Neko Case has a new album out soon, which is noteworthy all on its own. But even more interesting to this observer is the cover art. In this age of downloads, the physical properties of our music purchases take on a long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away quality. That inevitable trend might slow for a moment or two, though, if more musicians dropped this kind of art-school crazy on us:

You know what I miss? Liner notes. I used to know who sampled what or who played which instruments on various tracks. Now I don't even know the name of the song I'm listening to unless I poke the scroll wheel to turn off the screen saver on my iPod.
Right on. I really liked to sit and read the liner notes as I let the album play through the 1st time. I haven't done that (or even thought about it) in years.
careful, boys. you're starting to get uncle whitney worked up into a righteous rant about the good old days of music.
Something like "When I was a boy, phonographs played cylinders made of wax and if it got too hot out your music would melt, and we liked it like that"?
and we made mixtapes, and we liked it.
Mark, I'm gonna make you a mix tape. Do you like Phil Collins?
Thats a silly question. I've patterned most of my life after him.
The correct answer was "I've got two ears and a heart, don't I?"
note to self for march: marquette gets after it on the defensive end. and they can score.
Lack of non-Lazar bigs will be their downfall.
yeah, i can see that against the right (wrong?) team. tho it didn't hurt them against a notre dame squad with some size.
They certainly have many of the ingredients often mentioned for a deep March run...and I feel like James/Matthews/McNeal have been there 7 years.
okie state/oklahoma are getting up and down the court. this could be fun.
And rob, Notre Dame (other than Hellboy) has faux size. Bunch of Matt Bullards.
The thing about this OU-OSU match-up is that it's been tremendously dirty at the start, yet the announcers are absolutely clueless. Fraschilla and the other clown have missed everything: B. Griffin getting smacked in the head, him roughed up every trip down the court, Crocker being kicked while on the ground. Travis Ford has instructed his guys to mug the Sooners.
You know what, it's working...
I see the Sooners pulling away and Blake Griffin getting popped. Or Austin Johnson. That guy seems Devendorf-esque in his deuschebagginess.
all the more fun. that foul on the double-team was exhibit a for rhymo's point - never seen a double that physical.
The guy with the mohawk might be required to be involved.
what's the #1 play of the last 30 years? keith smart jumper? fred brown throws it away? laettner beats kentucky?
"Harris...nice reach around..."
ahl - i had the same reaction.
Oklahoma St might want to make a shot.
Frenetic pace...and as rhymo mentioned, guys being tackled on the court.
I think being overly physical is the only way OK State can keep up with OU. The Griffin brothers are too big and physical down low and OU's guards are generally pretty solid with the ball so a faster pace shouldn't negatively affect them in a major way.
And TJ's right about Marquette and ND. Somebody's gonna beat up on Marquette down low and get Lazar in foul trouble (plus, he's only like 6'7") and ND's bigs aren't tough outside of Gody. Hillesland is slight and Ayers is soft as cotton. Finally, the guard trio at Marquette has definitely been in Milwaukee since the late 90s.
He doesn't really pass the initial eye test but Austin Johnson is pretty solid.
Huge Knicks win. Okay, maybe not huge, but still a win. Their march towards a .450 winning percentage and the #8 seed in the playoffs continues, as does Danilo Galinari's quest to grow facial hair.
And an epic missed high-five between Nate Robinson and Johnny Mac in the front row. White people over 40 should not be allowed to high five.
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