Cinderellas at 5pm
#4 Miami (Ohio) (22-15-5) vs. #4 Bemidji State (19-15-1...yeah, I thought it was a made up school too)
Juggernauts at 8:30pm
#1 Boston University (32-6-4) vs. #3 Vermont (22-11-5)
I could pretend to give you a brief overview of these games, but seriously, I need to go bitchslap my Yankees on MLC, so if you have any desire to know even the least bit about the Frozen Four, peruse this David Albright article on espn.com. I learned all I need to know. Well, except the biggest question of all: This is a NCAA-sanctioned event at Verizon, will there be alcholol sales? Can someone get on that?
And finally, the aforementioned Slap Shot clip. A brief explanation for this particular choice: Dennis and I had our traditionally brutal NL-only baseball draft on Sunday morning, with, as Wheelhouse Jerry put it, "a gathering of middle-aged men in tapered, stonewashed jeans and extra-medium golf shirts emblazoned with the logos of communications hardware manufacturers." It is a long grind, and in an attempt not to jump out of my skin, I began the day as the draft auctioneer. Well, it didn't take long before someone tossed out the name of Nats closer Joel Hanrahan, and without even blinking an eye I dropped this Paul Newman line...what happened next shocked me and Dennis to the core. This room of relatively uncool gentleman not only got the joke, but they actually enjoyed the joke. And of course that meant I would run it into the ground for the rest of the day. And even find an excuse to bring it up again today. I'm the best.
Can someone explain to me why, in the year 2009, we still have to deal with pirates? I mean, in the past 300 years we haven't come up with a system to prevent the Dread Pirate Roberts from taking over ships?
Someone's bucking for a promotion. Its probably that pederast Hanrahan.
Well, your uncle molests collies.
Dunlop, you suck cock.
All I can get.
Greg, I hate to do this but I'm gonna have to pull rank on you. I'm with the mattress police. There are no tags on these mattresses.
I'm saying 20% chance on alcohol. They didn't serve at the basketball tournament, so if they do at hockey they're definitely racist.
Yeah, potential dagger.
Jerry, I want to say that the last time I went to the tourney, in '08, they did serve alcohol at Verizon...as opposed to the time we went.
Last year they did not serve beer inside the arena during the games...however, I was lucky enough to be in the work suite, and we could booze all we wanted there.
High attendance for this event is on the horizon for Washington, DC. The Frozen Four has such a loyal following that a unique ticketing system has been created to honor their commitment. Many fans introduce themselves or refer to themselves as "Priority" (example: Priority 5). Insiders know this lingo represents how many years the fan has attended the tournament and where they will be seated during the games.
This is awful and tragic. Young LA Angels starter Nick Adenhart, who happens to be on my AL-only fantasy team, was apparently killed in a car crash last night after his start:
Hmmm...maybe I was the only one drinking during the tourney last year...entirely possible...
This is going to sound awful, but Nick Adenhart is actually the third athlete I've had on a fantasy team to die in season. Kinda hard to believe, right?
on a completely more upbeat note, from the uk's telegraph:
Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the creators of South Park, were given a signed photo of Saddam Hussein by US marines after the former Iraqi leader was shown their movie in prison. During his captivity, US marines forced Saddam, who was executed in 2006, to repeatedly watch the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer And Uncut, which shows him as gay, as well as the boyfriend of Satan.
"Satan, your ass is gigantic and red. Who am I going to pretend you are, Liza Minelli?"
tiger parred the first hole. he's fucked.
Teixeira and Swisher looking to get the Yanks win #1 on the year...
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