But I did not come here today to bury the hometown nine, in fact, as hard as it is to believe, the Washington Nationals have been playing sorta kinda OK lately (they had won 4 in a row and 6 of 8 before last night's loss). I came here to let you know that not only are the Nationals no longer the worst team in baseball, league-leading 69 losses be damned, they aren't even second worst. "Lay off the pipe, TJ" you say. No, it's true, loyal readers, hang with me on this.
The race for worst team in baseball is a dead heat between the San Diego Padres and the Pittsburgh Pirates, with yesterday's Pirates' moves positioning Pittsburgh to run away with this contest. I don't know any Pirates fans, but they must be the most bummed out group of sports fans going these days. Just a complete nightmare in Steel City...as far as I can tell, it's hard to rebuild when all you have is Triple A and below talent...on your major league roster. And the Padres...jesus where do you start with these guys. Not only did the Nats take 2 of 3 from them last weekend, but they might have one of the worst lineups I've ever seen. Adrian Gonzalez can't say enough rosaries to get out of there.
This post was meant to be longer, and for once I might've had substance to add, but this David Ortiz news, while not necessarily surprising, is still a bit of a shock...so I'm gonna catch my breath and reflect on this latest fall from grace with a cold one...just remember, the Nats ain't the worst team in baseball. They're not, trust me, I am right on this (for once).
And Dave, don't get me wrong, I love the latest Greasetruck single, but 69 man...69...
Teejay, care to make it interesting? A 12-pack of winner's choice says the Nats will indeed finish with the worst record in baseball.
By the way, I was recently disappointed and thoroughly confused to learn that Nationals CF Nyjer Morgan is from San Francisco and not the Tri-State area. What's up with that?
Fuck a 12 pack...24 Coors Light...dummy.
All right, it's on.
I'll go with 24 Dale's Pale Ales.
No, you'll go with 24 Pete Coors...or no bet.
Wait, you're saying I have to take Coors Light as the stakes? That's unorthodox.
I think I'll pass. If you're not comfortable with your prior assessment of the Nats as better than the Pads or Bucs, you should just 'fess up.
You're a stupid pussy, but that's fine...the worst record in baseball won't belong to the Nationals when the season ends. Bet is on.
Whitney just suckered you into a completely uneven bet. Dale's Pale Ale has GOT to be more expensive than Coors Light. You basically gave him odds...dummy.
Well, the Pirates might win 10 more games this year...total...so I'm fine.
Mark is right, except that the bet is in his favor in that I am taking the Nats and he is taking the field.
Why do sports writers and broadcasters refer to athletes in the plural? As in, everyone thought Ortiz was "different from the A-Rods and Clemenses, the Bondses, McGwires and the Palmeiros." That's a real quote up on ESPN.com right now. Does this mean Clemens and his wife and kids? Barry Bonds and his dad?
Hey Whit, the old man told me to take any rug in the house...
A-Team casting by me and the Teej........
Hannibal Smith: Alec Baldwin
Murdoch: Jim carrey
Face: Greg Kinnear
A-Team casting...fueled by ballot casting, no doubt.
No, YOU are fuelled by ballot casting!!!!!
It sounds like TR is writing copy for Milorad Cavic. Regarding Michael Phelps and this preposterous "fast" swimsuit thing:
"I think there's three options for Michael," Cavic said. "The first option is to use the suit that he's wearing, the second option is to get one of these [polyurethane] suits, which I guarantee Arena will provide him within the hour, as soon as he wants. The third option would actually be a dream of mine, to have the whole final everybody swimming in briefs. I swear to God, this is it, this is what I want, but this is the most unrealistic of all scenarios."
After entering last night's game winning 6 of their last 8; with the loss, by my caveman math, the Nats have now won 6 of their last 9.
Clicks fellas.
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