Team: Lehigh Valley IronPigs
League: International (AAA)
Affiliation: Philadelphia Phillies
Mascots: Ferrous and Fe Fe
Self-Absorbed East Coast Elitist Commentary: I confess a sentimental attachment to the IronPigs (and not only because they share a nickname with a girl I used to accompany home in the wee hours of the morning during college). Over the past 15 years or so, my Dad's taken a liking to all things porcine, amassing a small hoard of pig bric-a-brac, ties, t-shirts, and stuffed porkers. I can't explain it, either, but it brings him happiness (
and more importantly to him, I think, it brings other people happiness to give him pig stuff). He actually owns an IronPigs t-shirt, courtesy of his son. I'm not gonna break bad on the Pigs, not even a little.

Gheorgheness Quotient: 60/77 (The name is one of my all-time faves, but the Pigs lose a lot of points because of the lameness of their mascots and the garish wreck that is their website.)
People are such morons. Fast & Furious made $72.5 million over the weekend.
That's a great nickname. Some of the best minor league mascot names are produced by the concatenation of words that aren't typically used together. Iron is a good one to use. Any team in the upper midwest can use Ice. I'd still like the Nats to change their name to the Beltway FatCats.
your welcome...
I love it when we talk about binary infix operators around here.
Does anyone know how to open a spreadsheet?
Hold it by the corners and stretch your arms as far as they will go.
Next Up: How to make a "hospital corner"
I feel like "Iron Pig" was some poor girl's nickname in college. Was she friends with the Berlin Wall?
And by that I mean "when I was in college" as opposed to when rob was in college.
interesting. if only i'd thought to include a funny aside about a girl's nickname.
damn you, zoltan. damn you right to hell.
Concatenation is the opening track of Swedish Tech Metal band Meshuggah's album Chaosphere.
my welcome, indeed.
and i believe 'iron curtain' was the berlin wall's friend. easy mistake to make.
You may be correct about the Iron Curtain. Alexei Carlesimov was very into some Bulgarian woman because "she's so Eastern Bloc." I think he got nowhere and thus she was the Iron Curtain.
I just can't believe the apostrophe police missed Geoff's "your welcome"...unless it was a deftly clever concatenation pun that went way over my head.
it wasn't missed, dennis. but the response was perhaps too subtle by half.
the mvp starts the 2009 season in style. can't hit the high inside fastball, my ass.
Great, now that its baseball season Rob will be a bossy, annoying, GAY midget.
yes. yes, i will.
And that's different how?
blake griffin coming out, assuring wiz of losing the #1 pick.
I'm pretty sure the Wiz have tha beet...
I caught my "you're welcome" a few minutes after I posted it. I've been praying no one would notice since.
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