The one thing that may help you get one thread of unfunny inside jokes: the female bartender at Tortuga's took guesses at what our real names might be.
Heeeeere's Dwight:

Dedicated to the premise that life would be better if we all took ourselves a little less seriously.
That's the best picture of the bunch.
without question
The complete inability to not flip off the camera in every single photo speaks to the essence of Dwight.
mustache status: still have it.
thinking about keeping it for a while despite my wife's complaints.
jock itch status: have it.
Is that a picture of Tony Clifton?
That's a beautiful picture.
mustache status: still have it.
I've grown strangely attached to it. It'll probably only last another day or two, but I am enjoying it.
steve phillips is arguing that the phillies don't need roy halladay because they have j.a. happ. that's colossally stupid. baseball malpractice, even.
Thank god no actual franchise ever let that guy really run their team...
no shit. his primary argument seems to be that happ is 7-0, and as such, is performing better than halladay could be expected to perform. fucking insane. even joe morgan thinks that's moronic.
I'm sorry, but the mere mention of the "Orel Report" makes me laugh every time.
If the Phillies don't get Halladay, they won't win the World Series. If they do, they are at least the favorite from the NL. It's a no-brainer. I only hope they have no brain.
Not even one compliment for my Tony Clifton call? Isn't there at least one Andy Kaufman fan out there?
Do those if you who have shaved have facial tan lines from your 'staches?
i believe that's directed to me, and the answer is: yes, but not where you'd expect.
What's this "tanning" you speak of?
TR, I meant to say that the pictured character wasn't as congenial as Tony Clifton. But I forgot.
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