NAPLES, Fla. (AP) - Florida officials have arrested a woman for allegedly practicing dentistry in a garage she converted into an office with a drill set and black reclining chair. Rosa Maria Toledo, 56, was arrested Tuesday. In her garage deputies found a cabinet containing dental castings, molds, dental crown glues, partial dentures and bridges.
...(2) further proof Hollywood is absoutely devoid of original ideas:
Neal H. Moritz and his Original Films are in final negotiations to develop and produce for Columbia Pictures a contemporary version of Total Recall, the 1990 Arnold Schwarzenegger sci-fi action movie directed by Paul Verhoeven, says The Hollywood Reporter.
... and (3) a reward for even scrolling down this far:
Bonus Materials
...and (4) I guess we aren't the only folks who appreciate (not a strong enough word) this clip...
Who will play Quaid? I assume rob is auditioning for Quato.
Enemy of the State was on HBO this weekend. Everybody and his brother was in it: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120660/
I have fond memories of the Paci/Durso/Broka impersonations of Arnold's unintentionally comedic "Give us back our air!" line. It ranks up there with Ki trying to recite Viggo Mortensen's lines as a Latino paraplegic in Carlito's Way.
Don't stop with him...fire everyone:
The New York Mets have reportedly fired vice president for player development Tony Bernazard, who has been implicated in recent outbursts involving the team's minor leaguers and closer Francisco Rodriguez.
I love that clip so much...the ability to watch it on my phone (even with the sound off) just got me through a tuuurrrible meeting.
I think the line is actually "Cohagen! Give these people air!" which Paci/Durso/Broka translated into "Cohagen! Give deez peepul ay-uh!"
I'm gonna guess that was Mark with the bonus materials...nicely done sir...
I wish I could take credit for that...
Um, Josh Willingham has two grand slams already in this Nats/Brewers game...I hope to god he gets to gat again with the bases loaded.
Or bat...
I have some not so fond memories of Carles and Miguel's impersonation of the "Give us back your air" line. And "where will you hide your air?" and "will you hide your air in your Roos?" Bad times.
pour out a little bit for sal's on richmond road. destroyed by fire.
I'm bummed about Sal's. It was an oasis of legitimate food in a sea of Wonder Bread.
Greek Lightning?
I blame the same folks who torched Nick's Pewter Pancake House.
Michael Vick is in Ashburn.
I thought Mama Steve's burned down. It was Nick's? Lost of restaurant fires in the Burg.
Campbell and Vick have the same agent?
The Jewish Mother also burned down in the late 90's.
Based on Snyder's past performance, I would put the odds of him signing Vick at 50%.
That move would do a lot to make Campbell feel more confident.
The Mets are putting some heat on the Redskins in the Dysfunctional Organization Champions League.
Cerrato just told the Washington Post that the Skins are not talking to Vick, nor are they interested.
OK, so how soon is he signed by Vinny? A day?
I'll take Vinny at his word on this one. He didn't deny their interest in Cutler or Sanchez earlier this year and he's flatly, unequivocally denied this twice now. He's a moron, a spineless yes-man, a worthless excuse for a GM and a terrible talent evaluator...but he's not a liar.
Whenever a FA is on the market, people start rumors they're going to the Redskins, but I don't see Vick (or TO for that matter) as guys that they would sign.
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