broke out during a concert held to promote nonviolence and to remember a Silver Spring teen killed last year.
Zoltan and Work Jerry should be purchasing this right about now.
I'll keep it with my Scott Norwood jersey.
point of order. it's married jerry. work jerry implies that ad hoc jerry doesn't do any work. and we know how untrue that is.
John Butler is spinning in his grave. I may declare myself a free agent fan.
Everyone needs to take a few moments today to read the cover story about Nolan & Derek Smith. Derek was a first class guy and it's so nice to see his son follow in his footsteps, even if he does play for Duke.
my. eric maynor is basketballing. and getting help.
Mason might want to score more than 19 points in the 2nd half. Just a thought.
they appear happy with 19. okay, 20.
0 for 6 on second half field goals in first five minutes. Way to get out of the gate...
teej, you getting fired up for your saints?
By the way, G:TB's coverage of the CAA has been piss poor this year. Naturally, I blame Rob.
me, too.
Also, TJ, did you watch the Rider-Niagara semifinal last night? Mildy exciting that game was.
You bet your ass I am. That is going to be one fun game. I say Saints 84-80.
that niagara/rider game was as fun as this mason/gmu game is the suck.
Only saw the highlights, but, yeah, that was freaking absurd. Here's hoping Niagara doesn't have much left in the tank.
rob, as much as it might pain youe CAA-loving ass, switch over to the C of C/Chattanooga (Shin) Choo Choo game.
Not that anybody cares, but Flutie and I ran for 6-7 straight games down at my local park this afternoon. Good times.
And after you beat him for the third straight time you jumped up and down on a box of Flutie Flakes?
more please. a real flutie of the doug/darren variety, or is that a nickname for someone else?
Not a nickname, it was Doug. And we were playing on the same team, TJ.
i'm gonna give that a pretty high rating on the awesome scale. how's his game?
If Maynor and Sanders play like this in the first round they are upsetting someone.
Pretty good actually. I imagine he was probably a beast a decade or so ago. Still a really solid pg with a nice handle and pretty good jumpshot. Very strong, as you would expect, with terrific hands on D.
This is probably the 5th or 6th time I've played with/against him. He's grew up around here and his mom still lives not far from my house. The park we play at is in between my house and his mom's, so he comes by and plays whenever he's in town. And, in case you're wondering I'd say he's about 5'7".
Someone want to explain to Len Elmore that the top three or four lines of the bracket would not be a #6 seed like Duke was...
vcu may have more dunks than mason does field goals.
God dammit, let's get this CAA snorefest over with so we can get to the MAAC game.
maynor's gotta be one of the top 5 caa players of all time. the admiral obviously takes the top line. maybe johnny newman's up there. george evans from mason, maybe. i can't really think of anyone else i'd put higher than maynor.
The Times Useless is one of the worst newspapers in the country.
So nice to have McDonough and Raf doing this game...
Not a good start for the Saints at all.
I don't think there's anyway that Newman can't be in that CAA top 5. That list has the makings of a nice little post, Roberto.
Make a fucking shot!!!
Rob...does Jose Juan Barea make your CAA list even though he was technically a CAA member for 1 year?
If you can't tell, I'm intrigued by this all time CAA list. And, after a little research, I think Petey Sessoms and Brett Blizzard are probably on this list.
What a horrendous tech...
i did the same research. didn't remember that blizzard won the poy twice. steve hood is on the list, too, most likely. two-time poy back when i was in school. he was smoove. jose juan probably misses out because of the one year thing.
nice little run for the green and gold, teej.
Now we're fucking talking...
i'm kinda excited for the patriot league final on friday. guess we'd better go ahead and buy tickets tomorrow.
You're the adult around here...get it done.
siena gets their hands on everything.
sanders had 18 points, 20 boards, and 7 blocks in the caa final. gracious.
Extremely sloppy half for both clubs...
The Magic just shit the bed in the final two minutes in Detroit. Not good times.
Even in a down year, the Pistons still own Orlando. No way the Magic want to see them in the first round.
The most amazing thing about the Doors is that Ray Manzarek played the synth line with one hand and the bass line with the other hand at the same time.
Hi Greg!
Ronald Moore is quick as shit. Damn.
I'm not trying to be a dick here but wasn't the mother of the Niagara coach supposed to be on death's door last year?
Not even last year - 4 yrs ago.
Duell makes me look like Gregory Hines in the post.
Funny that Cal Bowdler doesn't even darken the doorstep of this list and he got drafted something like 19th.
Petey Sessoms was nicenice. I was going to say Mark West (yes, I am old), but I am pretty sure ODU was in the Sun Belt then.
If Siena pulls this out, they have Rossiter to thank...
Well, Hasbrouck too.
Oh yeah, put 'em in a body bag...
Anyone have this Heat/Bulls game on? It looks absurd.
Must weigh in here: Blizzard, Evans, Robinson, and Maynor are the clear top four. Nobody else is close.
Well, maybe Taylor Mokris at five.
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