Monday, January 05, 2009
Welcome to a Doggone Great New Year
On the theory that anyone who irritates John Cornyn, Bill O'Reilly, and Ann Coulter can't be bad, G:TB gives you the newest Senator from the great state of Minnesota. And in this kinder, gentler, fuzzier, warmer world of 2009, don't we all need to know that we're good enough, smart enough, and goshdarnit, people like us?

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There is nothing particularly offensive about John Cornyn...the other two are #s 1 and 2 on my "Get Off My Side" ladder.
yeah, john cornyn's just there for poetic balance. and because he was the first republican anti-franken link i found. other than norm coleman, of course.
Big win for the Wiz yesterday.... Maybe the Mystics can't beat them after all.
Oh wait...I just remembered a hilariously awful ad Cornyn ran this year during his re-elect. This offends several of my senses...
geoff, you'll be happy to know that i'm working on something for tomorrow in the spirit of bipartisanship.
I dunno, from these latest comments, I think Geofferson is on the slippery slope to the dark side in left center...bogey
i'd think that his professonal livelihood somewhat depends upon him adopting such a public stance in the near term, dennis.
Isn't this why handles were invented?
And why is my google password showing up in my comments??
And how the hell did UNC lose yesterday?
nice to see oregon state get off the pac-10 schneid against usc last night. potus-elect's brother-in-law is slowly turning things around.
Anybody fired up for the Fiesta Bowl tonight? Me neither.
The only thing that will fire me up for this game is if we get plenty of shots of Colt McCoy's sister in the crowd. Or if James Laurinaitis' dad dresses in his old Road Warriorrs gear.
In this new environment, I am striving to be all things to all people. So far, I'm failing miserably. I'll keep you posted.
i would like you to be a platypus. thanks.
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