There’s no way Michigan State is going to lose this game tonight.
The entire state is pulling for them—including the Big Blue loyalists here in Ann Arbor. And, if tonight’s crowd is anything like the one in Ford Field on Saturday, the fans’ raw passion could propel Sparty to the win. Of course, that "passion” on Saturday was assisted by 10 hours of tailgating in sunny, 65-degree weather. It’s snowing here today, folks. Nothing like spring break in Michigan! But, I don’t think the snow, or Carolina’s creepy robot-like pre-game warm-up routine, will deter Michigan State from their mission.
On Saturday night, the MSU players had to walk up the stairs by our section to get to their seats for game #2. Each time one of them appeared at the bottom of the stairs, all of the MSU fans in the surrounding 5 sections stood up to cheer them—it took me a few minutes to realize that these people weren’t applauding the 27th straight missed shot for Nova, and that they were thanking their team for such inspired play.
All of the columnists and sports pundits have been repeating, “this team is providing just the kind of diversion and inspiration that people in Michigan need.” Being here the last few days, I think they are right. And, after the GM debacle in Washington last week, they’d like nothing more they’d like better than to stick it to the Obama-favored Tar Heels.
I’m looking forward to all 70,000 MSU fans in Ford Field singing along to “One Shining Moment” and crying tears of joy around midnight.
Go Spartans!
When UNC wins by double digits, are we gonna realize this was one of the least exciting tourneys of the last 15 years?
I have to admit that I'm rooting hard for Delvon, Raymor and the Spartans, but I think they're finally in over their heads.
Much as I hate to admit this, I see the Tar Heels ending this thing early.
The MSU fans are drowning out the UNC intros. We can't here anything in here
Hey Zervan, can we at least get a competitive half before you start cannonballing wet blankets at this thing?
hear, hear.
and tr, i gave up underestimating izzo on saturday, but i hope you're wrong.
Have you morphed Zoltan and I? Go back to smoking your apple, knucklehead.
HGM...might want to get a hand in the face
I guess my attmept at being tomax/xamot cute didn't work...go state
UNC up by 4, 2 minutes in. At this pace, UNC will win by 80!
Its Raymar...racist. And I was starting to doubt Shlara. Please forgive me...because I might be in love with you.
carolina's extending their defense - sparty needs to be patient.
Suton looks like a smush of Gheorghe and Jon Cusack.
my Kenyan houseguest correctly identified magic Johnson
msu needs to heed izzo's pregame words here - control the run.
Izzo's boys will need to score 82+ to win.
Can they?
I've had enough...can someone go ask Magic the question?
UNC now up by 2 TDs.
it's a freaking tsunami.
I just learned this while googling John Garfield "Toby" Bailey:
"All five of the starters on the 1995 UCLA national championship team played in Europe. The others are Ed O'Bannon, Tyus Edney, George Zidek and Charles O'Bannon."
Impressive. All 5 starters became NBA underachievers. Hard feat to pull off.
Charles was the Frank to Ed's Sly, right?
Boston is a miserable place to live during baseball season. I will be forced into at least 5 conversations tomorrow about CC Fatbathia's lousy performance. No one knows or cares that tonight's championship game is on.
Can I go to bed now? I'm fighting off a cold and fatigue here and its not feeling worth my effort.
i'm pretty sure carolina is cheating.
Yes TJ, Charles was the Bruce Buffer of the O'Bannon brothers.
And can somebody make Ty Lawson go left? Anybody?
beauty's in the eye of the beholdah, z-man.
Isn't there a Seinfeld about that?
Geoff, this is looking eerily like Nevada-Las Vegas 101/Duke 71...rest up
Much like Lupe Izzo, this is ugly.
In the past it was comical, but this iteration of the Red Sawks is so friggin' good that the next 6.9 months of my life will be a living hell.
The advertisers that have spots running in the second half can't be too fired up right now.
The Spartans look scared. Feeling the weight of the state of Michigan on their shoulders may be a bit much for these kids. Tom and Lupe can handle it, but not the kids.
wow, state's body language is awful. i don't wanna go all billy packer, but this might be over.
My sister agrees with you Rob. She's standing up and shouting that exact thing at the court.
I may move to Detroit. NYT had an article a few weeks ago saying that you can buy a house in Detroit for $500.
I am hyper.
I am gay.
I am a MUPPET!!!!
State is on a 1.5 point per minute scoring pace. That's not enough.
Forced Lawson left and he turned it over. 15-Love bald tattooed freakshow.
Papa Johns or Pizza Hut for this guy?
Krisite now just called UNC the AIG of college basketball
Are Denny's free Grand Slamwiches available to blacks too? I know Denny's isn't too fond of them.
That GM ad inspires no confidence. I wouldn't buy any car they showed.
Pizza Hut, duh. I said before the tournament and I'm saying it again, Ed Davis is going to be the best pro on this UNC team.
So, we can just make as many iterations of Terminator as we want?
But would you buy a Grand Slamwich?
Shlara's watching the game with Nenad Krstic!?
OK OK...I was lazy and didn't want to have to establish a username and password
A Moons Over My Hammy-wich?
speaking as a former pizza hut employee, you gotta go with papa john's. or better yet, call lost dog.
Raymar's nose is going to look like Peter Angelos' nose tomorrow.
I am unfortunately out of the Lost Dog delivery zone
I said here before - the American movie industry is out of ideas.
I did the math and talked to Talia Shire...MSU, you can't win.
This is all heresy. Do the right thing and go to the Italian Store.
I'm jumping the gun on this but...
"Think with you dipstick (spaghetti) Jimmy!"
Did they hire Young MC to create the early 90's beats for the "I bought a PC" commercials?
You really want me behind the wheel? again?
This is all going downhill. Quickly.
Did anyone see the diatribe from the ASU women's bball coach?
If MSU was even remotely near the point spread I'd accuse them of shaving points.
ellington, gracious.
He's made himself a lot of money in the past couple months. Mid to late 1st rounder now.
Will Izzo borrow this line for his halftime speech?
Are you speaking of the "poop" rant, Zoltan?
There are seemingly infinite numbers of shitty commercials these days, but can we not all agree that Capitol One's "what's in your wallet" campaign is the worst in the history of moving pictures?
clark's trying to sell it.
Yeah, poop. I just saw it this weekend. One more reason why I don't watch women's basketball -- no cursing.
josh pastner gets the memphis job - wow. kid's been working to get there since high school. good for him.
He really can't go left, can he.
No. No he can't.
And I hope Pastner's end up being a good game coach. He's clearly already a good recruiter.
Zeller's played 71 minutes coming into tonight's game. Was it necessary to take a year's eligibility for those limited minutes? I'm sure winning a title makes it easier, but that seems like Roy being selfish to me.
i can believe what i just saw. go to bed, folks. go to bed.
I may have to call it a night and set the DVR to get Luther singing One Shining Moment.
Sir Mix a Lot is alive!
Whatever. He gets to go to UNC for free. He's 7 feet tall so he'll probably get drafted some day and make a bunch of money (see, e.g., Serge Zwikker).
Burger King is using Sir-Mix-A-lOt ripoffs to sell kid's meals?
booty is booty, friends.
I am similarly unassured by Hyundai's offer.
This is like a 1980's Super Bowl. But less fun, since there's no Fridge or Fun Bunch.
Zeller was a McDonald's All-American (His brother plays at Notre Dame)and has a ton of talent. He was in the rotation at the beginning of the year but was undercut going for a layup (I think against MSU the first time) and broke his wrist. He was eligible for a redshirt but said he wanted to come back to help the team. Now, I don't know if Roy Boy made him do that or not, but thats the background.
Maybe he'll pull a Pat "Pride of Bogota" Sullivan and stick around for 6 years.
"There’s no way Michigan State is going to lose this game tonight."
"...by more than 40."
Hey Whit - is there a place where awkwardly tall guys go to buy bad formal wear?
that's dumb as shit, greg. magic isn't eligible. terrible preparation by cbs there.
Its called Fellas Fashions and is in the Ballston Mall...home of the 6-9 buttom suits.
I am so fucking angry at Michigan State right now. First the play their motherfucking asses off and beat UConn (essentially ending my chance to win my main pool) and now they come out and shit their collective pants against Carolina. Fuck you and your $500 houses Detroit.
I saw "Philadelphia" and I see you Magic.
What gives?
Everyone who wins their office pool should do their patriotic duty and buy a couple houses in Detroit.
(slow clap)
I'm glad to see that John Wooden hasn't given up on the bolo. Strong look.
I told TJ to wear one to that Arizona Society inaugural ball.
Before you buy a house in Detroit you have to submit a plan to the Obama administration setting forth how you will revitalize the neighborhood and make the city economically viable.
I get jokes.
mookie blaylock! those dudes rocked.
And if they don't like your plan they will fire the CEO of a company to be named later.
How much time will be left when MSU gets to UNC's first half total...
I'm so glad I don't have kids. How do you explain that ad?
Or this ad?
That guitar hero commercial has caused erectile dysfunction in lab rats.
David Caruso or a horrendous blowout title game?
Blowout title game. By a large margin.
the failure to cut it to 15 there is a huge turning point.
Greg's glad he doesn't have kids too. He told me Father's Day is the scariest day of the year for him.
Does "built like Mateen Cleeves" he mean that he has a mouth like a Pez dispenser?
geoff's feeling it tonight - running and gunning from all over the court.
He's the Anderson Hunt of this shellacking
Cold medicine and scotch...mmmm...
The Pizza Hut was the right choice.
Maybe MSU should stop shooting threes?
I bet you DC guys wish you went to the BJM concert tonight instead...
Where's Anderson Hunt from?
Real Genius airing on one of the Encore movie channels now. Might be too tempting with this ocular forking on CBS.
8 points to go to tie UNC;s first half total...
Lots of Masters-baiting in the lower left of my screen tonight.
I'm flipping back and forth between UFC on Spike and the NCAA Championship Game. I never thought I'd write that sentence.
It's 16 and it might never get closer...
You can get three points if you drive the lane, make a bucket, and get fouled...
More painful to watch: the ear scene from Reservoir Dogs or the 2009 NCAA Championship game?
Ok, I'm done. Let me know what Nantz's end of game pun is. I'll guess "NC stands for National Champions"...or maybe "no contest"...
The last one I remember being this boring was UConn-Georgia Tech. And I don't even think that was as lopsided as this has been.
Was Buffalo Wild Wings responsible for the Joe Pisarcik play?
We got tha beet
The lead's down to 15 now TJ. I bet you feel like a jackass.
You should flip over to Spike if only to see a terrible combination of receding hairline and cornrows.
More ugly misses here than at chicken sandwich day at the William + Mary cafeteria.
God this game sucks.
Wasn't the chicken patty available every day?
thabeet rocking the Paris Hilton shades. He is so high.
Magic ate AIDS. I just figured it out.
I feel better now.
the lead is down to 13!!!
Hansbrough trips Lucious, Lawson falls on Lucious, Lucious called for the foul. Sounds about right tonight.
Yeah, Magic looks pretty healthy for a guy who hasn't had an immune system for close to 20 years.
I'm so Hasheem Thabeet...
Someone hand me a nail...
Who's the bigger prick, Jerry Hathaway or Walter Peck?
Walter Peck.
He shut down the whole fucking grid.
For anyone that's still awake, most dominating tourney run since...?
I'm guessing UNLV.
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