Last night, a Philadelphia police officer tasered a teen that ran onto the field. The Philadelphia police comissioner is "publicly supporting the officer's actions."
You can check out the video and article here.
But you won't find any mention of the Matthew Clemmens incident in that article . . .
G:TB: we connect the dots.
People taser each other all the time at Yankee games, with such frequency, in fact, that no one bothers to report it.
I tased myself earlier today, if you know what I mean.
zman stole my line.
i tased myself too mark, while building a mid-major.
and am i the only ruh-TARD that can't get the video to play? it no play on deadspin either.
Don't tase me bro...
I washed my cats but there was no tasing.
Daniel-san, check for the new flash plugin or something like that.
Dan's abacus doesn't go back that far.
don't hate the taser...hate the game.
does anyone else find it nutty that umps carry tasers? i guess it's actually not a bad idea, but this was not something i was aware of. or maybe it's just in philly.
There needs to be a list compiled and posted with euphemisms bandied about these parts through the years. Electing the pope, giving Igor $5, etc.
Self-centered ass...etc...
Next time Robby Alomar or the like "hirschbecks" someone, they're gonna feel the sting of more than an ejection and a league fine.
Without looking it up, can anybody name the GM of the Chicago Bulls? I sure as hell couldn't have before 2 minutes ago.
Jim Paxson?
john, right?
mark cuban gave $25k to the college rugby 7s national championship. nice.
Paxson (John) is the VP of Basketball Ops. Gar Forman is the GM. And no, I don't have any idea who Gar Forman is or how he's qualified to run an NBA team.
You know what this means? There's still hope for me...
He is? Wow. It's like the Belushis were given NBA franchises...but one is dead...and doing a fine job in Chicago.
i can't believe you don't know who Gar Froman is. his brother is THE sausage king of chicago.
Dan, no more old jokes about you. That is a "+1" for the ages.
I know who Gar Froman is, but not Gar FORman. Well done either way though, Dan.
And TJ, does Dan dropping a joke from a 20 year old movie really eliminate his eligibility for old guy jokes? Doubtful.
It sure doesn't.
The NBA has cornered the market on Gars . . . with 2. Gar Heard and Gar Forman. I know of no others, though I am sure they exist (outside of the rivers).
gar finnvold used to pitch for the red sox, circa mid-1990s
Of the Helskinki Finnvolds? Ah, yes.
Did you ever see the alligator gar episode of "River Monsters"? Big fish. Reel big fish.
and gar-field high school was my alma mater's archrival. low rent rednecks. no offense, dan.
just took me thirty minutes to cancel my sirius satellite radio subscription.
by the end of the phone call, i think they offered me my own radio show to remain with them.
and that was not the sporting post i am "working" on. you'll never guess.
regardless of the topic, i predict you use the word 'shuttlecock'.
I just hope Dave's post is at least 5,000 words, involves hastily compiled song lyrics and is posted immediately above a post I actually wanted to read but was only allowed to remain at the top of the page for 8 minutes.
no you didn't
I predict you'll be pretty happy with Dave's next post, Geoff.
Like a premature ejaculator, I'm easy to please.
I'd like Dave to work that line into a lyric.
Any of you guys ever get tasered? Seems like it would've been something our fraternity descendents of the early 2000's might've tried at a party.
my wife and i are into tasering. it's pretty hot.
Brady pepper-sprayed himself by accident once and then got it on his girlfriend's delicates. The night turned sour shortly thereafter.
The image of our chum Spurrier sitting aon a couch dumbfounded, so drunk he didn't realize that it was pepper spray that was making him cough his intestines up for five minutes while the rest of the party holed up in the other room watching him, is one that will stick with me.
Other than that, I've dodged the pepper spray/taser/other weapons of forced submission. So far.
If you thought the Grammys were a misguided waste (and I do), consider this; Rick Reilly has been voted National Sportswriter of the Year 11 times. Seems like some folks aren't doing enough sports-reading, methinks.
last summer during the british open, abc for some unknown reason had reilly providing his lack of wit and wisdom. on the saturday of, before his piece, he was clad in a white suit and i think a hat if memory serves. he's so proud of himself, reilly. after he did his little piece, peter alliss, a brit who does golf for abc and is among if not the best says to mike tirico - "who was that, neal sedaka?"
reilly was made aware of it shortly after by tirico and he got a little defensive...he says, "are you kidding me, the guy wears short sleeve dress shirts."
he's a knob of large size.
love that spurrier scene. i won't go into the other memorable scene from that party.
thanks for the faith, geoff (although you are oddly accurate with this one)
and that line actually fits perfectly in the song i am working on-- seriously, i'm cutting it and pasting it right in.
ya know what is really frightening? the thought of reilly on monday night football.
i bet that happens within the next 5-6 years. can the G:TB Historian please mark that down for us?
Why does this blog insist on bashing Philly? Makes you look like a bunch of childish turds.
It does indeed. Thank you for shining the light...mr poopy pants.
At least you admit it. Douche.
You said turds.
We don't insist on bashing Philly. It just keeps serving up classy citizens for our mockery.
Putting an end to Philly bashing, one blog at a time. Once that's done, we can go bag to raping nuns and rubbing feces in the eyes of homeless children.
From reading the archives it would appear you are from Florida, or at least went to that JUCO they call a university. Careful tossing stones around your glass house hoss.
Don't taze me bro!!!
Rick Reilly finds Dez Bryant to be a mix of John Lennon and Richard Pryor. Rick Reilly can lick my taint.
Looks like you went to Drexel. Best Hobo School on the East Coast.
ernie harwell died. bummer.
drexel does have america's best-dressed basketball coach. you can look it up.
crosby's such a little bitch. have we mentioned this here before?
I just ate about a half pound of Humboldt Fog. It's delicious. I feel ill.
if i didn't know better, i'd say you just created a phenomenal new euphemism, z.
My education's being impugned? Oh the horror. How will I get over the embarrassment of someone I don't know (or will ever meet) making fun of where I went to school?!!? Oh, that's right. I don't define myself by where I live or went to school. Probably because I have a fucking life.
In case nobody's noticed, the Magic completely blitzed Atlanta in the second quarter. Lead is a measly 24 points early in the 3rd.
subtle use of impugned, mark. elegant defense of your education, with a well-placed 'fucking' to cement your street cred. a few points deducted for the multiple punctuation marks, but on the whole a very solid effort.
Thanks Rob, now go fuck yourself!!!
with a pound of humboldt fog
how come nobody's talking about what a great tase shot that cop fired? on the move, firing at a running target, bullseye. that's matrix shit.
Across the pond it's called a humboldt cigarette.
John Calipari coaching the Bulls sounds like two douchey sides getting what they deserve.
Rod Barajas is a bad man.
not that i think there's much chance of lebron going to chicago in the first place, but if they hire calipari there's zero chance of it happening. this smells like cal trying to squeeze a few more dollars out of kentucky.
david ortiz' decline is just sad to watch. figure out what 'injury' he has and put him down for a while already.
another dipshit just ran on the field in philly. but we're the childish turds. i mean, we're totally childish, but the turds thing hurts.
You said turds!!!
Franks and beans!!!!!
said dipshit tweeted about it before he went on the field: http://bit.ly/duQfK5
Rex Drago is coming for you Rob. He's reading your archives right now but he'll be back to call you out soon.
Anybody know what the worst Playoff loss ever is? I feel like we're going to see that graphic on the screen here soon. 44 points has got to be close.
That Celts/Hawks game seven a few years ago was a shithsow.
I hope you all watched the TNT halftime show so you could hear Dwight Howard tell Barkley that he dressed like the black Stan Van Gundy. That was great. The side by side pics that showed up on screen shortly thereafter was even better.
A 64-20 run?
Um, ok.
Ortiz eats a half pound of Humboldt Fog between at-bats. Manny used to eat it in the scoreboard.
Meanwhile, Kenshin Kawakami is pooping all over my fantasy team. Keep me away from whatever he's eating between innings.
Speaking of Dwight Howard...is anyone else watching Basketball Wives?
Stuck a nerve? You don't define yourself by where you went to school Mr. Florida? Whatever. If you can't hanle the Philly heat stay out of the kitchen.
As for "calling out" Rob, I won't waste my time on red Sox fans, or Met fans for that matter. Punks.
So much heat. Must stay out of the Philly kitchen.
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