Now I can't speak for everybody, but I don't remember hearing about Paul Hogan or Crocodile Dundee until after Family Ties went off the air. And after the Crocodile Dundee series finally bit the dust, we saw Meredith Baxter whoring herself out for a paycheck on every TV movie she could find. It begs the question: Is Baxter Hogan? Is Hogan Baxter? How does Birney factor into this? And, more importantly, what is Linda Kozlowski up to these days?

Where's Lois Einhorn?
Is MBB's skin sponsored by Rawlings?
Hey, TR, Crocodile Dundee came out in '86, the heyday of "Family Ties." The sequel even came out a year before FT went off the air. Did these films not get released in Jersey until the 90's?
Yeah, I know, way to be a dick. There is this, however: The character "Crocodile" Dundee's full name? Michael J. Dundee. Coincidence??
Why did you have to go and use "facts" and "chronology" to kill my story? My theory still contains elements of truthiness, so I stand by it.
So the Nets are pretty good, eh?
Greetings from the Valley of The Sun, as my suck ass travel schedule continues to contribute to Z-Man and the Teej.
How could you not include Markie Post or Kathleen Turner? Where is VI Warchowski?
Marlin, you're not doing a very good job booking guests for the are we supposed to fill four hours every morning without guests?
Sorry Boff.
I will work on getting a big name like partridge, freeland, or Carles to chime in. I am also working on getting Ms. Flood and Ms. Shivers for the "Swint, This is Your Life" segment.
The daily news is reporting that the mets are close to signing Henry Blanco. 2010 Met Fever, Like H1N1 only less contagious.
do my eyes deceive me, or did the big 10 finally break through? bo ryan, bitches.
They already made the Swint "This is Your Life" movie. It went straight to VHS. Patton Oswalt showed a lot of range.
Patton Oswalt had to take a leave of absence during filming at one point, so they subbed in footage of Carson Daly when he got stung by that bee and swelled up all huge-like.
Semi-interesting Crocodile Dundee tidbit. The character was inspired by Rod Ansel, who was stranded along the Fitzmaurice River for two months after a crocodile attacked his boat.
22 years later, Ansel was killed in a shootout with police.
The Mets are also trying to sign Benny Blanco from the Bronx.
Patrick Dempsey, reprising his role from Loverboy, was genius as the sage like father figure/Channelo's delivery guy.
It was a stroke of creative genius to let Swint front Smash Mouth and do his own theme song for the film.
Rod Ansell, the modern day Ned Kelly. Those Aussies love their police shootouts.
I liked Swint better when he fronted Blues Traveler.
Wade Phillips wants more respect? Maybe he should win a playoff game.
yep, these are my friends. sweet. I'm moving to Jersey.
Don't go Swint! We'll remake the movie and you can be played by Taye Diggs.
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