Because, honestly Jose, we're all stocked up on suck in this town.
When asked to comment on his play as of late for the lowly Royals, former Washington Nationals outfielder, Jose Guillen, offered up this quip: "I feel very embarrassed... I hate making excuses. If I suck, then I suck. And I suck."
According to Rob, the first step on the road to recovery is admitting that you suck.
Rob recovered?
Whit - That's actually the second step. The first step is to grow a mustache.
Mustache status: shaved.
I had to go to the bank and speak to someone about acquiring a loan. Mayhugh's Tom Selleck comment notwithstanding, I felt I need to be clean shaven. Alas, it may be just Dave that is hanging onto the 'stache.
So, the Dave pic has to be tomorrow, right? The people need to see the vinner.
Dennis--did you add this post so we wouldn't have to see Whit's creepy mustache every time we check the blog?
Shlara has some serious issues with facial hair...
Anyone see the Erin Andrews nude video?
Pedro Gomez just came on the magic box and said the Nats will not be able to sign Strasburg.
Worst. Organization. Ever.
mustache status: still have it! someone we're visiting on friday wants to see it.
jock itch status: still have it! the friend we're visiting friday does NOT want to see it.
Ted, I did see the video. It was offensive, wrong, personally intrusive and awesome (in a regretful way).
What were the odds a conservative would have seen (and loved) that video?
Quite good, actually.
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
FYI - Hapi has some bad-ass java script on his blog.
Not sure how many of you, like me, enjoy trading java script with strange Filipino men.
Geoff, I was bothered and disappointed to read about this Erin Andrews video, but as a former Sociology major, I am intrigued by the sociological impact of such behavior in our society. It's for that reason alone that I would brave the bothersome disappointment of viewing the video (once, through wincing eyes).
aka . . . psst . . .Where'd you see it?
And Shlara, it's okay to say my mustache turned you on. It's all right to say all of our cheesy facial hair had you fogging up the monitor. Once we unleash the picture of Dave this morning, we may have an internet stalker situation on our hands. And it's okay.
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