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Dan, how'd you get up to South Bend so quickly and have time to punch Clausen in the eye?
I had no idea that GTB was THE source for all things "christmas eve in washington"
You're just playing with me, right? You want me to go ballistic this soon into the holiday season, is that it?
Gheorghe Clooney?
sentence of dave is two years old today!
and i almost forgot to post . . .
how old is gheorghe?
TJ, it's too easy sometimes...
rob started this little corner of heaven 6 years ago...
How many times have we gone over this...the white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the red zone:
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - Just weeks after California first lady Maria Shriver apologized for parking in a red zone, her husband appears to have violated the same law.
Is anyone going to the Burg for the game on Saturday?
Know who owns the Toronto Maple Leaves? That's right, it's Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan.
I believe they own a chunk of GM too.
kind of feel bad for clausen...should have been weis or tenuta.
I agree . . . Judy Tenuta: better than Rita Rudner, way better than Paula Poundstone, but not to be mentioned in the same category as Carol Burnett, Gilda Radner, Jennifer Saunders, or Josie Lawrence. And what was with the accordion??
Good call, Dan.
Why are you bashing Judy Tenuta?
Damn. That's what I get for leaving my text on the page and doing "real work" for 30 minutes. Stupid Whitney steals my thunder.
Whoa. That's a weird one.
TR and Whitney: suckers for silver foxes with accordians. Who knew?
Anyone else sick of scrolling down that much to comment? I sure am...and I'm the asshole who posted this.
Absolutely. I need a more concise analytics post than this. I didn't bother reading all the way through the email you sent regarding this last week and I didn't even make passed the the "Ds" in this post.
I don't know what's worse, Geoff's decision to invade both this space and the Wheelhouse with his political views or TJ's obsession with what's leading people to G:TB but I know they are both terrible fucking ideas.
Booooor. Ing.
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