I got up this morning and went for a run. It was unremarkable, other than the fact that it was 8 degrees here in Princeton, NJ. I spent 15 minutes in excruciating pain as my fingers regained feeling. (This isn't the first time I've had similar issues with my digits. My mother thinks I may have Raynaud's phenomenon - I think it was just really stupid to run in that kind of cold.)
I grabbed lunch with a fellow G:TB staffer and then hit the Princeton Record Exchange for some bargain music shopping (Mark and Zman will be happy to know that I picked up Beats, Rhymes and Life - with holographic cover - and Murs for President).

According to some really smart scientists (or very, very accomplished practical jokers), something called quantum entanglement provides the theoretical framework for time travel, but only for a limited number of particles. The proof of this theorem involves observation of indivual particles appearing as if out of nowhere and measurable changes in the temperature of a given space.
Friends, do you understand what this means? My moronic decision to run this morning may have consequences far beyond our understanding. If I read the Wired article correctly (and seriously, it would be hard to believe that I didn't), the tips of my fingers have traveled through time. At this very moment (or that very moment, or any number of moments), my thumb and index finger are communing with Aristotle, or manning a turret gun over Germany, or playing in Wyld Stallyns.
Or napping. Which is by far the more likely scenario.
nice coaching by frank martin. just had a player foul out with 15:42 remaining.
We would've never spoken again if this post had lacked a Bill and Ted's reference.
Kansas State is in complete freefall and will be lucky to make the NIT at this point.
c'mon, man. like i'd ever leave out bill and ted in a time travel post.
i may miss my guess, but i'd be willing to bet that jacob pullen is a chemistry-killer.
tribe has played hofstra tough, but it's starting to look like the pride has too much for our guys.
UConn/TN is what I thought it would be...
Fucking good.
tribe down 1 with 90 seconds left. britt has 24.
I agree with Rob's thoughts on Pullen. Especially considering he has publicly stated he won't play in the NIT if that's where K-State ends up. Not sure any of us understood how valuable Denis Clemente was to the Wildcats.
dagger loss for the wrens - fell by 3 to hofstra
Xavier is rocking their mid-90s jerseys today in honor of Brian Grant, whose # they're retiring today. Pretty cool.
Whatever happened to TR's travel plans?
And 7 hrs to kick off...CAN'T WAIT
I heard there was some football on today or something, so there's a new post up...
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