$1 Million, in $100 bills:

$1 Billion, in $100 bills:

$1 Trillion, in $100 bills (note how little the man with no face is on the lower left):

(h/t to Greg Mankiw's blog for the link)
Dedicated to the premise that life would be better if we all took ourselves a little less seriously.
Re-posted, as TR snuck in afternoon filler:
For anyone who saw the first episode of "24/7 Caps/Pens"...this is hilarious:
TR, I would be interested in your take on Timmy G's current begging to increase uncle sam's debt limit. Clearly, this needs to happen, but this will have tigger some saber rattling about a potential downgrade for the US. At what point does the Fed just say F it and try to inflate our way out of this?
"have to trigger"
Monetary Policy Day at G:TB. That's right, bitches.
all about the M1 yo
Is that rob in the picture with the trillion dollars?
the million looks so small. what does $350 look like? or better yet, a big negative number which i think would better represent the financial situation many here are in
Danimal, it's like you have a window into my brain. And my bank account. (which, at this point, I only keep for the free lollipops.)
You can put a pic of me in the fetal position next to the negative pictorial representation.
awesome-- i love that graphic and i am going to show it to my numerically challenged students (last week i asked them what they thought the population of the US was-- i got answers from 600,00 to 300 billion)
a TEACHER said 9 billion.
Six hundred hundred...an odd guess
Do you work with Mr. Shoop?
nifty uniforms on cincy. they throwbacks?
So yeah, Xavier struggling a little this year...
Rob, your boy midmajority just made a Beowulf reference on twitter. If we didn't already dislike him...
VH1. Now. Best of Will Ferrell followed by Best of Will Ferrell Part 2.
go all grendel on his ass, teej
GFK is in Grand Rapids, MI tonight. How's that gonna work?
mark ingram going to the league. your ball, trent.
Wow. Slow day here @ G:TB. I don't have much to contribute either but thought I'd stop by. Why doesn't the Teej do something to entertain me?
yeah. no shit. it's friday afternoon. hop to it.
Did you guys see this megadonor piece in today's NYT? Apparently Auburn has its own real-life Buddy Garrity.
that article was in our local paper...i guess the nyt has never heard of boone pickens...
I didn't even look at the article, but i already know it's about Bobby Lowder. Dude is a legen in the soouth. Has been ever since he got Terry Bowden canned.
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