No, this is not a Gheorghe-mas post. Nope, not Hanukkah either. Festivus? Not even close. This is a Happy National Chocolate Covered Anything Day post. And in honor of this most sacred of holidays, I present to you this clip, which also just happens to be one of the more enjoyable SNL clips of all time:
Oh, no clip? Thought we had a clip. Damn you NBC Universal. Thank goodness I still know how to copy and paste images...

Oh, no clip? Thought we had a clip. Damn you NBC Universal. Thank goodness I still know how to copy and paste images...

This should probably have gone on the last post but I didn't get to it in time. Anyway, on the USFL 30 for 30 podcast, Simmons is talking to Mike Tolin (produced the Doc) about some of the movies he's made and the conversation turns to Summer Catch (I've seen it is AWFUL) and they talk about how unathletic and supremely undedicated Freddy Prinze Jr. was. Tolin talks about how they had to edit everything so they never, ever showed Prinze's girly throwing motion. He then starts to talk about Biel being a good athlete, "better than Freddy" and Tolin just about calls her a tomboy but stops just short. Almost as if he knew he should say it. Ultimately it may have meant nothing but based on the Biel nugget that Geoff gave us around that same time, I was laughing my ass off. Also thinking that Geoff's story made even more sense than I originally thought.
Oh and
Its true...oh, and Summer Catch was on HBO last night. Its my favorite minor league baseball film featuring Matthew Lillard and Wilmer Valderamma.
Thats funny because it's my favorite movie about a wood bat baseball league that features a chubby chaser storyline.
Jersey Shore nickname generator.
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