It's been awhile, so why not check the ole site meter to see what entertaining, sad, frightening, unbelievable and asinine search terms people most recently used to end up on G:TB:
- worksuck quotes
- randy newman blog
- fishing blogger
- Earv "I'll Be Right Back" Opong
- jason collins signing prospects
- what the fuck is a pompatus
- worst baseball hall of fame inductees
- pandemic vs epidemic
- chargers punter braces
- little yellow friend
- fresh prince tattoo
- AFV honorable mention song?
- funniest minor league mascots
- jay fiedler's girlfriend
- green day blogspot
- steve mcnair cinnabun
- site:blogspot.com randy newman
- fishing blogspot
- real tomato ketchup
- Gay TB videos
- oh its on now mother fucker
All in all, a lackluster list.
Earv Opong made me laugh.
And on first read I though it said "Gay TR videos"...and was a tad concerned.
mustache status: getting sick of it.
jock itch status: drying out and kind of scaly.
moral: bringing talcum powder to OBFT XXVII
Slats must have been involved with that Fresh Prince tattoo.
“Little Yellow Friend” : Was that our discussion of William Howard Taft’s Philippines policy, or Alex Carles’ rush talk for Brenton Mac?
That was my Cato/Clouseau reference...
I believe Woo's nickname was Nuprin.
Excellent start for los Jankees...
i'm pretty sure the yankees are going to win all the rest of their games.
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