Any guess who this douche is? No? That's OK...it's Hulk Hogan's kid Nick. You know, the really good driver.
And while I'm here, how 'bout some ghoogles:
- timecircuitsfirday
- antisister
- games for 5 year and above
- angry blog you wouldn't like it when i'm angry
- I've been through the dessert on a horse
- weird bartender moynihan
- Get me hamm on 2 hold the mayo
- panescu george blog
- sh!ting bricks
- nhl trivia
- corporate accounts speaking just a moment
- blog gheorghe stepanov
- gheorghe stefanov blog's
- jerk blog
- reggae version of everybody knows your name
- gheorge the blog
- christmas eve in washington
- gay nfl
- gheorghe stefanov blog
- fratural
- mike frensley
- G/TB
Jeff Kent just announced his retirement. A quick recap of his career: 5 pedestrian seasons as a young infielder, re-location to BALCO area in 1997, inexplicable power burst over the next 8-10years, several outbursts revealing he's tightly wound and prone to rage, significant decline last two years, cool stache.
Nothing fishy at all about a Bay area athlete putting up monster numbers in the late 90's.
Well, now he has all the time he needs to wash his truck.
He and Kellen Winslow Jr. should enroll in the same safety course.
OK, be honest, did anyone see this movie?
Mike Myers' comedy The Love Guru is leading this year's Golden Raspberry Awards after scoring seven nominations at the naming and shaming of the year's worst movies.
i don't like this headline, not one bit:
Firefighters: Flaming Squirrel To Blame In Jones Wildfire
Does Clemson go 0-54 at North Carolina tonight?
Btw, in case nobody noticed, today's squirrel appreciation day. So, even though I don't really know Rob, I wanted him to know he's appreciated...by somebody, I'm sure.
Zoltan, blackberry does not get the videos...explain to me how awesome your link is in 15 words or less.
Um, gtb's Wake squad needs to (pardon the word play) wake the fuck up. They're down ten to Va Tech at the half. At Wake. Ugh.
Wake's getting back in it but it sure seems like they're looking forward to their next game (vs. Duke).
That's a bullshit charge call.
northwestern got minnesota and michigan state back to back - that's impressive.
Wake sure looks like they're gonna spit the bit in their first game at #1. But they may rally on the heels of the tremendous dancing by a very fat Wake fan done as ESPN came back from the commercial break.
They're now done 4 with 4 minutes left. Let's see if they can shake the Curse of Ace Custis and win this thing.
FYI - Danilo Galinari gets stretched out by a trainer every time he comes out of the game after his 10 minutes of action. That bodes well for the longevity of a 7 foot rookie, right?
dino's not really getting it done from the bench in this last stretch - wake has no offense at all.
NJIT...gettin' it done.
It's a link to a Hungarian mustache-growing contest.
I didn't even know Galinari was playing for the Knicks these days. How's he look (all things considered)?
Also, this UNC-Clemson game's a dandy so far.
Despite the butt-part in his hair, Galinari looks like he has a chance in the NBA. I'll take that at this point.
David Lee totally outplayed Shaq tonight. He is at about 16 PPG and 11.5 RPG. Some team is going to throw a big pile of money at him as a restricted FA this summer. I fear the Knicks will let him walk w/o compensation b/c they want cap space in '10.
I hope everybody saw the way Florida lost to South Carolina tonight. Possibly the worst way to lose a game ever ever ever.
Well, I'm at National Airport right now, and it appears all our inaugural visitors chose to fly home today, not yesterday. This place is a fucking debacle.
Oh yeah, Mark, I just saw how Florida lost on SportsCenter. How the hell do you let a guy get wide open behind you on that?
You have a complete and total diversion to defense and any of its core principles, that's how. God, I hate this version (as well as last year's version) opf Florida Basketball.
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