His first name? Gheorghe.
This blog just took on a whole new set of meanings.
Dedicated to the premise that life would be better if we all took ourselves a little less seriously.
Man uses gun for backscratcher, shoots himself
A Fort Worth man trying to scratch an itch on his back used a revolver and accidentally shot himself. Jorge Espinal, 44, was drinking beer and playing poker around 3 a.m. Sunday in his home in the 3500 block of Montague Street, when he got up from the table and walked into another room, said Fort Worth police Lt. Kenneth Dean.
“He told officers he had an itch on his back and grabbed the first thing he could get a hold of, which was a revolver,” Lt. Dean said. “The gun went off."
Mr. Espinal went back and told his buddies that he shot himself. “They didn’t believe him until they saw the blood coming down his back,” Lt. Dean said. Mr. Espinal was taken to an area hospital, where he was treated and released with non-life-threatening injuries.
So, to recap, ladle beating = 30% pay cut for three months, and bamboo sword beating = same 30% pay cut for three months. That's some damn fuzzy math if you ask me.Sumo wrestler has to take pay cut after hitting apprentice with ladle
TOKYO -- A veteran sumo wrestler who attacked a junior grappler with a cooking utensil has been ordered to take a salary cut for his violent outburst. Toyozakura, whose ladle-wielding assault left the 18-year-old victim bleeding and needing eight stitches, will take a 30 percent pay cut for three months, Japanese sumo officials said on Thursday.
The same punishment was meted out to gym chief Magaki for beating a junior wrestler with a bamboo sword in the latest in a series of incidents that has tarnished sumo's image. Toyozakura, 34, apologized after admitting he used a ladle to hit the apprentice on the head. "I asked him to do something, which I don't remember exactly, but he couldn't do it," Toyozakura said, according to Agence France-Presse.
Sumo dates back some 2,000 years and retains many Shinto religious overtones, but the sport has been plagued by scandal in recent months. Violent hazing, or beating during training, has long been seen as customary, contributing to the sport's struggle to attract new recruits. But there was a public outcry over the death last year of a teenage apprentice who was beaten with a beer bottle and a baseball bat.
Japan's government has weighed in on the issue, ordering sumo officials to clean up their act.
Man: Neighbor killed by owl, not husbandG:TB has obtained a police composite sketch of the suspect:
DURHAM, N.C., May 26 (UPI) -- A former neighbor of a Durham, N.C., man convicted of his wife's murder claims the death was not caused by a human, but rather by an aggressive owl.
Larry Pollard claims his deceased neighbor Kathleen Peterson was killed by an owl attack in December 2001, not by her husband, novelist Mike Peterson, who is serving a life sentence in prison for the crime, the Raleigh (N.C.) News & Observer reported Monday.
Pollard, who formerly worked as a lawyer, said he has spent years gathering information that indicates Kathleen Peterson's wounds were caused by an owl, not by assault with a fire poker. He said that despite repeatedly informing the media of his theories, he has not presented his ideas to the Durham district attorney.
"I want it to be the best I have," Pollard said.
Durham District Attorney Jim Hardin, who led the prosecution of Peterson, said he has heard of the owl theory and discussed it with medical examiners. He said they dismissed the idea.
LONDON (AP) - A judge has reprimanded a British pensioner who plagued his neighbors by repeatedlyplaying Bruce Springteen's hit "Born in the U.S.A." at high volume in the early hours.
John Norman, a 61-year-old, was on Tuesday given a three week anti-social behavior order, or ASBO, after residents living close to his home complained.
Prosecutors told a court in Mansfield in northern England that officials received more than 100 complaints. Neighbors said Norman blasted out the Springsteen hit on repeat night after night.
Norman's ASBO, a punishment designed for troublesome youths, bans him from playing loud music for three weeks. The court can also impose a further ban and he can be jailed if he doesn't comply.
Pub urinal computer games launchedToo bad Mayhugh's "stage fright" will prevent him from ever enjoying this. And I just changed my AL-only fantasy baseball team name to "Manneken Pis".
TWO Belgian beer fans have launched a videogame named Place to Pee, which allows players to fly down ski slopes or kill aliens while relieving themselves at urinals.
Werner Dupont, a software developer and Bart Geraets, an electrical engineer, got the idea while drinking beers.
The Place to Pee' booth is designed for two users at a time and offers two games - blowing up aliens in outer space or skiing down a virtual slope.
Gamers hit their target by aiming at sensors positioned on either side of the urinal.
A specially designed paper cone allows women to play too, the inventors say.
Their Place to Pee logo resembles Manneken Pis, the little urinating boy fountain that is among Brussels' top sightseeing attractions.
This might be my favorite "contrived morning post concept", er, Ceai Complet, yet.Mexican donkey jailed for ornery behavior
TUXTLA GUTIERREZ, Mexico (AP) - A donkey is doing time in southern Mexico for assault and battery.
The animal was locked up at a local jail that normally holds people for public drunkenness and other disturbances after it bit and kicked two men near a ranch in Chiapas state, police said Monday.
Officer Sinar Gomez said the donkey will remain behind bars until its owner agrees to pay the men's medical bills. "Around here, if someone commits a crime they are jailed," Gomez said - "no matter who they are."
The owner, Mauro Gutierrez, told The Associated Press he would try to reach a friendly arrangement to pay the men's bills, estimated at US$420 (euro270).
The victims said the donkey bit Genaro Vazquez, 63, in the chest on Sunday and then kicked 52-year-old Andres Hernandez as he tried to come to the rescue, fracturing his ankle. "All of a sudden, the animal was on top of us like it was rabid," Hernandez said. Police said it took a half-dozen men to control the enraged burro.
Chiapas police have thrown animals in the slammer before, including a bull that devoured corn crops and destroyed two wooden vending stands in March. In 2006, a dog was locked up for 12 days after biting someone. His owners were fined US$18.
Fast-Food Workers Spit In Customer DrinksG:TB has obtained exclusive footage of the incident:
EUNICE, La. -- Two fast-food workers at a Sonic eatery in Eunice spit into customers' drinks, a company representative said.
Several customers at the restaurant said their drinks were spiked with saliva.
"(My daughter) came up here and got a soda and come to find out some girls spit in the drink" father Joe Lawrence said.
ROCK ISLAND, Tenn. (AP) - One moment, Justin Hill was turning into his driveway. Minutes later he was being flown to a hospital as his home went up in flames. Then he got a traffic ticket.I mean, the cops couldn't have cut the guy a break on the ticket?
Hill, 42, got into a crash after turning into the path of an oncoming car Tuesday evening, said Tennessee Highway Patrol Officer Monte Terry. Hill's wife heard the crash and ran outside, leaving the kitchen stove, where she had been cooking, unattended.
Within minutes, their Rock Island trailer was on fire, and firefighters who had responded to the accident found themselves fighting the blaze.
The rural central Tennessee home had extensive damage. Hill was treated at the hospital and released, but he was cited in the accident for failure to yield.
Are we sure this guy isn't a McKenzie Brother? ("My brother and I used to say that drownin' in beer was like heaven, eh")SOUTH CHICAGO HEIGHTS, Ill. (AP) - Bill Bramanti will love Pabst Blue Ribbon eternally, and he's got the custom-made beer-can casket to prove it. "I actually fit, because I got in here," said Bramanti of South Chicago Heights.
The 67-year-old Glenwood village administrator doesn't plan on needing it anytime soon, though. He threw a party Saturday for friends and filled his silver coffin - designed in Pabst's colors of red, white and blue - with ice and his favorite brew.
"Why put such a great novelty piece up on a shelf in storage when you could use it only the way Bill Bramanti would use it?" said Bramanti's daughter, Cathy Bramanti, 42. Bramanti ordered the casket from Panozzo Bros. Funeral Home in Chicago Heights, and Scott Sign Co. of Chicago Heights designed the beer can.