A victory tonight would have far reaching implications for the University of Florida football program. A victory tonight would catapult an already elite football program into a rarified air that's only been seen by two major college football programs in the last 15-20 years. A victory tonight would forever change the face of Florida football. A victory tonight is something I'd sell one of my children for. So, it's good thing for them that I'm a deadbeat dad who lives multiple states away.
If you can't tell, I'm a bit jacked for this (one of the many reasons I'm not in Ft. Lauderdale right now...the adrenaline and the copious amounts of Lindo Coffee I'd be ingesting would probably have me keeled over from cardiac arrest by half) so I'm not even going to attempt a real analysis of this game. Instead, I'll just divide things up into two categories: Things I Don't Like about this game and Things I Like about this game.
Things I Like:
- Sam Bradford won the Heisman: I wanted Sam Bradford to win the Heisman. I rooted for Sam Bradford to win the Heisman. I clapped out loud at the bar when Sam Bradford was announced as the Heisman winner. If you look at history, Heisman winners have been less than

- Percy Harvin is 90%: TJ seems to think this means that Harvin will pull a LaDanian Tomlinson (his words, not mine) at some point tonight and end up watching from the sidelines. Well, not surprisingly, I couldn't disagree more. Harvin himself has said that he's been at 90% for most of his career. That's just the way he's built, like a Ferrarri he needs constant maintenance and occassionally needs to be put up on blocks for a tune up. Harvin at 90% is better than anybody like him (not there's anybody like him, but you know what I mean) in the country. He'll be back tonight and he'll be special if he can avoid further injury.
- Florida's Special Teams Advantage: Oklahoma has been very average on special teams across the board this season. Florida, on the other hand, has one of the most complete and dangerous special teams units in the entire country. This is due in no small part to Urban Meyer's emphasis on special teams. Special teamers at Florida eat first at training table, they get first pick of all the best gear and they, more often than not, are guys who start on offense or defense. Odds are Florida makes a big play on special teams tonight, whether it be a blocked punt or a huge runback by my favorite midget Brandon James (sorry Erika). If Florida can affect the game with a timely special teams play then they're a long way towards winning tonight.
- The Oklahoma defenses' decision to talk shit to Tim Tebow: As I stated earlier, Tebow's one competitive son of a bitch. Also, as many an SEC defender can attest, Tim Tebow is a meathead of the highest order. For shit's sake, the guy tries to sneak into one-on-one hitting drills at the beginning of practice. Did you see his reaction to Dominque Franks' comments about Tebow being the 4th best QB in the Big 12? Sure, he was polite and said he, "took it as a compliment" but deep down you know he wanted to grab the table in front of him, choke slam the reporter who he was talking to straight through it and then rip off his shirt (Hulkster style) and start screaming, "You want some of me! Huh! You want a piece of this!". As I said earlier, Tebow's going to have to be careful to not let his emotions run wild tonight lest he be unable to make quick, correct decisions. However if he can corral these emotions, god help the poor defensive back who meets him head up near the goal line.
Things I Don't Like:
- Brandon Spikes' pregame trash talk: By now I'm sure you've seen Spikes' quote from a day or so ago ("Big 12 defenses are a joke"). Now, I like to talk trash as much as the next guy and I have a huge mancrush on Brandon Spikes but this, this was unneccessary. The media's been killing the OU defense for the past month anyway so there's really no need to supply the Sooner defense with more motivation. Spikes isn't going to be facing the Sooner D tonight (obviously) but he's written a pretty big check for himself to cash tonight when he's on the field. His emergence as one of the nations' best defensive players has been a key to Florida's run towards the National Title and he's going to have to step up to his own challenge to tonight in order to finish his final season (more than likely) in an appropriate fashion.
- The media's trashing of the OU defense: As Rob will tell anyone who listens, motivation is one of the primary keys to success in bowl games. The National Championship is no different. Florida won two years ago based largely on the motivational fuel supplied by the national media who thought they had no chance against undefeated Ohio State, as well as a bunch of other made up shit that Urban Meyer fed them in the week leading up to the game (Seriously, he basically m

- The distraction of Dan Mullen: Mullen's not really a member of the Florida coaching staff anymore. In fact, Mullen's been in Starkville and recruiting for Mississippi State for the past 3 weeks. It's tough not to believe he's been somewhat distracted throughout the last week and it's even tougher to think this won't alter the game in some way tonight. The amount the game is altered will be the issue. Pay attention to play calling in critical 3rd down situations and within the redzone, these plays should be a good indicator of Mullen's preparation and synchonicity with the rest of the Gator coaching staff.
Waiting: In the words of Sir Smoke-a-Lot, "I can't take this shit no mo!"
Fwiw, I think the matchup between UF's D-Line and OU's O-Line is the game's most important.
Agreed on Mark's comment. If Bradford gets comfortable, OU will put up a ton of points and run away with this thing. OU's line is fierce, so it will be a big challenge for the Florida defense.
I have no rooting interest, but I like OU tonight. I don't think their offense can be stopped. At the very least, I'd take them getting 6. I just hope we get a good game. We've had a couple farts after the epic 2006 game.
One more thing - the online over/unders are ranging from 69 to 71. That's awesome.
now i'm fired up, and i don't even care who wins.
I work with a guy from Oklahoma so I'm rooting for Florida to annoy him. Good luck tonight Mark. I'm hoping for a good game, and that it doesn't stress you out too much.
Go Gators.
Will read this now while tuning out Thom Bennehaman.
Jerry's key matchup: are OU's OTs quick enough to stay with Florida's DEs?
What if a national championship game went to OT? That would be crazy.
I'm getting psyched for the start of this huge game.
Knicks-Mavs, bring it on!
Ouch. Major Wright just broke Johnson's sternum.
A defensive stop. That's gravy.
Most shocking instant replay review of all time?
Way too far of a throw to make after spending that much time in the pocket. Unless you're Joe Flacco.
Flacco has a gun. It didn't help that Tebow pump-faked to the guy who was standing still, then threw it at him.
the under is putting up quite a fight so far.
Completely unvalidated bowl game betting theory. Take the 1st half under and the 2nd half over.
i bet if you retrofitted that theory you'd find it pretty damn compelling. i've got something to occupy my time tomorrow.
have i mentioned that i like to watch percy harvin?
'the passion, the fire, the soft caresses, the tender, tender loving of tim tebow'
Mark, who can I obtain some of this Delroy Lindo coffee you speak of?
gtb is the 8th hit on ghoogle if you search 'lindo coffee'.
Good to know there's a difference b/w a track star playing football and a football player who runs track.
How can they make that reference without mentioning Renaldo "Skeets" Nehamiah?
so, um, trautwein?
So was Willie Mays Hays a baseball player turned parking lot track star, or a parking lot track star turned baseball player?
Are bees better at smelling drugs than dogs? Next on Channel 5 news.
Your child drinks rat milk at lunch? Fox 5 investigates.
Good news! Eddy Curry's season has just started.
As for his physical conditioning, let's just say it's not strong. The man is fat as a whale. Apparently, D'Antoni doesn't have a target weight for him. He just wants Curry to be able to run the floor and play in his system. Good luck with that Mike...
Fortified with Vitamin R?
Either you or Greg were good for that one...
Curry vs. Sean May in a 1-miler? Can they break 8 minutes?
we need a post on fat nba players. oliver miller, ledell eackles, kevin duckworth...there are lots more.
In case anybody was wondering, the OU offense was off the field for 22 minutes. But it didn't seem to hurt too much.
I heard the radio pregame for a Knicks-Bobcats game. A Bobcats assistant was responding to questions about May. He was trying sooo hard to not say May was fat, but he was saying it without saying it, if you know what I mean.
Maybe May should retire and get a job as Donald Faison's stunt double.
Does Adam Morrison ever get off the bench for the Bobcats?
So is Bob's daughter hot or not? All we see is her in a robe, followed by shots of her getting groped by her boyfriend.
I say no. She looks thick under that pink robe.
Morrison has been riding the pine a lot because he won't play D.
Not hot. It kills the commercial for me.
Lock of the year that a TD drive would follow the 1st TD. Of course it would've been a lot cooler if I had posted that 30 minutes ago.
What were the black snowmen going to do if they were alerted to the heatwave?
that was a frickin' laser
I'm not all that high on Tebow's pro prospects, but he is a better passer than he sometimes gets credit for.
That was a Browning Nagle pass.
I get fired up every time they show the OU band because there's a fat Latino sax player with a fantastic afro.
They HAVE to go for it on 4th down.
Get your fucking downs right fuckers.
The new Z looks like an inflated Hyundai Tiburon. Not that anyone else cares.
the whole look back at the sideline thing annoys me, and i think it actually hurt oklahoma there on 3rd down.
OK Mark, I was wrong about Harvin.
90 percent, huh?
So Oklahoma has really high academic standards for recruiting.
"Keep an eye on that right knee." Ouch.
Sam Bradford won the Heisman this year? Thanks assface.
I'm happy for Ron Cherry breaking the color barrier and all, but he seems nervous as hell every time he has to talk.
Bob Stoops really needs to do something about the Mickelson juggs he's sprouting.
Does Juaquin Iglesias also have a "life of its own" mole?
Thom Brennaman has a lot of trouble following the game. A lot.
So someone's taking Gresham in the Top 20 in the draft? A la the Jets and Keller this year?
Mark is likely having a stroke. Otherwise, this is a fun game.
I noticed we haven't heard from him in a loooong time.
He's probably at the library.
with the pope.
Typical contrarian point - everybody will talk about the defenses now, but both offenses are moving the ball fairly effectively. It's just not turning into points.
His bong, Pope Urban.
Papal elections are a must for Mark right now.
OU has a deaf dumb blind kid?
I'm guessing he also plays a mean pinball?
Well...probably dumb....
69. Suck it bitches!
Right here, in Atherton Library!
3D horror movies sound like a real winning concept.
major wright is hammering people.
who is the color guy on fox? less than impressive on that series.
Florida really needs a special teams play.
rob, not cool at all man. Not the proper nomenclature.
The "color" guy is Charles White. I didn't like him when he first started doing the BCS games, but I was pretty impressed with his preparation and inclination to discuss X's and O's in the Orange Bowl. He's been fairly nondescript tonight for me.
Ugh. That's going to be a huge penalty.
Florida made a special teams play, just the wrong one.
My forward-looking comments are really wrong tonight.
Marc-Andre Fluery got pulled after blowing a 3-0 lead against Nashville. Sweet.
Wild Gator!
There's your special teams play Jeremy.
Did the OU defender pull a Dockett and work Harvin's ankle after the tackle?
And will Fox have the guts to show the replay?
Eh. Wasn't that bad.
Harris has made 4 or 5 questionably dirty, definitely douchey plays tonight. Way to show you're a dick on a national stage, assface.
What the hell happened on that play?
This game has had an awkward feel all night. It's not being helped by the least confident looking referee I've seen outside of U-9 girls soccer.
If that is a pick, that was an amazing pick.
Yep, how fitting...jump pass to clinch it.
Tebow was money on that drive.
That's one fired up christian.
Whoa whoa Thom...single worst statement ever uttered? Put down Mark's hyperbowl please.
Spikes looks like he's about 36 years old.
Yeah, it's really not that ridiculous at all. The Big 12 QBs are awesome.
Tebow even pummels officials.
Smash pass pray
"We believe in a society...
Sad fat clarinet face.
I'll have some more comments when I'm relatively sober tomorrow but for now I'll say this...Dynasty motherfuckers!
Mark has always been a huge Blake Carrington guy.
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