This is the bourbon that crushed me on December 30th. It disguises itself as a delicious, affordable single-barrel bourbon. It then seduces you into drinking a half-dozen rocks glasses, each one getting larger than the prior. Then you wake up the next morning and say "Ow, my head. Owwwwwww, my head" a thousand times.

Evan Williams. A bottle of mayhem disguised as a delicious bourbon. You've been warned.
Good day all. 1st non hangover new years for me since Moby Dick was a tadpole.
For 2011 I'd like very much if Chris Berman changed out his ties.
I drank a bunch of Evan Williams recently and it didn't kick my ass but perhaps I didn't drink as much as TR. I agree that it's quite tasty. I got a bottle of Booker's for Christmas this year and I can guarantee it will kick my ass at some point soon.
made the mistake of eating the sangria fruit last night, but whit's appreciations may get me through the hangover . . .
stuck to beer last night. i'm only mildly hungover. so there's that.
Beer, prosecco, beer, champagne, vodka drinks
I feel like Shooter looked
This post going up early on new years morn will have people commenting in the Day 12 post all day.
Much like I did earlier and Mark just did...
TJ called it. Beer, Jager and a little crown for me last night. I feel surprisingly spry. Should I get drunk for the Outback Bowl then? Well...fine then.
I feel like ass, I look like ass and I'm pretty sure I smell like ass. Two straight hard drinkin' nights, 10 hours of sleep ib total and a bunch of greasy food will do that.
I played beer pong against a 66 y/o woman who had champagne in her cups last night. We won. Barely.
Penn state looking good early here....Florida not so much
that's some bullshit. clearly a fumble.
which game?
Lots of bourbon early last night, red wine with dinner, Dale's pale ale later, jäger throughout, vodka shots, extracurriculars. And zero hangover today. This year is already better than last.
Champagne with pineapple juice today thus far. Me calling them "morning leis" doesn't make them any less sissy, but damn they're tasty. Just made my 6th one. I love my dead gay blogger.
so michigan state's a bit counterfeit, then?
Michigan's defense is determined to give up 50+
whit, sorry but i'm denying your zero hangover-- you were obviously still drunk when you started drinking again-- you will pay the piper tomorrow.
i am paying now: beer, wine sangria, fruit, bourbon shots, and, of course, a late night dip to send me over the edge. never again.
Michigan's lack of D is really impressive.
The pineapple juice champagne mix sounds tasty. If ur on your period that is. Finishing the season as it began....sugar free red bull grape vodker
Florida still sucks. 2011, meh.
can't describe how excited i am that uconn/oklahoma is the lone game this evening.
I think today is going to be my new years Eve...
Good game this outback bowl.
What's the spread on tonight's Fiesta Bowl?
Um, what the hell is Florida running? A h.s. Wing T?
80 yard int for a TD to seal the win. One of the best ways that I can imagine for Ahmad Black to end his career. One of my all-time favorite Gators. Great player.
the big ten isn't very big today. also, not very ten.
Paula Dean y'all?
okla favored by 14 mark...i think it was as many as 16 1/5 a few days ago
watching this festival on ice, tivo'ing rose ball...serious blading going on.
tcu has a guy named tejay. sooo close.
Um, do they have both a "T.J." and a "TeJay"?
Can't remember the last time I enjoyed a Rose Bowl as much today's game.
Do they have a Teedge?
mike haywood is having a bad 2011
this badger o-line is as advertised
Tank Carter's nickname: tank the tank
Hayden Fry vs Dick Clark....I call it a draw
I started with foreign stout, switched to domestics, tequila, hennessey, more beer, couple redbulls in between. I stillfeel like a piano fell on me.
And okay, TCU is fo' real. Count me as part of the majority who thought wisconsin's o-line would blow them out of the stadium. I still wonder if TCU is going to wear down in the fourth.
Tank the tank is today's mvT.
New years at the Apollo for mayhugh. Nice.
outdoor hockey, always cool
yes. unless of course you're viewing in one of 1st 50 rows
hoping auburn oregon game is as good as last one...gotta wonder how good tcu oregon game would have been...
haven't seen so many wet spots since prom night '88
Point, danimal.
Rupp/Erskine is epic...
9000 go to tcu...that's something else.
i hope danimal got the sooners -14
yes please.
and i need it b/c i'm 0-2 today
Somehow or other, the zsister is emailing me photos rinkside from the Winter Classic. She's there with one of the jokers from DC Landing Strip.
landing strip? oh boy. biting tongue now.
um. what is dc landing strip? i trust that's not a description of the zsister's personal grooming.
not biting my tongue.
holy jesus
connecticut looks better than i and 95% of the country expected. nervous
You never read the DC Landing Strip blog?
Effing Teedge. I told him to add that to "What Gheorghe is Reading."
teej is so ots.
i'll probably read it now. but probably not.
It's not listed?
No. And those guys read Gheorghe.
i smell a fight.
i was hoping i'd be able to stop drinking and go to bed by now. ten points not enough. regretting the odarkhundred wake up call and 10 miler in the a.m. with guys i should't be running with. teej - take my place?
I'll fix tomorrow.
i could use some of that jesse palmer hair
I'm as shocked as anyone that Connecticut isn't losing by 4 TDs already. Does that mean I'm excited to watch the 2nd half? No, not at all.
I'm also pretty shocked that people actually read G:TB.
uconn is thinking...we're still in this...
how many people do read gtb? isn't there a google calculator machine that provides that info? what other metrics may we gleen?
yeah vavy
As was I. When I heard that the zsister's boyfriend had a blog I mentioned G:TB and he was like "No way! I've read that before, it's good stuff."
wtf. i was just shuttin it down.
Shutting what down?
was shuttin tv/computer down to go to bed...then uconn scored
i'm lookin for a possible "i think i may have said this" moment...
7/8/9 weeks ago when mich was still doin okay, the swami if not mistaken said he was going to have a rough go of it going forward and could be canned at year's end...that theory was poo poo'd...
can our dir of artifacts please look that up for us? or me?
are you guys watching this fucking game?????
gracie's lookin at at least 2 years of community college. or jmu as you guys would say.
fergie commercial.
I'm watching. Oklahoma will not let you go to bed. In fact, they'd like you to have another drink.
you just cue'd the deer
or queue'd
FYI - Victoria Justice turns 18 on 2/19/11. Anybody who has watched cartoons with their children will be relieved to know they will no longer have conflicted thoughts in 6 weeks.
I just googled who that was...
She looks like a younger Mila Kunis. That is of course a good thing.
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