I had some other pressing issues that had to be attended to this morning, so I wasn't able to throw together a little post to go with a liveblog of the USA-Argentina game. Of course, since I took the early morning off, the guys on Team USA got all discouraged and came out flat in the 2nd quarter thus allowing Argentina to climb back into the game without the help of an injured Manu Ginobili. Luis Scola is having his way with us inside and the U.S. has been stifled by the Argentine zone, resulting in way too many three point attempts and sloppy passes. Which has , not suprisingly, resulted in a lack of cohesiveness within the halfcourt offense.
Now, I may not be as patriotic as Geoff (read: I don't get drunk and listen to Toby Keith records by myself) but I'll be damned if I'm gonna let America lose to a bunch of swarthy, flopping, gesticulating Argentines just because I couldn't be bothered to put a blog post up about this meeting of international basketball superpowers. So there you go...I'm doing my part...now do yours and join me in the comments for the second half.
oh, man. that makes me hungry. i was planning to find a churriscaria, but now i'm going to chick-fil-a to do my part in supporting a god-fearing all-american company.
Ewww. Lebron just tried to go one-on-one through the top of the 2-3 zone. You can guess the result.
i love the sense of purist's outrage there. awesome.
What is this churriscaria? I'm intrigued.
Chik-Fil-A is never, ever a bad choice though...
i dunno, something to do with argentinian meat. i might have made it up.
i misspelled it - actual spelling is churrascaria. it's one of those 'meat on a stick' all you can eat joints. like fogo de chao, if you have those in florida.
Had me fooled...
Yeah, Ive been to a brazilian one before. Not a big meater eater though so its not really worth it for me.
Oh yeah...basketebll is going on.
me, either. i'm on my way to get some perfectly cooked chicken on a bun with strategically placed pickles. keep up the good work.
Is the "shoot him up" scene from Varsity Blues going on in the Argentine locker room right now?
Bad tech by Nocioni...Carmelo completely goaded(?) him into that.
Can we say we're pulling away yet? I'd like to get comfortable
If Dwight Howard had Luis Scola's offensive arsenal, he'd be the greatest center in the last 25 years...probably better. Scola is just so damn skilled,its very impressive.
Yeah, we're pulling away...we ought to be glad Manu's banged up. If he had been healthy we might have been in game until the end.
What the heck is Dwayne Wade doing at the line? 2 misses in a row?
an absolutely beautiful spin by Paul...
Wade has been far less impressive in the past two games than he was early in the Olympics.
Carlos Delfino's played extremely well for Argentina in the Olympics. He kept them in the game early in the 4th quarter against Greece.
14 points. Still too close for my liking. I'd like a 9 point run to start the 4th, please.
I love the Nike/Marvin Gaye anthem commercial but would it kill Nike to run the full length version? Just once a game guys?
Anybody really think that Kidd and May-Treanor are just "good friends"? Yeah, me neither.
Europe...The Final Countdown. Beijing is just like New Jersey!
We're winning but we look sloppy far too often.
I'm watching on NBC feed. No commercials, no commentators. The crowd is still really into it.
We're not gonna lose but we can't pull away because we're too sloppy and selfish on offense and too lax on defense. This looks like an NBA game right now.
i could handle a little less Doug Collins in my life...
NBC.com is downright anti-America. All of the highlights during timeouts are of Argentina.
Kobe talking shit to Delfino...nice.
Thats the second occurence of genuine dislike I've seen today, the first being Anthony-Nocioni. I blame the Argentines...I think we all know they're a bunch of assholes.
Somebody get Don Guisse on the phone...
Sloppy, but US stepped up their quickness on D when it Arg threatened to cut the lead to 10/11. Good sign.
If Delfino had played with heart like this in detroit, he'd still be there.
Which might explain why he didn't play like this...
Sunday morning should be interesting.
I like when LeBron is in the middle of the 2-3. He sees the angles well with his height and takes advantage with his natural passing ability.
chick-fil-a's waffle fries: underrated.
Everything about Chik-Fil-A is underrated, except for their hours on Sunday.
that's a good point.
The Argentines are a bunch of dirty bastards. That is a scientific fact.
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