Team G:TB's acquaintance with mediocre NFL quarterbacks is one of the under-told stories of this blog's nearly 6-year existence. By accident of geography or circumstance, our staff has personal relationships with a trio of middling field generals. You're aware, of course, of Mark's friendship with Todd Bouman and of Whitney's long-time family friendship with Don Majikowski. The details of my relationship with Sage Rosenfels are probably less familiar to you (he attended Camp Wakamuk in Vermont while I was a counselor back in the late 80s), but the relationship does explain the text exchange I just had with him:
SageRo: DUDE!
Me: um, what?
SageRo: old bstrd wont make up his friggin mind. drving me crzy.
Me: hang in there, man

SageRo: effing mr noodle. can't trust a dude with a mustache.
Me: ain't that the truth
SageRo: tavarris thinks we shld off both of them. told him hes on his own.
Me: wakamuk taught u well
SageRo: but if old dude ends up w a heart attak, u heard it here first. later.
Me: ohhkay
today is national tequila day. be careful out there.
rickey's working on his speech:
And let's not forget Whitney's intense personal relationship with Chris Chandler.
the top photo of chandler here is a little bit uncanny:
Can we get a Chris Hakel shout-out? I think he dressed for a Chiefs playoff game Montana started.
And Lang Campbell dressed for a game or two, although he never came close to beating up our good friend Dr. Spector, unlike Hakel.
I was on a plane to Cleveland with Lang Campbell.
Who signs Vick? Is he a back-up QB at this point? A full-time Wildcat QB? A free safety?
Come on...there's one team and one team only signing Vick.
Hint: they're located in one of the shittiest cities in America.
Cleveland? Detroit? St. Louis? Oakland? There are so many shitty cities, I just don't know where to start.
True, but I was going for Oakland.
Vick and McFadden running the option could be interesting.
When does (did?) Snyder start making a run at him? And how hard is it for Jerry Jones to avoid pouncing?
I think TJ's hint alludes to the Redskins, no?
Go Tribe Football....
I was once out strolling one very hot summer's day...
When I thought I'd lay myself down to rest...
in a big field of tall grass...
I lay there in the sun and felt it caressing my face...
So, the A's continue to be the Cardinals feeder club, eh?
I'm currently rocking out to "Holiday" by Witchdoctor in honor of the Cardinals' latest acquisition...
Odd, I'm rocking out to "Holiday" by Madonna...
I bet Mr. Noodle's off-screen persona is a lot like that of Shakes the Clown.
National Tequila Day tastes delicious.
Tim Tebow a virgin? Does anyone but his mom believe this?
Shlara...you should be careful around thunderstorms for the next few days...
Gio Gonzalez was looking like Sandy Koufax for 5 innings until the dangerous Brett Gardner hit a triple.
Don't be surprised if you see a news story tomorrow about David Gregory's kid being missing. During the rain delay tonight I saw an extremely distraught and panicked Gregory looking for his 7 year old son, who just happened to throw out the first pitch tonight. Here's hoping they found the youngster.
And I'll be damned...it appears after a 2.5 hour rain delay the Nats/Pads game has begun again.
You didn't help find the kid TJ? For shame.
I felt confident the guy in the Nats polo with a walkie talkie could help Mr. Gregory.
Really? You have that much confidence in the Nationals organization?
You might be the only one.
Let's just hope I'm totally wrong on this...Nats up 7-0, they're so good...
Tough fortnight to be a former boxing champ...
When is it NOT tough to be a former boxing champ??
Oh, I don't know, maybe when you're not getting carjacked and riddled with bullets...or perhaps when you're not being stangled by your psychotic trophy wife...
On those days you just deal with the severe brain damage, aches in every part of your body, debts thanks to crooked promoters, and the knowledge that your sport is now a pathetic shadow of what it used to be.
Nice snippet on Sean McDermott in King's MMQB this morning (page 2). Due to very unusual circumstances, he is facing an enormous inflection point in his career. If Philly's D is good this year, he will get an inordinate amount of credit. If they're terrible, he will likely get a huge pile of criticism. And plenty of boos his way.
It's a damn good thing Dwight ditched the stache before that kid went missing...
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