Some rather entertaining web searches to hold you over until corporate releases the Round 2 Cauc Hop results:
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- have you heard about the lonesome losers
As the biggest Clerks fan who peruses this fine site, I demand to know how and when a reference to that movie made it up here. Was there a post way back in the day?
I drunkenly sang all six lines to that song into an open mic on a stage at an apres ski bar in Aspen 7 years ago. I won a Fat Tire shirt and skull cap. 5 people laughed and clapped hysterically when I finished. 95 people looked at me like I was weird. I lost the hat that night.
You bet your ass - I'm quite certain I did an entire Clerks Quotes post, blatantly ripping off Whit's boy Bill Simmons in the process.
Um, where is the naked ladies nude on the beach video?
An excellent question. I'm still checking the archives, but apparently it's tucked away the same place as the Arc of the Covenant.
Someone take the bong away from Tom Verducci:
Baseball became a truly global game when the Netherlands, the international baseball version of Buster Douglas, the 1980 U.S. hockey team and the Milan Indians rolled into one, put the tournament on the map by upsetting the heavily favored, star-studded Dominican Republic team, 2-1. Talk about shocking the world. Go crazy, Rotterdam, go crazy.
We've got our top men working on it right now.
Greg, coming through again...he's the Reggie Miller of comment completion.
Um, we're still waiting on that St. Paddy's Day pick-up line, Teej. Even better if it relates to Clerks.
rick boyages is thrilled that someone cares enough to ghoogle him.
Man U - Inter Milan kicks off at 2:45 EST. Second match of their Round of 16 meeting. First match was a scoreless tie.
those crafty possums from depaul are at it again.
"Cute cat. What's its name?"
"A scoreless tie" sounds like the results of a schmuck-off between the residents of 329 Collins Ave. Apt. 2. Or a schmuck-off between Klam and Miguel.
...or the results of your date with Shivers!
"Which did you like better? 'Jedi' or 'The Empire Strikes Back'?"
That was entirely Baldwin's fault. He left the overhead light on and it was too bright in the room and it threw off my (limited) game. I was tremendously drunk and too stupid to just turn the overhead off and the subtle light on.
ah, depaul. out, out brief candle.
Are you sure it wasn't Captain America's fault?
pulling out the call about zoltan's aborted attempts at hooking up with Shivers. she later admitted that she was ready to go, but he never pulled the trigger. good times. I remember laughing again about that when having drinks with drew last week.
st johns not planning to give us the same thrill as depaul. hard to come back from a 28-point halftime deficit. especially when you only tally 10 in the half.
Ah the Schmuck-off...greatest odds in Fry Lam history, Doug McDaniel? And did anyone ever collect on those odds?
Heavy D actually had a girlfriend, so he proved himself immensely more worthy than the other schmucks. I think Miguel and Klam stood above all others. We couldn't even come up with numbers big enough for their odds.
Are you sure Doug had a real girlfriend? Or was it something more along the lines of what that Lars dude had?
And I thought girlfriends didn't count anyway...
I met Heavy D's ladyfriend at homecoming one time. Apparently he tried to give her the shocker, and instead he 6-packed her. He found this out because she said to him "Doug, you 6-packed me!" Classy.
I saw Lars and the Real Girl. I don't recommend any of you do.
If we're saving people from 2 awful hours at the theater, or on their couch, DO NOT watch the Will Smith organ donor snoozefest "Seven Pounds"
Oh, and Sisler...nicely done.
OK, so to end my day, I hit the mens room, and my zipper falls off in my hand. Fly is in the down position. I have to metro home. It's 70 degrees out. About 90 on the metro train. I'm wearing my winter coat zipped up at bottom to hide my wide open fly. I'm sweating like Dom Deluise at a buffet. Fuck my life.
Oof. Although . . . if you made a list of Worst Things to Fall Off In Your Hand in the Men's Room, the zipper might be down the list.
If Syracuse ends up losing this game to Seton Hall, it's entirely possible they get a 6/7 seed, possibly setting up a very confusing matchup for me with a 10/11 Siena squad.
Oh yeah its gettin' real chippy at the Garden...
Navy SEALS!!!
Bunch of savages in this town.
"My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks."
"In a row?"
Happy Scrappy Hero Pup!!!
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