1. Over the weekend, I yelled at my 9 month-old for "crying just to piss me off".
2. Sunday night I turned off the TV because the Pats game was "over" with 6 minutes to play. But then last night stayed up to watch the entire Ravens-Browns game because I had Ray Rice on my fantasy team.
3. During the 6:00 AM Monmouth game this morning, I commented to my 2-year old that a referee made a good call and "the player shouldn't get so angry at the referee - he's just doing his job".
4. On the way to work this morning, The Eagles came on the radio...and I didn't change the station.
5. While in line at Starbucks, I told my sales Vice-President, and Carolina fan, that Roy Williams is a good coach...
6. Twice this morning on a conference call I used the phrase, "It is what it is"...and meant it.
7. When a colleague told me today she was volunteering at a home, I asked if it was for "Oldies or Specials"...and still don't really feel bad about it.
8. I don't think Kari Wurher is all that good looking. But kept Vanna White in my masturbatorial roladex filed under "A" from the ages of 11-13.
9. I really didn't give it 110% during lunch time hoops today. I didn't play any help defense, made no attempt to blockout, and, on most posessions, settled for jumpers instead of working for a better shot.
10. I made up at least half of these items to get this post to an even 10.
I'll await your penance...
i say 1,2,3,5, and 9 are true.
also, tribe/richmond is on comcast mid-atlantic this saturday.
also, this post concept is awesome. let's make sure we completely fail to do it again.
I wonder who could come up with the longer, more ridiulous, totally true list: Teej, Whit or me?
As someone who was raised Catholic (and hated just about every minute of it), I couldn't agree with Rob more.
Every G:TB staff member should do a post like this for some Holiday penance. I know I have plenty to confess and ask for forgiveness for...I doubt God's in the mood to forgive me, but hopefully Geoff will be.
I'm offended to be left off your list, TR. You may not "know" me but I think I've adequately proven that I'm a despicable human being.
don't sleep on mark
Agreed on Mark. You seem to wallow in degenerate behavior as much (or more than) the next guy.
To be honest, I first thought of what Teej's list might look like, ignoring the rest of the crew. My lack of a social life for the last two years will not help my case much.
Sorry to omit you as well, Rob, but you seem to be a tad less shady. And you have a wife who reads the blog.
i'm a freaking choirboy compared to the rest of the gtb community. that's a bit like being the tallest midget, mind you. which is something i've had some experience with.
I'm not sure how to take TR's assessment of me. I'm going to choose to take it as a compliment
Unfortunately, Mark, having a deep passion for booze, substance abuse and gentleman's clubs is considered "degenerate behavior" by some people. I'm not one of them.
gheorghetown up 19-13 on temple at the half. mid-season form for jt3's boys.
Glad to know we're of the same mindset TR. If those three things were the worst of my list of passions I'd be waaay ahead of where I currently sit. It's worked just fine for me thus far though so I see no reason to change...ever.
Greg's list would be by far the most disturbing.
Yes, but I enjoyed Dennis' list because it's mostly confessing not living up to past bad behaviors.
Two thumbs up on the list, you Eagles-listening, Roy Williams-not-bashing, referee-respecting Dennis impostor.
I'd take a crack at Geoff's list but I've been told not to by someone far more powerful than me. And no, I don't mean Ric Flair.
I think I hold the trump card.
you have to imagine that 6 and 9 are true.
bracketology on november 17? really? i hope joe lunardi catches an std.
...from a girl who went to a LAST FOUR OUT team.
hofstra's giving uconn all they want at gampel, but the pride's offense seems to be predicated on watching charles jenkins dribble for 30 seconds. doesn't seem sustainable.
On tonight's "The A-Team", they saved a Chinese guy.......who made fortune cookies. To thank them, the Chinaman gave them a bowl of fortune cookies. Hannibal's was "I love it when a plan comes together"
My grandmother uses the word Chinaman. I once told her it isn't polite and she responded "If he was from France I'd call him a Frenchman. If he was from England I'd call him an Englishman. If he was from Ireland I'd call him an Irishman. He's from China. I call him a Chinaman." True story. I backed off on the issue.
I see no problem at all with that logic.
Reggie White
Rob...Joe Lunardi has to pay his bills somehow. I doubt ESPN would pay him his current salary to work for 2 months a year. How about you back off a bit tiny?
My girlfriend likes to watch "The Secret Lives of Women" on WE. Tonight's episode is about women who are in porn. Okay...I'll watch.
Nice of Michigan State-Gonzaga to give us a close one on what's amount to CBB's opening night. I doubt Kansas-Memphis will be similarly closely contested but I'll be watching that too.
Great move by Kalin Lucas...best pg in the country, for my money.
Jameer Nelson out 4-6 weeks with a torn meniscus. Looks like I'll be dreaming of Jason William and Anthony Johnson tonight. Yay.
I am one jet lagged motherfucker...but while in Cali it was nice to see TR's still enjoying Craigslist.
There is a zero chance of me ever clicking on a Craig's list hyperlink from a jetlagged TJ at work.
It's actually very funny and right up your alley. Despite the odds.
I'm just glad someone (thanks, Whit) got the spirit of my reverse confessional bit...
Lamenting an irreverant past would probably mean something to a shrink.
Or Dr. Lou.
a little surprised that no one has commented on the confessioner's earpiece...maybe he and pap's conferenced in the big kahuna for a 3-way call.
i do not miss those days. sorry god. i just don't. still love ya though.
recent sins, from venial to cardinal
1. really need to work on my wife's birthday present-- i'm supposed to organize some sort of trip where we leave the kids behind-- haven't gotten a sitter or hotel reservations and don't even know where we are going.
2. i killed my neighbor's dog and ate it.
3. i joined facebook
I like when Dan and Dave post back to back. It has a nice '92 Olympics feel to it.
Got a chuckle out of that. Mostly at pseudo-Olympian Dave's expense.
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