On the first day of Gheorghe-mas
Big Gheorghe gave to me
A fat guy in a jer-sey
On the second day of Gheorghe-mas
Big Gheorghe gave to me
Two sweet 'stache photos
And a fat guy in a jer-sey
On the third day of Gheorghe-mas
Big Gheorghe gave to me
Three Richmond wins
Two sweet 'stache photos
And a fat guy in a jer-sey
First, David Schneider’s buzzer-beater saved William and Mary’s Tribe from an ignominious

The Tribe’s run was all the more improbable coming as it did against the historical backdrop of William and Mary’s Mr. Bean-like basketball legacy. The 2008 Tribe exceeded the school’s postseason win record by two – we’d never before won as many as two games in a single CAA tournament. As we wrote on the day after the loss to Mason, “For the briefest of moments we were allowed to pretend we belonged, to plan trips to the Boise or Sacramento or Tacoma subregionals, to shout ourselves hoarse watching a game that actually mattered, and to dream. Generations of us had never even allowed ourselves to dream. When we talk about this team, that’s the thing we’ll remember – not that they finally fell short, but that they let us dream, hope, and care.”
And that, boys and girls, is the magic of Gheorghe-mas.
Rob, Bobby Petrino thinks Alabama wins on Saturday. And then there's this...fuck off you little midget.
greetings and salutations, mark! that petrino news makes me feel much better, you tattooed, substandard-education-having freak.
man, saturday's gonna be fun.
in unrelated news, it's probably a 50/50 probability that carolina goes unbeaten this season. they're sick.
'probably a 50/50 probability' is fairly moronic.
Well, you ARE and Alabama fan so the moron thing makes a lot of sense. Plus, you're small so I imagine that tiny little brain of yours can only handle so much info. God, I hate you and Saban so much right now.
Leigh Tiffin.
you're right - i *am* a fan of both antwaan randle al and alabama. it's a testament to your meth-addled thinking organ that you were able to combine the two. though i suppose meth-addled and gator fan are redundant descriptors.
terrence cody
I'm not sure where this is going but I'll play along:
Brandon Spikes
And I only do meth on weekends. Gets me fired up for football and such.
And...Its Randle El jerkoff. If you're going to be a fan of shitty wide receivers, at least learn how to spell their name correctly. Oh yeah, you're a fucking idiot. My bad...Alabama man.
it was a typo. i figured it'd make you feel more at home amongst the barely literate florida grads, octogenarians, and inbred hillbillies down there in gator country.
Attending a football game. Wearing a tie.
Rob's like that guy on the Home Depot commercial with favorite teams from all over the country. Bama, Red Sox, Skins. Hell, why don't we throw the Atlanta Thrashers in there too.
Shall I paint my rumpus room in the colors of Tony Stewart or the Seattle Sounders?
aren't you a cardinals fan, gatorbait?
Yes, yes I am. And that's the only team of mine that's not from Florida...dick.
my family's from boston, i grew up in alabama, and then i moved to deecee. what can i tell you, i'm a nomad. jerry thinks i just love the color red.
Favorite bands: Simply Red. Maroon 5. Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.
i'm digging minimalist jerry's work today.
He does like the Red Hot Chili Peppers. And that Red Rider song.
And King Crimson. And Pink.
And Neneh Cherry.
And Axl Rose. Who just put a new album out, in case you didn't know.
And Otis Redding.
helen reddy can fuck right off, though.
His favorite comedian: Redd Foxx.
His favorite kind of wine: Burgundy.
His favorite word that looks dirty but isn't: Fuchsia.
His favorite chady character from U.S. History: Jack Ruby.
His favorite character from Clue: Miss Scarlet (but he'll get no argument from me).
His favorite catcher in the 1970's: Ted Persimmons.
His favorite TV Show from the 1970's: The Six Vermilion Dollar Man.
Second Favorite: Mauve.
Okay, I'm out of them.
And Jack Ruby was "shady," not "chady," which apparently, according to the urban dictionary, means "of or like a homo named Chad."
On the third day of Gheorghe-mas
Big Gheorghe gave to me
Three Richmond wins
Two sweet 'stache photos
And a fat guy in a jer-sey. That's was so sweet! I love it! amanda vanderpool model
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