Apologies to the founders of this blog, but two part-time editors are huge Jets fans, so this will/should be allowed as a segue into MLK Day.
Reasons to Be Happy:
The NY Jets put their money where their foot-loving mouths were. They got pressure on Brady with their front four, they covered excellently, they ran the ball for 120 yards (which not enough people saw as a huge game-changing opportunity), Sanchez made no costly mistakes, and the media finally realized that Brad Smith wasn't all that important. In related news, my wife gave the green light for a trip to Pittsburgh for the author, as tales of the city's blue collar ethic and the success of the Winter Classic created the impetus for G:TB's first on-location report for a conference championship.
Reasons to Be Sad:
According to continental.com, expedia.com and jetblue.com, my chances of finding a reasonable trip to the Iron City are slim-to-none. I've been to Pittsburgh multiple times for mundane work trips, and I've always been struck by the city's exorbitant air fares and brutal security lines. This trip seems no different. I'm dying to root for Gang Green, but I can't pay $700+ to fly in on Saturday afternoon and out at noon on Monday. I blame the whole Rooney family, Sidney Crosby, Omar Epps, Andy Van Slyke, the concussed corpse of Mike Webster and Mike Tomlin. We'll see if I can pull a miracle flight from out of somewhere.

One More Reason to Be Happy:
We beat these guys in December in their house when our D wasn't playing nearly as well. Spare me the "Troy was hurt" nonsense because there are ten other allegedly tough men on that defense. If Troy is that much of a bad-ass, then they all suck more than we think, including James "PED" Farrior, Lamar Woodley, Casey Hampton, etc. The Jets lost their starting nose tackle and starting strong safety and haven't bitched about it.
I'll drive and meet you...you stubhubbin tix?
where does the tr reside? i thought within driving distance.
greyhound is really not a bad way to travel these days
Danimal, TR is going to root for the Jets, not the New York Buses!
TR is apparently far too metropolitan to consider driving the (gasp) six hours to Pittsburgh. It's air travel or nothing.
Wait, is TR so NYC that he doesn't have a car?
Pats fans incessantly whining/bitching today. "Brady mustve had the flu"
Rally? Fucking whiny bitches. I'd love to hear former Wheelhouse commenter chip give an honest assessment of yesterday's game. But we know that couldn't happen because it can't actually be Saint Brady's fault they lost.
tr should have done a fundraiser for his gorgefest on saturday...i would have contributed a tank of gas or so.
does fireman ed or ted or whatever the f his name is drive an engine to the game?
Fireman Fred is driving the hook and ladder but no NYC people will ride on it because they'd dare not be seen on anything less than the fucking Concorde. And they're only half as bad as Connecticut douches.
TR, lots to work with here, to wit:
-Rent a car. A 6 hour drive and a brief flight are about a wash when you factor in parking at the airport, checking in, getting through security, boarding, de-boarding, luggage pick-up, taxi to final destination. Throw in the expenses of a short notice flight and it's a no-brainer to me. I'm good for 20 bucks to get Gheorge's feet on the ground at the AFC championship.
-It will be interesting to see how the trash talk unfolds this week. To use a labored "The Program" reference, I think the Jets are Alvin Mack and the Steelers are the big Offensive Guard with the Visor from Iowa who ends up ending Mack's career. If the Jets start talking this week and the Steelers stay quiet, I'm going to get that same ominous feeling...
-Did anybody else catch Tom Brady doing his best Peyton Manning "You guys are listening to me, I'm throwing the ball really well but you're not running the right routes" impression at about 2:25 in the fourth quarter following an incomplete pass to (I believe) Deion Branch? It was uncanny how pissy Brady got - he made the same face and hand expressions you're used to seeing from Manning when he's down a couple of scores and can't get on track.
-Ziggy Hood wood be a great porn name for a dude who was uncircumsized.
I will join Danimal and Senor Mayhugh in contributing to the GTB AFC Championship cause. I will kick in (1) the extra cash to get TR the upgrade to satellite radio in the rental car so that he can listen to Jets talk radio all the way there and get himself some kind of fired up (not to exceed $36.90) and (2) one sixer of Iron City of I.C. Light, 'cause when in Rome...
has gtb taken part in a fundraiser before? tomorrow's post maybe?
before i REALLY commit to the tank of gas - TR isn't a hedge fund manager or famous divorce attny is he?
with a fundraiser such as this - it must come with some real expectations. what are they?
Who's paying for my gas? I've got the same car trip ahead of me if I go...
Mrs. TR is paying TR's gas, and she has been ever since they got married. Dude's got farts like Russell Simmons steals money.
I drove from NJ to Pittsburgh once (for a Pee Lambduh Fee national convention of all things) and I think it took closer to 8 hours than 6 hours, probably because my work schedule forced me to get on the road at 5 pm.
I would look into a $62 train ticket. Cheaper than gas and tolls.
I'll contribute two packets of mustard and...does anybody have change for a button?
Okay, scratch my earlier contribution. I am funding TJ's Iron City six-pack. TR can probably win one from a group of friendlies by eating something gross.
Teej - fly to TR's house (or as close to it as you can get). I think this is a blatantly obvious excuse for a road trip.
zman and Marls, you in on this AFC Championship Game roadie?
TR has a sugar momma heh? nice.
contribution will go towards my lunch then.
Watch college hoops on ESPN today, starting at 3:30:
Top 25 Games
3:30 PM (7) Villanova at (9) Connecticut
5:30 PM (20) Kansas State at (12) Missouri
7:30 PM (4) Syracuse at (5) Pittsburgh
9:30 PM (3) Kansas at Baylor
Danimal, I think Zman was just cleverly suggesting that TR's wife has endured his gastrointestinal emanations since they moved in together.
Alas, no. I have to go to Boston, of all places.
You should all grow mustaches for this Pittsburgh jaunt. Like I said, I've only been to Pittsburgh once and that was about 15 years ago, but there were lots of mustachioed dudes running around. You'll fit right in.
Right, I meant to say that TR farts a lot and that as a result his wife is "paying" for marrying him and his gassy innards.
Ah yes, I forgot that today is a Federal holiday and a reason to pause and reflect on the life of one of the most important people in American history. (Or a day to celebrate Confederate generals if you are a white person from the south or Arizona and/or a bigot.)
I forgot it because my bitch of a boss only acknowledges 6 holidays a year. (And I think she's poised to axe Memorial Day and Labor Day.)
You're working today?
Also working.
Do you guys work in Arizona?
I work in the Old Dominion, but I work for someone I'd like to leave in Arizona desert.
I love how me pointing out Nick Young is the definition of a one-dimensional player drew this response on twitter:
"@gheorghetheblog; Well prepare to be f**k. Because the wizards is NY, team. And Young is out the box, know one can stop NY now."
TR, this is bad:
Folks @StubHub say over the last 24 hours, avg. Jets-Steelers price paid/seat is $1,100. Avg. Bears-Packers price paid is $2,033.
Check back closer to game day. Plenty of people who have plans to attend will get hosed in the last day or two before the game by bosses, spouses, illness, incarceration, cash shortages, or realizing they actually hate American football.
Two pickets to Tittsburgh!
or just go and look for a deal from a scalper. start after kickoff. so what if you miss that -bfd. and if no deal is struck, head to nearest sports bar where it's warm & cozy.
I'm working, tool. Solidarity.
That is correct - those that are working are tools.
Nicely done mayhugh.
don't be so hard on yourself mayhugh.
i will also pitch in for TR's jaunt to pittsburgh. i will contribute gas money, as long as he rents a prius.
i'd like to see what they do to a jets fan driving a prius in pittsburgh.
I know the apathy runs wide in this crowd. So to help TR and TJ get all the lovely donations, I'll start a kickerstarter.com fund. That way the lazy among us can just whip out there credit card and fund some of the journey.
I'll set the bar low so the project gets funded.
Say the word and it will be set up. Today only. Because I'm not working.
Those of you not watching the Wizards right now missed a great "Dagger" call out of Buckhantz.
Nick Young having a very good day...bastard, proving me wrong.
Congrats to TR, TJ and the rest of the Jets fans. I do have an issue with a little of TR's post. Polamalu missing the first matchup was a big deal because he is, in fact, "that good". Go look at the difference in Pittsburgh's D when he plays and doesn't. Last year alone is a great example. And maybe you didn't whine about the Jets missing Jenkins and Leonhard but I've heard others cry about the Leonhard injury, especially when taking about the 45-3 game. Leonhard's terrific (I've been a fan since his time at Wisconsin) but he's not in the same stratosphere as Polamalu.
That said, go Jets. I'd rather see a long suffering obnoxious fan base make it to the Super Bowl than a spoiled obnoxious fan base.
Oh, and am I excited for Sunday's Conference Championship tilts?
In the words of Bart Scott...CAN'T WAIT!!!
Can anyone name a non-obnoxious NFL fan base and provide first-hand empirical evidence therefor?
Chargers fans?
Mark, I'm glad the Bart Scott/Ollie Williams comparison got you.
Saints fans. Totally unassuming, friendly to opponents' fans to the point of inviting them to the bar with them afterward.
uhh...jacksonville...they're nice to everyone. lame.
The three MOST annoying fan bases, NFL wise, in my opinion are in this order:
1. Eagles
2. Patriots
3. Packers
Um...the Redskins are top 3 pal.
Well yeah, I meant "excluding Redskins fans." Obviously.
I respectfully disagree. Cowboys fans and Redskins fans are generally insufferable. Jets fans used to be much worse. When we were kids Niner fans from the east coast were preposterous.
But for what it's worth, Packers fans annoy me for the same reason. Generally uninformed, caught up in decades old history, ugly...
raiders...other than philly they're pretty much the only one i'd be scared to visit with non-home team apparel
Sean McDermott is the Panthers new Def Coor.
I'm pretty sure that Steelers are off the charts obnoxious with their towels and fandom. Also, now that I live in the NY/NJ area, I am rooting hard against the Jets. can't stand em. listening to the Fan in the morning just takes it over the top.
Zman is wrong. The Cowboys' fan base is impossible to generalize because they are the biggest bandwagoning bunch ever, and as such, you probably know as many cool, normal Cowboys fans as you do utter dipsticks who still walk around hollering in a faux-drawl, "How 'bout them Cowboys?"
And Redskins fans are fucking cool.
I briefly dated (read: banged for awhile) a former co-worker who hailed from Pittsburgh. I watched one Steeler game with her and her friends and swore to never let it happen again. Who brings a yellow towel out ot a sports bar and waves it in the air? dumb steeler fans, that's who.
i used to be a BIG cowboys fan. when they were winning super bowls.
I dislike both Jets and Redskins fans. But in my extremely non-astute observations, the main differences in Redskins fans and Jets fans are such: Redskins fans are just plain dumb homers with some redneck mixed in. Jets fans are just dicks and don't care that they are, with a good dose of whiskey-tango Jersey mixed in.
Wiz Khalife has a Steelers tribue vid on the web...
Not only are we the #3 result when you google "wiz khalifa blogspot," but it appears that Wiz himself (or someone tasked with the job of marketing him) posted a link to his site in the comments of our Wiz Khalifa/Curren$y tribute post.
Skins fans remind me of pre-2004 Red Sawks fans. This year is always "the year." The latest free agent move is always "the missing piece to the puzzle" even though it's blatant dogshit to everyone else.
Perhaps it's that way among some of the Skins fans you encounter elsewhere, as that is indeed the reputation, but there are a number of Skins fans who congregate here and none of us act that way. Redskin Pessimism is rampant around these parts.
I never get tired of the name Shabazz. In honor of MLK Day, I'm promising right here to name my next kid (legitimate or otherwise) Shabazz. It'll be a game changer.
(Name)Change we can believe in.
You know, characterizations on sports fan bases are pretty much the same as those on people from a region. People from Philadelphia suck, and suck bad, they just demonstrate it most boorishly at sports events.
New York Jets/Giants/Knicks/Yankees/Cosmos/Knights fans... well, New Yorkers are friggin obnoxious, so of course the fans of their teams are, too.
New Englanders: uptight, snooty, elistist, xeonphobes in bad footwear. Arrogant fans all around, natch.
Green Bay? Doofy, pale people. Thus, doofy pale sports enthusiasts.
Et cetera. You're a fucking loser, Cetera.
Remember when the Redskins signed Wilkinson and Stubblefield, and the lammienet (pour some out) was all atwitter about how the defense was going to be unstoppable? And I noted that Wilkinson was a classic under-achieving combine freak, and that Stubblefield only had one big year which was his contract year? And everyone said I was an idiot?
Or when I opined a year or two ago that the Skins were too old at RB, too inexperienced at QB, and too short at WR? And everyone said I was an idiot?
But yes, the Skins fans around here generally are a sane group. I was really referring to the donkeys I dealt with in college and law school.
There are indeed some elitist dew schwistles in Boston, but for the most part metro Boston is like northern NJ only with different accents. You're born there, you go to school there, you marry someone from there, you raise your kids there, you die there.
Kemba Walker (mildly) choking at the line with 30 seconds to go. Nova-UConn is bringing it.
Kemba Walker is so silly.
Well...that ballsy floater with 2.5 seconds left sure makes up for the missed free throws. Kemba Walker v. Corey Fisher is a matchup of NYC PGs I'd watch anytime, anywhere.
Pitt started game up 19-0, but it's only Panthers over Cuse 31-27 at the half.
Quite a start to the 2011 edition of Big Monday thus far today.
LaceDarius at 9:30
'member that time me and jamie dixon hung out at the beach ball? that was awesome.
This game is bazilly
this game, she is fun
blake griffin had 47 on 24 shots. tidy.
Pitt is such an efficient machine.
can't remember anyone gutting the cuse zone like this
is that gerry mac on the cuse bench?
Through professional largesse, I'm going to see Prince at MSG tomorrow with relatively unlimited food and booze. Other than Purple Rain (the album), Kiss, You Got the Look, and 7, what's the over/under on songs I'll know?
Knight and Musberger doing KU/Baylor
I think you're right, double digits. Like when Tom Petty had his half-time show, I didn't realize how many Tom Petty songs I would recognize.
Jim Zorn, fired as Ravens QB coach. Flacco might be QB coach black widow.
My main beef with Boston/Patriots fans (or at least my perception of such fans) is that any compliment to another team/player, heaven-forbid Manning, is taken as an insult to Pats/Brady. You've had a lot of success, no need to be so defensive.
Zman - I'm guessing you'll also know Rasberry Beret, Little Red Corvette,1999, Cream, Diamonds and Pearls, and Get Off (23 positions in a one night stand).
Holy shit. Magic/Celts 4th quarter is aqwsome display of marksmanship.
Zman, if you're a fan of the film PCU, you may also recognize the song "Erotic City," as covered by George Clinton in the movie. A Prince B-side that got quite a bit of air in the 80's. Very naughty.
The Purple Rocker!
I think you may also recognize tunes such as "Delirious," "Pop Life," and "Sexy M.F. (Ode to Igor)."
Plus perhaps some tunes he penned and recorded that other folks found chart success with, like "I Feel for You" (Chaka Khan), "When You Were Mine" (Cyndi Lauper), and "Nothing Compares 2 U" (Sinead O'Connor).
Little dude can write some songs.
Travesty or step in the right direction for portability?
Nice. I thought Raspberry Beret and Little Red Corvette were off of Purple Rain. I forgot about Pop Life and Sexy MF.
Squeaky, everyone knows I like it in the can.
Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings are opening. I may be more excited about that.
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