huggy lowdown
The man is funny. And he says "bama" all the time.
a man through the desert on a horse
Hmmmm, I think I know what you're going for there, but try a little harder next time. You're gonna make Gerry Beckley cry.
weird things to see in florida
Mark, that reminds me, we need another one of those "Florida is a god awful state and dumb shit happens here all the time" posts.
is dan akroyd the voice of gary gnu?
I gotta tell you, I have no idea what this person is talking about. Who the hell is Gary Gnu?
maura sullivan christmas eve in washington
This better have been someone looking for her home address, so they could smack her around for ever penning this awful, awful song.
remember sully when i promised to kill you last
My favorite Arnold movie of all time. Seriously, I think I like it better than Terminator.
click clack spurrier
I expect a check from Under Armour any day now.
who's the black sex machine?
Stu Scott? Bernard Shaw?
Steve Spurier is the black sex machine...click clack.
Gary Gnu is the black sex machine from the Great Space Coaster. No gnews is good gnews.
FYI - Phish is reuniting. Again. First return shows are a 3-night run in March at Hampton Coliseum. They will follow that with more 2009 shows.
If nothing else, the shows will make drug procurement much easier for folks attending the shows. Not that there's anything right with that...
Timmy, you coming down to Hampton? I'd be interested in going to a show.
Hampton is more than I'm willing to do to see those guys. Over the last 5 years, I've enjoyed mocking their fans more than I've enjoyed their new music. And road trips are tough for me. I have to borrow my cojones from my wife's purse. That's hard. I'll wait until they announce dates in the Northeast.
Trey Anastasio was pretty f'd up over the band's last few years ("people who know things" say it was heroin). Maybe the band will sound better if he's clean.
But I am looking for an excuse to get to the Portsmouth amphitheater next summer. That is a great little venue for a show.
no gnu is a good gnu without gary gnu. how do you know what searches found the blog?
dempster's living dangerously finally comes back to haunt him. swint is breaking things.
alfonso soriano swings wildly at a slider low and away to strike out. it's so reassuring to know that in a world in turmoil, some things remain constant.
manny. gracious.
Maddux in the 9th for Dodgers?
that's a lovely squander to get things started in anaheim.
phewwww. vintage jon lester, circa 2006.
craig sager always delivers the sartorial goods.
chip caray's having one of the worst games i've ever heard from an announcer in terms of judging distance on fly balls.
Dave, go over to sitemeter.com and grab the free counter.
Phil Rizzuto was always top dog when it came to misjudging flyball distance. "It's deep, it's back, and... caught! in shallow left field by a charging Danny Pasqua."
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