The city of San Diego, with its long-standing financial problems, and the state of California, with well-documented budget problems of its own, would benefit if its denizens pursued endeavors that aimed to benefit society a bit more. Not that I have an issue with styrofoam-sculpted toilets and airplanes.
(Thanks to the Jets Blog for the image. And thanks to this jackass for reminding me what an idiot is. )
I want to die.
i think we'll need 2000 words from you on this development, z.
and i don't mean to poke fun at another's misfortune, but i saw that headline this morning and laughed.
You could be a Chargers fan, as the Bolts have just extended their Norvitude through 2013. Stay assy, San Diego.
Z-man, I probably asked you this before, but I don't remember: have you seen the film Buffalo '66?
If Chan Gailey said no, their next call was going to be to Ray Handley.
Rich. Kotite.
If you do a google image search on chan gailey the first result is this:
Rod Rust is available too.
I have indeed seen Buffalo 66, possibly in the theater.
I enjoyed how in that movie they changed Scott Norwood's name to protect him. Changed it to "Scott Wood."
Very sneaky.
Speaking of sneaky, I gave my daughters Connect Four for Christmas, and I now have them brainwashed to say, "Pretty sneaky, sis" every time the other one wins. Mind control is fun.
Your kids are like Das Efx.
my daughters also got connect four this year. and beat me routinely at it. concentration on tasks, not my strong suit.
My sons got bronchitis this year for Xmas. They shared that with me.
I regularly house my girlfriend's daughter in Connect Four. I'd estimate I let her win one of every four games, you know so she'll keep agreeing to play me.
There are very few downsides to being tall...but one is the awkwardness of standing up after some time spent in a bathroom stall and making inadvertent eye contact with someone at the sink washing their hands or walking into the men's room.
I refuse to leave a stall while anybody else is in the bathroom, unless the person is in the middle of some serious action in a stall ( which you can usually audibly discern). I will huddle for minutes to avoid somebody locking in on me and knowing I was responsible for whatever they heard/saw/smelled/tasted/felt. Another reason the iPhone is great.
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