Our beloved Tribe take on some lame Catholics from Villanova tonight in Villanova at a dumpy Villanova Stadium smack in the middle of their pasty campus.
I got nothings. Somebody bring this baby home.
I got nothings. Somebody bring this baby home.
Looks like TR fell over, Foster's oilcan in hand, on the train ride home. We've got your back, big fella. In this the 374th post of 2009, we celebrate both Whitney's epic recap of the Cauc Hop's final round and William & Mary's quest for Chattanooga. And in true G:TB spirit, we do both things half-assed and hurried.
It's supposed to be 27 degrees on the field at kickoff. Fact: Jimmye Laycock's never lost a game played in December at night on a Friday in Philadelphia in sub-30-degree temperatures. I like our chances. Additional fact: the entire G:TB staff will be ensconced in our slippers, cozied up in front of our fireplaces while our friends suffer in the City of Brotherly Love. These friends are better people than we, though not smarter. It is for their sake, Jimmye, that we beseech you and your boys to run as fast as the wind.
See you all in the comments at 8:00. And Godspeed, TR. May you awake before the train reaches Ronkonkoma. (Note: train may not be headed anywhere near Ronkonkoma. I just enjoy typing and saying Ronkonkoma.)
1 – 200 of 235 Newer› Newest»Roll tribe. I'm fired up.
I don't have a fireplace and I don't plan on staying home tonight, but I agree with the overall tone and spirit of this post. Except that I expect Nova to shellack the (Fighting) Wrens.
erin mcguire looking to join in on some gheorghe action tonight...talk at ya game time.
I wish I disagreed with Zoltan, but I'm expecting a woodshedding as well. I'll say 41-24 Villanofun.
Rob, you got a score prediction for us?
Geoff, no way does 'nova put 41 on us. Well, turnovers would have to be a-plenty, and let's hope that doesn't happen.
I'll say Tribe 21, Villanova 20 in a showdown for the ages.
They hung 28 on us in the first meeting so 41 didn't seem completely improbable. Obviously I'm hoping for better...and trying to best utilize my reverse jinx/poor prognostication skills.
I like the thought. I just think our D is really clicking of late. Of course, it's freezing, and any CAA opponent -- much less the best one -- is a whole lot different than a very good out-of-conference opponent. I just hope you were way off.
Tiger to take "indefinite leave of absence"? I'll take that to mean "See you all at Augusta."
tribe 24, nova 19
I'm nervous.
16-13 Tribe. I like getting the ball in the second half.
3,000 people there? Sounds like mostly Tribe fans.
i see lots of 'whitney sucks' or 'kill whitney' comments forthcoming
Tribe defense - still a swarm. Just get a handle on that QB option keeper, boys.
Nice tribe D. Look at all of the W&M fans!
seth davis gives still more tribe love in this week's sports illy. flabbergasting.
This NOVA defense seems a little gimicky. I like the run game's chances once the O-line gets a handle on it.
no passes in the first 5 plays? staunch defense? who the hell are these guys in white?
Nice ground and pound action with the running game early.
I wish Archer was less of a tough guy and wore sleeves. Keep that arm warm, dude.
The Enterprise commercial being the first ad is a positive sign according to me...a harbinger if you will.
i bet the enterprise dude got himself a harbinger.
and nice stop, boys.
Tribe should try a couple of short slants across the middle. Something is open in there. Maybe shake up their blitz a little.
some fairly unimaginative stuff for jimmye thus far
Hopefully this Whitney kid doesn't change his cleats
whitney's a dope
hold the damn ball, young man
Anybody else sleep-training their baby tonight using the "cry it out" method (also known as dad chugging red wine method)? The wife and the eldest escaped, leaving me, my home, a lot of sports on TV and hours and hours of shrieking child.
ahl, tr.
is jimmye going brian billick on us? reformed offensive genius embraces the dark side, wins with defense and ball control.
uh oh, somebody calm shlara down. jay wright's coming on the telecast.
I've got two infants next to me on the couch and I'm drinking red wine. They're quiet now...but it won't last. Neither will the wine...so I'll be switching to scotch in the second half.
Jay Wright - that guy seems okay.
Jay is hot. Even you guys can agree with that.
villanova's punter is kicking our ass
Somebody rough the punter.
but yes, jay is dreamy
Yeah, I wouldn't kick Jay out of bed for eating crackers...as long as he shares.
We should think about "catching" some of those punts.
Wright seems to have enormous hands. Probably a good harbinger for you, Shlara.
reallly don't like this sequence of plays
One bit of solace we can take so far is that the biggest mismatch so far in the game seems to be our D-line dominating their O-line.
now i do
Watching that replay, the CB looks absolutely clueless, swatting and leaping when he was nowhere near the ball. Good to see another I-AA's school defensive backs aborting for a change.
reallly like how jimmye feigned incompetence to set that up. brilliant.
That was a bit of a genius play call. On their own 2, had attempted no pass over like 8 yards prior to taking the shot.
our kicking game, redskinesque
Are you all Damon or Brock Huards guys?
Why is this game going so slowly? We're 5 minutes into the 2nd qtr after 69 minutes. I don't get it.
Wow, we're not inside the 5 to start the drive. It's an embarrassment of riches.
Jay Wright is the junior calipari of college hoops...shlara can piss and moan her way to an orgasm over this profound accusation
Brock and Damon Huatd are the Voltaggio brothers of late 2009 Bravo TV
whoa, big fella
TJ, if you work "blue" you'll never play the big rooms. That's what killed Redd Foxx's career.
Huge personal foul.
thanks again, dempsey, you fuckstick
Geoffrey went all google map at lunch. It's 420 miles (settle down hughes) to get to Boone, NC
Just in case we make it there
Road trip bitches?
Worst. Camera set-up. Ever.
is it boone or chattanooga?
And then later when I sobered up I realized the game would be in Chattanooga.
Finals are in Chattanooga, TN, Mr. Teej.
ah, fuck. that's huge.
Revenge o' the fuckstick.
whitney throws like a girl
Tribe D continues to come up as huge as Jay Wright's sensuous fingers.
We are dominating time of possession. We'll end the half with over 19 minutes on offense. Will be good to start the second half with the ball.
65 seconds left, 1st down on our 30, full set of TOs. I'd like to see some attempt here.
Hepatitis B killed Rick Fox's career.
That and NY Undercover.
anyone checked to make sure tim finchem's okay?
Roark-esque injury to the TE...meaning he'll get up and sprint off the field any second now.
For my first 2 years in the burg I thought our coach was named "Jimmy Lakehawk.". I was quite surprised when I realized my mistake...except for the part about the superfluous "e".
Quick slant guys. You've been working the outside. Take a shot
the ncaa made him change that indian-looking name
Stick this, Pate.
Hepatitis B killed Rick Fox's career.
That and NY Undercover.
gigantic kick
TJ two times.
Redskins. Draft the injun bradford
My work I'd done
i hope greg is filming teejay this evening
We might wanna send someone to check on TJ. If the door has been toweled, don't let that stop you.
robert smith sounds so articulate while making this asinine argument
10 minutes into shrieking baby. And I'm out of wine, beer and scotch. Poor booze cabinet stocking. It's on to vodka and club soda or screwdrivers.
I'd tell Geoff to fuck off, but I don't want to disturb the wife and kiddies...
Look, no spelling errors.
We really should have some webcams going in the homes of TR and TJ.
Anybody notice #5 on Nova (I assume he's the backup QB)? He's a giant. He brings to mind former Gator/laptop stealer Cam Newton.
TR, unlike you and Burrberry, I have no excuse of childrens...but I found solace in woodchuck cider...
Hi Mark
You tattoed fag
you know what the worst part about drinking hard cider is?
telling your parents you're gay.
Brian Kelly looks really weird in a suit.
The spin doctor robert smith knows as much about football as my producer the marls knows about three way tantric sex
Haha, the fucking midget guy made a joke
So cute
TJ, no one likes an angry drunk...trust me, I've tried it. On the other hand, a smug, aloof drunk is a real crowd favorite.
Toby gayheart needs to send touchdown tommy vardell some love
Perhaps a taller than average smug trivia-loving drunk is the right rt?
Everyone hang in...Mayhugh wants to tell us Double Impact is on at 5:46am tomorrow...
Mmmmm...Belvedere and Tropicana (no pulp).
Seriously, why is it still halftime? It's 9:45 and there have been very few TV timeouts and 2 scores. How is this a 3:30+ game?
Stope being old you candle-stick wielding m'fer...
Did Uecker keep Belvedere from doing his law and order suv-ing?
germans? forget it, he's rolling.
Yeah, stope it.
Um....look at those halftime stats...we should be up 20...that's gonna come back to haunt us.
My high school kicker could've started for either team. Maybe that's because he went on to be the punter at Hofstra, but you get my point.
wow, varmo's one immobile kid
I would have liked a better drive to start the half.
agree with both teej and mayhugh - we should be up more than 10. more points, please.
if she went to Jared, is that better than going to Zales?
I'm at a festivus party. I've comandeered the TV, complained that its not HD and refuse to talk to anyone until the game is over. People are alreadt airing their grievances about me.
Speaking of Jared, Jared the Subway guy does a lot of coke and is not afraid to ask people to do it with him. I have that directly from a friend. Maybe Jared is more Tigery than we think.
Luv the Shlar
You have one
ah, crap
special teams caused that. killing us.
fuck, grimes
"Not so fresh feeling" catches a lot of key passes.
Not sure if anybody here cares, but UVA beat Wake in the NCAA soccer semis tonight. They play the Akron-UNC winner on Sunday. That game is in OT now.
UVA's head coach is George Gelnovatch, who went to my high school and used to live 2 houses away from me. He's the most famous alumnus from my high school who didn't get famous for being a whore (looking at you, Ashley Dupre).
jimmye, onions
Wow, big play.
I like the idea to go for it here.
Somebody tell Archer to stop throwing at guys' ankles. His receivers are really making his stats look good by catching everything. Pretty impressive in 20 degree weather.
Archer - caucasian for McNabb
Baby cried itself to sleep at 10:10. Tribe winning in the 3rd. Screwdrivers going down smooth. Life is good for the moment.
jesus, squib the fucking thing
TR, is Ashely Dupree the Spitzer girl?
I'd like to see a replay of that run.
special olympics teams
I hate that little white guy.
When did Laycocke start morphing into Hunter S. Thompson?
Worst special teams in I-AA. Same story all year. We need a stope here.
Was our DC bummed by having to deal with Chainsaw during the summer session?
Ashley is the Spitzer girl. Her mom is a jawdropping cougar, although she's probably approaching 50 by now.
Fake punt is always in play when you give them the ball at or near midfield the whole game. Need a play here.
I work in an industry of cougars...I've got to tell you, they really are an impressive dem(oh)graphic.
who wants to make a play here?
I don't like how this half is setting up.
I do not like this momentum shift
Nova has a running back from Los Angeles?
FCS: Where white wide receivers happen.
sean lissimore, for one
I think he caught it.
that's a catch
Thank god the line judge from blue man group loves the cheese shop
Ball was moving a little. I don't think they'll reverse it
Holy cow that's a close play with the right foot.
Can we decide once and for all between irrefutable and indisputable proof? Announcers are all over the map with this.
A little help, zebras.
Need the refs to come through for us yet again.
nice play 3-2
I'll take nova running up the middle from here on, if they want.
strike that
Do we need to review EVERY fucking play? That play wasn't close to being a TD. Instant replay is castrating the officiating crew from acting decisively.
gut check, tribe
Nova has to go for it here.
Very. Easy.
Dammit. Okay. A long, sustained drive for points here.
Remember, the Cauc Hop wasn't over til the very end.
both touchdowns traced back to poor special teams plays
This feels like a Redskins game.
I really hate this cider crap...do I tom hanks it to vanilla extract? Or just crack a nice napa red and piss wifey off?
We need to better than 2.8 yards per run on this drive.
So much for the run. We're setting ourselves up for a nice 5 yard completion on 3rd and 10.
not much of a response
tribe has come unglued
Nova dials up the blitz on all the 3rd down plays. Where is the slant that Mr. Mayhugh has requested?
Do we have a Shalcross to save us?
The next three plays will decide this game...momentum needs to change.
This feels like the Richmond game. For those that missed it, the last 10 minutes of it felt like a badger in your sweatpants.
Tiger does not play real golf til Feb, right?
Fuck, that dude caught that...
this feels, in the parlance of mlc, like a winnable loss
Tiger comes back the last week in March to prep for Augusta. What a sacrifice...
I thought they shot Barbaro.
kill whitney
This is the play of the game
You assholes nervous?
Game on bitches...from villa-no-fun
Fuck you, Whitney.
Christina Auguliera looks like the girl Muppet in Animal's band. When did that happen?
So open.
wide fucking open
This play-calling is for the birds.
Aguilera is gross without her makeup artist around to doll her up. My cameraman buddy shot her and said so.
The ugliest people he's ever shot who aren't known to be ugly are Lil' Kim and Stevie Nicks. Both are waaay gross and need 2+ hours in the make-up chair to look non-gross.
Why are we perpetually surprised by the 3rd down blitzes? Can Bob Shoop get his finger out of his nose and get a back to block for his QB?
Fucked. I swear if I rooted for tomorrow to be Saturday it wouldn't happen.
Worst special teams in I-AA. Did anyone think I was exaggerating? Now you know.
i believe shoop is the dc, but i take your point
Lil Kim, Aguilera or Nicks? What's surprising to you?
By "ugly" I mean Aguilera is very very ordinary.
Where's Brutus when we need him?
Geoff, ahl.
This thing isn't over just yet.
Villanova hasn't turned the ball over the entire night, have they?
Good point on Shoop, Rob. That's why you're the boss.
Angelo Babbaro. No relation to Vinnie Barbarino, Barbaro the horse or Babbar the elephant.
I have a bet for a $40 lunch o this game. If Nova wins by 4, I'm screwed.
At what point does the Tribe let Nova score to get the ball back?
Odds say you go here.
This point
We need to let them score on the next play.
God dammit cock sucker mother fucker
fucking whitney
Why the F are we tackling them?
damn dummies need to let them score
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