Here we go again with the windmill-tiliting. Something tells me that the graphic designer behind this 1973 logo for the Catholic Church's Archdiocesan Youth Commission was dearly hoping that it wouldn't see the light of the internet.

Dedicated to the premise that life would be better if we all took ourselves a little less seriously.
Agreed robert--interracial couples were quite scandalous in the 70s.
G:TB is getting it DONE this week!
Except, of course, for TJ's perpetually lackluster yootoob efforts.
Priests like their oral standing up?
No, Timmy. This is the view from the ceiling-cam.
And are the kid's hands going up under the frock for some stealth nipple play?
Okay, there is such thing as taking this too far, TR!
Seems like it's been quiet on the rapist priest front for a year or two. Are we through the woods on this issue?
On the topic of rapist priests, I just watched Primal Fear for the first time last week. It was Ed Norton's big break-out role. He was great and the plot was good, but the acting and dialogue were off-the-charts terrible. You need to watch the movie again to realize how comical it was. Richard Gere does his gigolo walk all over the screen. Laura Linney tries (and fails) to look like a smoker, and screams "Gimme my regular, Stu" in a bar, only to be served a Bud Light. There's a token black guy who's the whitest guy on the screen, and a slew of "I know that actor" supporting roles.
I highly recommend it for the unintentional comedy aspect.
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