You well know that we don't take much seriously here, but we do love us some music, each in our own way. If anyone in the worldwide G:TB community happens to wake up in Houston, TX tomorrow, do yourself a favor and pop by
Cactus Music at 2110 Portsmouth at 5:30 for an in-store appearance by the Old 97's. And if you wake up somewhere else, hurry over to your local music purveyor, online or otherwise, and pick up the Dallas foursome's latest record,
Blame It On Gravity. Satisfaction guaranteed, or I'll buy you a Shiner Bock.
What is this? The Pappy O'Daniel King Biscuit Flour Hour?
Carol Miller from Left of Center assures me the new Old 97's is a brilliant retread of the old Old 97's. This statement made me laugh.
I'll be visiting iTunes tonight for my purchase.
And while you kids pilfer your respective record stores, i highly recommend also picking up this year's best album so far...The Raconteurs' Consolers of the Lonely. Divinity, dear readers.
iTunes gift cards to those who can tell me what a raconteur is without looking it up...
Isn't a raconteur somebody who likes telling stories?
Lance Berkman has 26 hits in his last 40 ABs. That's ridiculous.
Its been 75 years sine they repealed prohibition.
Get drunk stupids.
GTFO! We are so on the same page! I LOVE me some Old 97's -- greatest lyric (from Nineteen) "we got seriously down..."
There's nothing like being in a new relationship and discovering you like the same music. ** sigh **
All I ever wanted to do was lie around in bed with you. That's not a come-on, KQ. Well, not much of one.
It will be interesting to see where the new record falls in the hierarchy of the 97s’ discography. If it’s even in the same conversation with Fight Songs, we’re ecstatic.
And regardless, Rob, we are hitting one or more east coast stops on this tour.
i prefer the less subtle, 'do you wanna mess around'. y'know, if we're talking about non-come-ons.
Jacksonville State is in Alabama? Really?
You throw me the idol, I thow you the whip...
A raconteur is a member of Jack White's other band.
whit, after a couple of listens, it's gonna fit right in the middle. not quite 'fight songs' or 'satellite rides', but every tune is solid. very different mood from its predecessor.
and kq, it's nigh well impossible to pick a single favorite lyric. 'i believe in love/but it don't believe in me', 'will you sober up and let me down?', 'you could save the highway if you crash with me tonight','i don't wanna get you all worked up/except secretly i do'. i might be here a while.
Even without sound, I'm pretty sure Skip Bayless just called out LeBron yet again.
What's wrong Skipper, did mama LeBron not give a reacharound?
i, for one, am really enjoying teejay's non-sequiturs today.
not bad, not bad. you boys are a far cry from the non-come-on-musical-come-ons from the guys in my past. though my husband did woo me with a killer "hook-up" mix tape. (yes, it was an actual cassette tape.) to this day i get tingly when i hear 'linger' by the cranberries. in retrospect not the most romantic of lyrics, yet somehow it worked. there was also the college beau whose go to song was the cure "pictures of you." which leads us to a great topic - best/worst hook up songs of all time. i'm going to take a little stroll down musical memory lane, and then i'll post my top 5 on queenbeaches.blogspot.com.
now i've got that goddamned cranberries song in my head.
i used to put on 'blood, sugar, sex, magic' by the chilis during hookups. yeah, i'm smooth as gravel.
we had a friend who swore by van morrison's 'moondance'. you could do worse. i had a regular hookup in college who loved to listen to paul mccartney & wings. whatever it takes, i guess.
One of my favorite tales was related by the late, great E-Lloyd who apparently halted the action, got up, and flipped the KISS Destroyer LP to Side B in the midst of a hearty lovemaking session. Circa 1992. Suave like no other.
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