Last night, new Atlanta Braves CF Jordan Schafer welcomed himself to the bigs by
hitting a home run in his first major league at-bat. In doing so, Schafer became the 99th member of this club. I've decided that hitting a home run in your first at bat in The Show is extremely Gheorghe*, and have made the executive decision for G:TB to adopt the man who will be #100 on this list. Now, this could take awhile...or this guy could display his pure gheorgheness by getting it done today. My 12 minutes of shoddy research puts these 3 guys on the list of potential candidates for slot 100 and adoption on Opening Day:
Colby Rasmus, Cardinals
Dexter Fowler, Rockies
Elvis Andrus, Rangers
OK, based on this list, I actually think we might have to wait until Baltimore calls up uber catching prospect Matt Wieters in June for #100. And by then this will all be forgotten I'm sure.
*There are always exceptions to the rule, so please ignore the fact that Elijah Dukes (possibly pictured to the right) homered in his first major league AB on Opening Day 2007.
in a highly bizarre coincidence, g:tb sister site misery loves company featured both young schafer (note correct spelling, teej) and elvis andrus in a recap of a myrtle beach pelicans game two years ago:
if i'm not mistaken, that's one jose offerman in the picture, no?
I think that is Jose, though when I first grabbed it I thought it might be even crazier Izzy Alcántara
My old man has a budding man-crush on young Mr. Rasmus and that enthusiasm wasn't tempered much when Rasmus went 4 for (two doubles) against the Nats. In other news, that rat bastard father of mine is in Augusta right now. He just called me from to rub it in...thanks, Dad.
Take "from" out of that last sentence...
C. Vivian Stringer made the Basketball HOF today. Ad Hoc Jerry is planning a party to celebrate, I'm sure.
While i did enjoy watching Schafer take the wife beater deep last night, can we really allow a cheater to be adopted? Schafer was supposed to play a more prominent role last year for the Braves, but got suspended 50 games for violating the league's steroid policy.
Dennis peacefully questions G:TB governing body...
Dennis, I realize you don't get a lot of sleep these days, but Schafer is NOT the guy we're adopting. We are adopting the next guy to hit a home run in his first MLB AB...
Johan es muy fuerte.
5 IP, 1 H, 0 R, 4 BBs, 7 Ks in his first start.
He's looked a bit wild, but it's rainy and cold in Cincy, so it can be expected.
Aaron Harang also looked good for the Reds, but he just got yanked -- based on input from pitching coach Dick Pole.
The Reds just brought in a reliever who's listed in the roster as 5'6". Danny Herrera, and Rob's a fan.
The Mets are letting the Reds hang around in this game, as if planning to showcase their new relievers unnecessarily.
I'm OK with the Reds hanging around seeing as TJ and I just dropped a ton of dough on K-Rod yesterday in our NL draft. A save opportunity would be fine by us....
We also like Ryan Church getting off to a nice start....
If I get motivated one of these days, I'll post the "options" the NY Jets are giving me to buy PSLs in the new stadium. Calling the packages overpriced is an understatement.
Tim Welke's strike zone has been a lot like Robert Traylor today: fat, inconsistent, and all over the place.
so, according a poll linked by nate silver, only around 10% of 40 year-old americans smoked pot in the last 12 months, and fewer than 15% of 30 year-olds. sound low to you guys?
The Orioles roster just got introduced. Not a juggernaut. Ty Wiggington is their starting DH and Melvin Mora is batting clean-up.
The team had to run from the bullpen to second base as they were introduced. A couple fatty relievers looked gassed by the time they stopped running.
Gonna be a long season in Baltimore. Those 57 games against NY, Boston and Tampa will be brutal.
And I don't even know where to start about Peter Angelos' big fat Greek nose. That thing needs its own zip code.
Well, Rob, you came to the "Amsterdam of the Blogosphere" to ask that question, so you're not going to get much of an argument, I'm guessing.
Take a look at your various workplaces and see what you'd expect from the thirtysomethings and fortysomethings. In the Federal Government, that number is much higher.
not really an argument, just an observation. i'd have expected the number to be higher in both age groups.
not a bad debut for k-rod, it seems.
little bit of a shaky start for carsten charles in charm city.
Well, that's 30 fictional dollars spent wisely bu Dennis and I (me and Dennis?).
Charlestown Chew rob...jesus man...stick with the G:TB (MLC?) approved nicknames please.
mason pep band stepping in to support bemidji state at the frozen four. i like it.
Those numbers are too low for sure. But, people are liars especially if they are talking about something they perceive as wrong or taboo.
Amsterdam of the Blogosphere, eh? Well, when's TJ gonna start selling his ass on the corner?
The numbers Rob posted sound about right to me. Most of middle America is relegated to huffing paint in this economy.
Fresh out of spring training, and Greggg Zaun looks like he is bunting with the wrong end of the bat. Super sucky.
Middle American should look into huffing duster...its inexpensive and it looks AWESOME.
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