Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Igor and I felt this was an appropriate "next post"

Enough of the political discourse and rancor folks...just watch and enjoy:


zman said...

I know this post is a call for the end of polical conversation, but Sarah Palin wins bama of the month. Only a complete bumpkin would use the phrase "blood libel" in connection with the attempted murder of a Jewish woman.

T.J. said...

Yes zman, any of us with an internet connection saw that....but can you believe so many people get hit in the juts? Wild, right?

T.J. said...

It took me all of .69 seconds to google blood libel and know it was a bad word choice...her staff does have the internet where they work, right?

zman said...

Sorry, I'm still all politically fired up.

It's always funny to see people get hit in the nads.

Shlara said...

Wait, Teej and Igor had lunch in the city today and didn't invite me??

Marls said...

I think Dave's last post was Blood Libel for hating on Jewish charter schools.

I also think that somewhere Lumpy Steve is watching BloodSport.

rob said...

rancor? i hardly know 'er.

dave for governor. pot with every chicken.

Clarence said...

Tara, I apologize. I assumed that the Teej was the only GTBer or fOgtB worker in the city. WIlL NoT hAPppen AgAIN.

Okay, and sorry about the semi caps. Damn iPhone.

Clarence said...

The Teedge is back at the bar after interviewing a colleague on film after drinking for three hours. The kid is incredibly versatile.

rob said...

tara, if it makes you feel any better, the teej didn't invite me, either.

igor did, but that's not the point.

T.J. said...

Whit's ransom note is cute.

T.J. said...

I love when the donk to my immediate left is describing what I'm doing.

rob said...

he said to his friend, 'that dude is touching himself'?

Squeaky said...

Is that Johnny G at 1:02?

zman said...

Who the hell is Tara? Are she and Whitney twin sisters?

Dave said...

maybe she used "blood libel" on purpose as a key word to her "real" constituents, who love that sort of thing.

my letter has reached one of the founders of the new charter school, and oddly, she e-mailed my wife and told her she agrees with all my points-- and that these schools are being "forced" on us. we'll see what happens tomorrow night.

meanwhile, is a free market in nut shots worth deregulating, or will it result in a precipitous decrease in the population due to low sperm count.

Squeaky said...

Whit has a twin sister that also looks like the Boss? Learn something new every day.

zman said...

Let the market decide who should get shot in the nuts, when said shot should occur, as well as the force of the blow. Only the unseen hand can provide the right answer. We don't need elected officials dabbling with nuts or with shots to them.

Geoff said...

I'm a staunch opponent of government mandated nut shots for business owners or individuals.

zman said...

We need more nut shot opportunity zones.

rob said...

nut shots to the people!

Dave said...

i think sometimes we forget-- when we are sated with nut shots-- that there are many people in the world that have no access to viewing nut shots at all. we need to seek new avenues to give these people the access to nut shots they deserve.

zman said...

We will accomplish Dave's goal by fueling nut shots with switchgrass.

Greg said...

Nut shots for some, small American flags for the rest!

rob said...

tribe. drummed.

T.J. said...

Greg, "Football in the Groin" has a the groin.

T.J. said...

William and Mary mens hoop might have trouble escaping the CAA cellar all season...

TR said...

"According to the United Nations Population Division, the median ages of Western Europe and Japan, which were 34 and 33 respectively as recently as 1980, will soar to 47 and 52 by 2030, assuming no increase in fertility. In Italy, Spain, and Japan, more than half of all adults will be older than the official retirement age—and there will be more people in their 70s than in their 20s.

Lumpy said...

bloodsport is much more of a mayhugh pick. there's better chance i'm watching weekend at bernies...

Clarence said...

So let's invest in old folks homes in Spain! ¡Olé!

Dave said...

is it funnier when youngish cohorts get hit in the nuts? or old cohorts?

Dave said...

just edited my post today-- thanks zman!

Marls said...

I am heading off in a few hours to Montreal. I was hoping that the denizens of G:TB could offer some reccomendations on dining, bars, and other activities in the heart of French-Canadia.

T.J. said...

Elsinore Brewery tour...

zman said...

Avoid French candida.

TR said...

Go to lots of nudie bars on St. Catherine St. The loony-US exchange rate is not what it was, but the ladies are friendly. So I've heard.

zman said...

If you lived in Cleveland would you be excited about the start of the Pat Shurmur era? I guess it's exciting to be able to yell "Shurmur" like "Murmur" but otherwise ... not so exciting.

T.J. said...

Is that old curmudgeon/D coordinator Fritz's kid?

T.J. said...

Is that old curmudgeon/D coordinator Fritz's kid?

Lumpy said...



mayhugh said...

I prefer Kickboxer over bloodsport. A much more evil and unintelligible badguy, absurb JCVD apparel, the watershead drunk dancing fight scene, and the ridiculous White Warrior chant. "GIVE ME TONG PO!"

Lumpy said...

which one was it where he dipped his hands in wax and then shards of glass?

rob said...

new post up, arguably dumber than this one