If you all are looking for a scapegoat, I nominate Mark, the Assistant to the Regional Manager of G:TB. You can e-mail him here: webmaster@percyharvinfanclub.com.
Have a nice weekend, fockers.
Dedicated to the premise that life would be better if we all took ourselves a little less seriously.
My inbox is flooded. Thanks a lot.
Tgif bitches
At this point in my life, if I merely watch someone drink the previous night I get a hangover.
Brett Favre is not going to like Parcy Harvin much...
Or his brother Percy.
Some sobering news on unemployment:
Georgia and Alabama in June were the latest U.S. states to exceed 10 percent unemployment.
The unemployment rate in Michigan, the heart of the U.S. auto industry, jumped to 15.2 percent from May’s 14.1 percent.
The total number of states with at least 10 percent joblessness rose to 15. Six states reached their highest level of joblessness since records began in 1976.
The U.S. has lost about 6.5 million jobs since the recession began in December 2007.
Georgia and Alabama in June were the latest U.S. states to exceed 10 percent unemployment.
The jobless rate jumped to 9.5 percent, the highest level in 26 years.
It will reach 10 percent by year-end and average 9.8 percent for 2010, according to the Bloomberg survey.
The states reaching record jobless rates in June were Georgia, Nevada, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Florida and Delaware.
California’s jobless rate held at a record 11.6 percent for a second month. Unemployment in the District of Columbia also exceeded 10 percent, reaching 10.9 percent in June.
The unemployment rate in the construction industry is 19.5%. If you are a lobbyist representing construction companies...that's not good....just fyi.
frankly, unemployed folks are just lazy.
I see Rob's been reading my newsletter. I think you'll love next week's article on the flat tax.
Speaking of jobs...I was surprised to learn I was the Assistant to the Regional Manager of G:TB. I wasn't aware I had been demoted (not enough gay jokes about Geoff methinks). Shit, I'm the only staff member located south of Virginia. What the hell do I have to do to manage my own region?
Mark, these tough economic times present us with an opportunity to reorganize our operation into a more optimal construct. Your new desk can be located in Steam Vent Distribution Room 4.
Okay...do I at least get to keep my stapler?
Of course. Its on its way down there in an old paper box filled with the rest of your persona effects (three bongs, a Chris Daughtry bobblehead doll and your box full of betamax porn).
I'm pretty sure there were four bongs in my old office.
Time for management to have another chat with TJ.
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