Mr. Armstrong, you are a contrarian pick. Some folks know you as a legendary cyclist and an advocate for cancer research. But those memories are fading fast. What's being left in the flotsam is a picture of an over-the-hill athlete desperately trying to stay relevant.
Nobody gives a poop if you are riding a bike in Australia. So put away your Schwinn. And how about coming clean regarding your enhanced race performances in the past? The entire rest of the field was doped up to their eyeballs, yet you bested them all after battling cancer? Really? That's the silliest thing we've heard since somebody tried to convince us Liu Chunhong was a woman. Maybe you were sipping from Floyd Landis' magic Jack Daniels bottle all those years.

Men don't care about cycling. And they are tired of you hogging the front page of papers, magazines and web sites. Women loathe you as well. You lost their support when you abandoned your family for tramps like Sheryl Crow, Kate Hudson and an Olsen twin.
When I have to make poop and I turn to my wife's US Weekly for some mindless on-the-potty reading to occupy me for 15 minutes, I want to see celebrity sluts with big breasts, little bikinis and hard nipples. I do not want to see a photo shoot of you jogging in Malibu with movie stars. The only Malibu dude I want to see while I'm taking the browns to the super bowl is my boy B-Rad.

Make poop?
look at rhymo making friends with the distaff side of the aisle.
what, no love for the jetsam?
Little known fact almost none of you will care about:
Before joining Metallica, Jason Newsted played bass in a metal band called Flotsam and Jetsam.
aha! i knew that. it's one of the very, very few pieces of metal trivia i know.
right along with the anecdotal evidence of mike piazza snorting certs he thought was cocaine at a ratt concert circa 1986 or so.
I respect Piazza a little bit more because he's a metalhead. I remember an SI article about him way back in the day where he showed off some obscenely expensive stereo system he bought. It was well into 6 figures for the system.
And anybody with the tiniest semblance of interest in metal (or the 1980's hair metal days) should buy Klosterman's Fargo Rock City. Muy hilarious.
i read klosterman's 'killing yourself to live' and have meant to read more. his stuff is uniquely good.
Hey, shocker, the Chieves fired Herm.
Not to rain on Rhymo's parade but any decent Metallica fan knew that, and yes, amazingly, I am a pretty big Metallica fan.
The Chiefs are looking to hire Shannahan. Maybe someday he'll coach the Chargers to complete his sweep of the AFC West.
Check out "Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs" if you like Klosterman.
"So put away your Schwinn."
Boy, have I heard that too many times in my day.
I enjoy Rhymo's ability to work Liu Chunhong into virtually every post he does.
Mark, Rhymo - did you see who Mel Kiper has the Jets taking in his first mock draft?
Percy Harvin.
That would be some nice synergy for the GTB editorial staff.
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