Hallelujah, it's a ghoogles post free of Maura Sullivan and her sappy siren song "Christmas Eve in Washington"...

- young riders theme song extended
- James Madison University girls
- lawrence frank
- randy newman ain't gonna play no god damn games youtube
- youtube "tom jones" alive video tattoo
- what team did George Papadapolis play football for
- what is DH stand for [This came from the Arabic google]
- merry christmas kiss my ass
- uk 1970's tv themes music blogspot
- gheorghe
- gheorge the blog
- "hold up" "here we go" theme song
- game show theme songs "hand claps"
- "Kiki D'Aire" vomit pee
- blog lawrence bron
- "the wheels" pittsburgh music joe tj
- omni consumer products
- meg bulger fsn
- love this job more than taffy
- hey there come to snuff the rooster
- stan yagiello
- mustache like johnny depp
- bill raftery
- keith bullock RPI
- big wite ass
- bassam M.Rob [China google]
- the fabulous wealthy tarts
- Todd Bouman
- putana da seatbeltz
- Shudder To Think blogspot [Japan google]
- pauper to a pawn
- Follow me! Follow me to freedom
- tony parker grey pinstripe suit
- "chase daniel's gut"
- big ashole
- i've been to the desert with a horse [Arabic google again...hmmmm...]
- olden polynice diet
Even though I may be at work already on an absolutely dead work day, it's all OK, because Eddie Murphy's "Party All The Time" just came on the internet radio.
I made fun of that song and had to defend myself on an elementary school playground from an ardent fan of Eddie who didn't appreciate my disses. It was 5th grade, which is the age when losing a fight can be painful and socially punitive. I was more into cracking Pyromania or Thriller at the time.
I held my own in the fight and still maintain that the song is a shit sandwich of epic proportions. My foe at the time - he's now a sous chef in Manhattan. He's a nice guy and we've overcome our pop music differences.
Rhymo, of course it's a freakin' debacle...that's why I love it. And that video, good god man, that video is absurd. I'm quite certain it was one of my filler youtubes months ago...
Hey Teej - the Jets are picking at #17 in April. Any thoughts on what they should go for? A big WR would help, as would some secondary help.
The NYC tabloids say the Jets should do a full-court press for Cowher. They're also saying Marty Schottenheimer is a candidate, which makes me throw up in my mouth. I also read an article that said Woody Johnson is just like Jim Dolan, although he controls the press about him a little better. That's depressing on many levels.
One of my colleagues has a book sitting on his shelf entitled the "Dictionary of Concise Writing".
It's 400 pages long.
Rhymo, before I spend the rest of my day scouting the draft (which I will really do), don't you think O Tannenbaum needed to be canned as well? Both he and Mangini were onboard for all these moves, and if you're gonna blame one, you have to blame the other as well don't you? Start from scratch at both GM and coach positions (and lord help me if Marty Ball comes to town. Jesus H Christ on a popsicle stick).
marty gets a bad rap. that dude can coach. unless you count the playoffs.
rob, I don't want to watch MartyBall for 17 weeks. I just don't.
i guess you're allergic to winning then, frankly.
I am loyal to Tannenbaum for one big reason - my wife used to work with his wife and was pretty good friends with her before they lost touch with each other.
His wife asked a mutual friend of theirs how my wife was doing a couple months ago. My wife now has her e-mail. They are both moms now, so they may do whatever moms do when they hang out during the day.
The Jets relocated from Strong Island to Florham Park, NJ and the Tannenbaums moved there. It's 6 miles from our place. I am DYING to go over to his place, get drunk on scotch and talk J-E-T-S with him. I bet he would love that. Maybe I'll annoy him until he upgrades my season tickets.
I'm allergic to a lot of things actually. And yes, winning may indeed be one of them.
GTB exclusive - Rhymo interviews Jets GM after bottle of scotch.
the list of thing's to which teejay's allergic will make an excellent gtb post:
foods that you can't top with ketchup
attention spans
oj simpson
charlie weis
wait. someone did a ghooghle search for 'gheorghe the blog'?
That's what the list says sir.
teejay, gift:
hey, are we live-blogging the humanitarian bowl this afternoon?
speaking of live-blogging, the tribe takes on harvard tomorrow at noon.
that's followed by 4 conference games in 7 days. alright, alright, alright.
Albert Schweitzer vs. Mother Teresa in a no holds barred, steel cage death match?
Baby Dennis experienced his first live hoops game last evening - High School Holiday Tourney...
He's an excellent fan - all positive appreciation of good play by anyone on the court. That's great except when the "home" team is getting crushed by 30 and you're sitting right behind the bench and your brother is the coach...High-pitched chants of "Nice shot", "Good Defense", "Almost", and "Make your free throws" can become... well, annoying.
where does your brother coach, dennis?
Dominion High School....Home of the Titans.
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