From the local Jersey Shore freebie paper: A local woman talked with Jack Nicholson at around 6PM on the Boardwalk at Manasquan, NJ on June 30, 2009. While fans stood at a distance and snapped pictures, Stephanie joined him while he stood alone at his picnic table eating ice cream. She asked him, "So Jack, what brings you to Manasquan?". He replied, "Whimsy". He asked her if she knew what that meant. She said "I don't think so". He said, "You must have graduated from Manasquan High School." (his alma mater)

The woman asked him if she could have a picture with him. He said, "I would love that". She asked if she could put her arm around him. He replied, "I would love that even more. I would put my arm around you, but I am eating ice cream." Another fan then asked if he could have a picture with him and he said "Zero chance, No chance". After finishing his ice cream, he then left in his waiting limousine.
In unrelated news, Vampire Weekend's second album came out a couple months ago. I was down on it for a while, but I've really come around on it. I love that they know they're preppy white kids and they celebrate that life while mocking it at the same time. The videos I've watched (for Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa and Giving Up the Gun) back up that notion. They seem like a bunch of guys who don't take themselves all that seriously. Not enough folks in the music scene these days that embody whimsy so successfully. And that's really something that embodies the mission statement of this blog.
So we salute you, Jack. And you too, Vampire Weekend.
Go to google now. The logo is PLAYABLE.
Who's coming with me?
whimsy is a talking nose polyp.
Happiness is a warm nose polyp.
Much like Hasselhoff in Germany, the Teej is huge in India.
Life is like a box of polyps.
seven mary three at "freebird live" which is a little concert venue down the street from my office here.
teej, can't believe i missed that joke in my sentence.
I was about to tool on 7 Mary 3, but then I realized that they are still making money by working as ostensible rock stars while I sit in an office for 50 hours a week wearing business casual clothes, sporting a sensible haircut, shaving/showering daily, and sneaking in blog entries.
rock stars and financial advisors:
nice work with the picture logos, the teej. that'll be hours of fun. can't wait to see what geoff/danielle comes up with.
I eagerly await drexdrago's image....a steaming pile of poop I assume.
I also toyed with the G:TB twitter page.
of course, now my computer gives me a security warning every time i refresh the comments. maybe not so much with the pictures?
that kind of timely service is what sets you apart, teej.
the d-train unfortunately was unable to view pics. the d-train is disappointed
I am so old and out of touch.
I have never heard of that.
we do that all the time at school. i got iced third period today. actually helped in teaching james joyce.
ice is nice...brah
Gentlemen (and gentle women)....if you have not gone to Google yet today, do yourself a great service and go there immediately. No, seriously, stop everything you're doing and go to the Google home page....
Um, hello. You're still not there yet are you?
the teej is getting angry
another means by which to bolster my productivity.
happy 30th pacman
I also feel old and out of touch because I just learned that there will be beer pong at my sister's 25th birthday party tomorrow, and I haven't played beer pong in ... maybe ... 14 years?
We have a New Year's Eve Party at my house each year (it's my lady's birthday so it makes things much easier on me and her friends usually come in town). At this party, we have a Beer Pong tournament with a bracket, and trophies (this year it was engraved Beer Steins) for the winner. Adds a nice element of excitement, competitiveness and out of control drunkeness (for some) to the party.
I suspect that if I play I'll make more than an ass of myself than I usually do. I'll probably get iced in the middle of the game.
Or more of an ass. You get the drift.
where & when's the party z? attire?
Khakis, cardigans and bluchers.
Dale Peterson has my vote.
Some dive in the West Village. I can practically guarantee to bluchers and cardigans and I'll set the over/under on khakis at 6.9.
I meant "guarantee no bluchers or cardigans."
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