While you are reading this and scoffing down your morning McMuffin, I am having nasal polyps removed and a deviated septum repaired. The polyps are "little blueberries in your sinus cavity," according to my scientific-speaking ENT doctor. While they're not of the full blooming type seen in the photo above, they are still pretty damn gross.

So enjoy your latte and your cherry danish. I have been fasting since midnight, and am likely angrily killing time in a Manhattan hospital waiting room, waiting for my nose to get raped. One positive is that I have never been put under and am very excited about the anesthesia. I have fantasies of fighting off unconsciousness, forcing them to load me up with the sweet gas. Another positive is that I have 30 Vicodins. I've never been a big pill-popper, but I only know Percocet. We'll see how it goes with the good stuff.
Pray for me and my schnozz tomorrow. And pray for this man's hairy schnozz as well. And his doctor's stubby thumb.
TR--good luck. Had that surgery three times. Recovery us rough--use the painkillers.
Yikes. Good luck dude. And thank god I haven't eaten yet.
Best of luck to TR, and dear God, please don't give him another reason to post pictures like those. I will see you guys several posts from now when they are way down the page.
Is that the "Filler" signal I see in the Ghotham sky? Bat Teej on the way...with Zrobin.
The TR I knew eighteen years ago would have had actual blueberries lodged in his sinuses as the result of some unidentified partying accident. He's all growns up now. If they find actual blueberries it's because his kids stuck them there while he slept.
I'll go get the frat utility belts.
Please. Make. It. Stop.
Let Commissioner Ghordon know a new post is up. The city is safe...for now.
TR- good luck, man. And pain killers are good for you.
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