From FOG:TB Shlara, a reason to celebrate:
The Tiny Dictator and Doofus Overlord have ceded the floor
to me today, and I’d like to invite all of the Gheorghies and FOGTBs to
celebrate 826 Day with me.
Today is August 26th (8/26), which is a special
day for the 826National network. (FYI,
this is nothing like 4/20, you degenerates…)
You’re not familiar with 826National, you say? Well, let me
tell you about it…
Dave Eggers is not impressed with your apathy |
826 is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting
students ages 6-18 with their creative and expository writing skills, and to
helping teachers inspire their students to write. The organization is based on
the belief that great leaps in learning can happen with one-on-one attention
and that strong writing skills are fundamental to future success. With this in
mind, 826 provides after-school tutoring, story-telling and book-making field
trips, evening and weekend writing workshops, in-school programming, help for
English language learners, and student publishing opportunities, all free of
charge. The programs are challenging and enjoyable, and ultimately strengthen
each student’s power to express ideas effectively, creatively, confidently, and
in his or her individual voice.
That sounds like the introduction to a grant letter, because
it is. To get a more inspiring explanation of 826, I’ll let our founder tell
you about it. If you don’t have 25 minutes now to watch Dave’s
TED Prize speech, here’s the Cliff Notes version:
It started when he was living in Brooklyn, a writer with an
unconventional schedule and several friends who were teachers and
educators. There were a lot of kids in
his neighborhood—many who came from disadvantaged homes—who needed some extra
attention to perform better in school, and their parents either didn’t have the
experience or bandwidth to support them. So when Dave decided to relocate his
publishing house, McSweeney’s, in San
Francisco, he opened a multi-purpose space for writers and editors as well as a
(free) tutoring center for neighborhood students. He found a building on
Valencia Street in the Mission District, but there was one catch…the place was
zoned for retail, so they had to set up some sort of store, to be in compliance
with the regulations. The space was old and had a lot of character, and they
realized that it kind of looked like the hull of a ship—so they decided to open
a Pirate Supply Store complete with
peg legs, hooks, leeches and planks sold by-the-foot.
Right behind the Pirate Store, sat the tutoring center, and surrounding the
center, the McSweeney’s staff desks. The Pirate Store piqued student’s curiosity,
the free tutoring appealed to parents in the neighborhood, and Dave’s writer
friends flocked to the space to volunteer. Students flourished and the center
became a hipster landmark in the city.
The magic of 826 has spread to many U.S. communities and the
network boasts eight official chapters so far: San Francisco, LA, Seattle, Chicago,
Michigan—Ann Arbor & Detroit, Boston, New York/Brooklyn, and DC. There are also
several international programs inspired by 826 (Australia, Sweden, Italy) and
many more U.S. cities taking the steps to build an official 826 program in
their community.
Creativity is what sets 826 apart from other writing and
literacy organizations—you find it in the programs (songwriting workshops,
poetry and novel-writing classes) and the people who get involved (Neil Gaiman,
Christopher Hitchens, Fiona Apple, Zooey Deschanel (EDITOR'S NOTE: Wait, did you just say Zooey Deschanel?) and the events hosted by
each chapter (Scrabble for Cheaters with Peter Dinklage, Books for Breakfast
with legendary sportswriter Bob Ryan, Poker for Jokers with Ira Glass and
Michael Ian Black, The Judd (Apatow) and Jon (Brion) Comedy & Music Hour
featuring Peter Frampton, Colin Quinn and RZA). Each city’s center has the same
whimsical approach, with a local twist (Robot Supply Store in Michigan,
Superhero Supply Store in NYC, Time Travel Mart in LA), and all of the writing
programs result in a published piece—even for the first-graders at Storytelling
and Bookmaking field trips. 826 makes a measurable impact in student
performance. And it changes students’ lives.
Hi, Zooey! |
I was fortunate to discover the DC chapter several years ago, when they were
testing the model as “Capitol Letters Writing Center.” Learned about it in
Daily Candy, of all things. (If you don’t know what Daily Candy is…ask your
wife.) Literacy has always been an important cause/issue to me, plus I’m one of
those annoying do-gooders. Over the years, I’ve volunteered
as an adult literacy tutor (helping an adult learn to read is an incredible
experience), served as an after-school tutor, weekly reading buddy and as a
volunteer elementary school librarian. I created a massive reading incentive
program for the Bullets/Wizards back in the day and even worked at a children’s
literacy organization for a few years. Safe to day, I know a little bit about this
issue. So it was really exciting
for me to find an organization that is fresh and creative and just a little
off-center, but yet completely substantive.
I joined the board in 2011, and it’s one of the smartest decisions I’ve made in
a while. The students constantly amaze me
with their writing skills and I’ve been able to meet the most fascinating
people—826 is like a magnet for creative nerdy types.
Literacy may not be your thing, but if it is, I want you to
think about helping out the 826 chapter closest to you. Maybe it’s a donation
of $8.26 each month for a year, maybe it’s attending one of the awesome events
we host, or maybe you can spare some time to help out—volunteer
with one of the writing or tutoring programs or provide some pro bono help
(you’re all skilled in something).
And, if literacy isn’t your thing…go find your
thing. Do something that makes an impact beyond yourself and your family. Give some
serious thought to what matters to you, and where your talents/skills can be
leveraged and then find something that matches. You don’t need to commit all of
your free time, just some of it. And if you don’t have any free time, find
time—this is important. Get involved. It’s time.
matt harvey, torn ucl. sorry, mets fans.
Apparently all the women who fly Scandinavian Airline are tall and blond and thin. Very Elin Woods-y.
Shlara, it's hard to concentrate on the words when you have Zooey in there. but sounds like an awesome cause.
Zman - The Bills are starting a guy named 'Tuel' for week 1. Seems appropriate, if you pronounce that phonetically.
They have Matt Leinart and Thad Lewis too, so the other options are equally resplendent.
it's possible that i may have inserted zooey's picture into the post, mayhugh. but only because shlara mentioned her.
Scandinavian stewardesses. Oofah!
Can't say enough about Copenhagen. It's like an ancient urban Nantucket. Everything you've heard about nordic women is true.
To Chucky, the bathroom attendant in Terminal B, Charlotte airport....nice technique with, well, everything. Catch ya tomorrow bro!
I might be the fattest person in Copenhagen. Everyone is so fit.
I finally got around to watching the 99ers. Thought it was well done and enjoyed the attention on the specific games. Ultimately though I thought the HBO doc on the '99 team was better.
nice work shlara. get some of these kids posting filler.
please, please, please tell me you heard the end of tim kurkjian's segment with van pelt today. someone? anyone?
Alex Van Pelt? Or Lucy?
I did, Rob. It was great. It always is. Kurkijan's laugh is tremendous. It almost always makes me laugh. Today was especially good. Timmy couldn't even compose himself enough to say goodbye.
Aaron Hernandez enjoyed the angel dust. Guy had it all going on...
I did a lot of drugs during my time Florida. Dust? No, I'm good.
indeed, mark. i'd like that laugh as my ringtone. van peasy had him completely doubled over.
Jeff Teul was 4-22 at Washington State? Then the Pats are no problem.
But he holds Wazzu's career completion % record. And odd set of facts for the same QB.
Danish dude rolls in for breakast carrying a tin of dip and asks the waitress for a beer. It's 7:53 am.
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