Sat Feb 27, 4:32 PM
KATHMANDU (AFP) - Each year, Nepalese youth in two villages in the south of the Himalayan country save up their choicest insults for a 10-day "cursing festival" that reaches its climax Sunday.
The youngsters in the neighbouring villages of Parsawa and Laxmipur hurl insults at each other, their neighbours, villagers and passers-by -- and then laugh.
They gather in parks and other areas around straw heaped in the shape of a phallus to launch into the insults.
Insults like, "Monkey face, I hope your sons are as ugly as frogs," and "I hope your buffaloes die of diarrhea," ring out along with more obscene curses.
Village elders say the annual festival, which is just for youngsters, has been going on for as long as they can remember.
"I know of this tradition from long ago and took part during my youth," 78-year-old Ram Kumar Mishra told AFP by telephone from the region.
"The best thing about this tradition is after the festival is over, everyone feels good about each other. There are no bad feelings," Mishra, who lives in Parsawa, said.
On the last day of the festival -- this year on Sunday -- they set the heaps of straw ablaze and celebrate the Hindu festival Holi, which is marked by raucous fights using powdered coloured paints and water.
"We don't get to curse at any other time. But during the festival we're allowed to -- even in front of our parents and we all have a jolly good time," 16-year-old Raju Raut said after cursing his best school friend.
"Everyone gets cheered up," he said.
May the fleas of a thousand yaks infest your armpits.
Oh, it's a Holi Joli curse fest, it's the best time of the year...say fuck you to friends you know, and have a cup of cheer.
eat a dick, teejay
Lick my balls, you Red Sox-loving dwarf.
all of you are pricks, and itty bitty bitches. may your saturday be filled with mental pain and misery, especially if a fan of the whiny wrens. they too are pricks, and bitches. vinegar in your eyes and other orafices. suck it.
i appreciate dan's attempt at an insult. typical of a jmu graduate that he misspelled the fanciest word in his rant. go fuck yourself.
this is an early front-runner for best post of the year. well done, dave, you foul-smelling hungarian manpig.
Keep kissing his ass, you "lowercase is my thing" diminutive dipshit.
i look forward to having you ride all the way to richmond in the trunk, you weed-addled juvenile delinquent.
I'll make sure to pick up an extra phone book so you can reach the wheel on the drive, you Oompa Loompa cast off.
whatever russ.
may your ORIFICE dry up and itch for your entire trek to richmond, during game, and homeward, causing terrible discomfort, constant fidgeting, and an inability to focus on and thus enjoy the game that hopefully you will lose, drowning all hopes of an ncaa bid and a clean pair of underwear.
That is an oddly specific insult sir.
anal dan, they call him.
you guys staying the night in richmond or do you have curfews?
in the spirit of the day, a hearty 'go fuck yourself' to masn and comcast for not televising the caa quarterfinals here.
That's why Dan's closest friends call him Critical Bill.
Boat drinks.
i have no one else. you all are my closest friends.
rob - i see on fb (that's what the cool kids call facebook) that you did a 5-miler today...that's good shit dawg.
that ain't easy, even when in a stroller.
He did the five miler on the back of Estelle Getty, acting as her surly sherpa.
this post incited the exact effect i intended, you easily manipulated homunculus brained dick loving ball suckers.
also, that's not a real article-- i made the whole thing up.
Who's worse: serial adulterer Tiger Woods or serial rapist Ben Roethlisberger?
And you are all pursy brachyphallic slotterhodges.
serial pederast dave is worse than either of those gentlemen.
Wow. Doesn't this mean, either way, that Ben can never attempt to have sex with a woman he just met ever again? Isn't that what being an NFL QB is about?
Rick Pitino laughs at Big Ben's restaurant choice for sexual assault.
Ok. Then who's worse: Tiger the serial adulterer or Kobe Bryant the ass-rapist? I ask because Kobe Bryant seems to have moved beyond the rapist thing. If he can get past that then Tiger can get past his philandering.
Great post and comments, for a bunch of cock smoking nerds who wouldn't know what to do with their dicks if it came with an instruction manual.
why isn't scottie reynolds in this game? and why is mark sending comments from the needle exchange?
That is a terrible call.
the officials in this nova/wvu game deserve some insults
Corey Fisher...onions.
Devin Ebanks...Bama of the week.
Devin Ebanks deserves some insults.
I'm trying to take a nap in between events I'm involved in today and this Nova/WVU game is not fucking cooperating.
Or is it?
I was sure that was going in...
Mark, your dick didn't come with an instruction manual? What, did you get yours used?
It fell off the back of a bag of dicks truck.
teejay and i are preparing to test the theory that old camrys aren't susceptible to acceleration issues.
ricky - where'd ya get that jaaket?
network gave it to me jeff.
late night in new brunswick yesterday, and i did whitney proud.
i ate my cheese steak and egg, and then noticed that my friend only ate a couple bites if his fat cat, so i ate that as well (plus half of catherine's onion rings.)
Well, DC traffic can still suck a bag of the Z-Man's special spring line of dicks...we are still 30 miles from Richmond, but at least "Joyride" by Roxette just came on the radio.
is rob's anal area irritating him yet?
not homo
I think Tiger's is the harder wound to heal, given that he was rather indiscreet and threw his junk at every thinwasted porno chick with fake double D's that came within shouting distance.
With Kobe, his charges were dismissed, so the public mostly accepted his innocence. He came out and admitted it with his wife next to him and showed remorse to the nth degree compared to Tiger. No other mistresses (to my knowledge) came forward and no other stories of philandering really got legs.
I think most of the public accepted that Kobe tried a somewhat exotic sexual manuevre (see "back of a volkswagen" discussion from earlier thread) in the heat of the moment and nothing more. Tiger's indiscretions seem much more lurid and varied by comparison.
Hey Mayhugh, rob says, and I quote, "go fuck yourself" for killing the ebb and flow of this post with your serious comment.
Pipe down TJ, you scybalous eproctolagniac.
Is The Teej having a few road cokes to pass the time?
road cokes....road head...what's the diff
Remind me never to take a road trip with Dan.
no early game analysis as of yet? what'r seein there fellas?
I was talking to the Z, not Rob.
This HBO docu on Bird-Magic is not doing a good job of making Boston look less racist.
Tribe down six 10 minutes in...seem scared to shoot anything from inside the arc.
That doc is on tonight? Nice. I love when I have quality programming waiting for me on HBO On Demand.
Jesus, Carolina is awful. Is Duke gonna win by 30?
33-24 JMU. Shitty, shitty first half from the Tribesters.
Tribe looking like they want to maintain their tradition of craptastic first round losses in the CAA tourney.
Somebody take that hat off of Jay Bilas' head. He looks like a cartoon penis.
Pardon me, maybe UNC is planning on losing by 40.
Just so you know, Roy Williams doesn't give a shit about this season.
Here come the Wrens...
Why does the tribe need to make this game so dramatic?
Marcus "Don't' Call Me Eartha" Kitts gettin' it done.
jmu, like many of their alums, is very, very dumb.
I hung out with a bunch of cops over the last 3-4 hours. Who knew Cops could love me so much?
thanks rob.
in 2 sentences or less, what did they do, or not do, to call for such a statement?
congratulations on your victory.
i do hope you go on - will be in Vegas with several of your fellow classmates for 1st 2 rounds, not that we need for that to happen to have a swell time.
danimal, the knock on the dukes all year was that they had lots of talent and not much smarts. last night the tribe had no answer at all for denzel bowles - he was killllling us in the first half. after the break, when w&m upped the defensive intensity, jmu completely lost their poise, stopped going inside and jacked up early, ugly jumpers.
With Kentucky being shitty the last couple of years (and Florida being kind of shitty too), I had forgotten how much I hate Kentucky fans. Not anymore, I genuinely can't fucking stand those mouth breathing hillbillies.
You all need to put your TV on ABC immediately to see Artest's hair. It's dyed Laker gold and says defense. In three different languages.
CAA semis are on the Comcast network om my cable dial, a channel I didn't know existed until 5 minutes ago.
Wife won't be happy there is something competing with Oscars pre-game.
Not only does it say "defense," the words appear to be etched in his head in bas relief. It's like Dennis Rodman and Anthony Mason collaborated at a barbershop.
heckuva semi between vcu and odu
dreadful endgame possessions by both teams lead to ooooovertime.
weird game so far - totally being played on the perimeter. tribe up 11-6 w/ 12 left in the first.
tribe doing a phenomenal job on the defensive glass. one and done every time. northeastern showing the effects of last night's 2 ot game.
not the start to the second half the tribe wanted. my fault - i just told my wife i plan to go to richmond if they win.
Didn't the Tribe lose in the football playoff this season after dominating the first half and coming out hideously flat in the second half??? We gotta stop having Norv Turner give pep talks at halftime.
prettiest ugly win ever. fuck and yeah.
Wow. Holy crap. Tribe up 2 with 30 seconds left after a deep Schneider three (his first points of the game). Northeastern has the ball for the entire 30 seconds, keeps shooting, keeps missing and keeps rebounding it. Tribe completely unable to get one board, but luckily, Northeastern just kept bricking it. Very tense. I need a beer.
Who's going to Richmond tomorrow night?
Bruce thinks like you, Rob:
"Much like the women at W&M, it doesn't need to look pretty to get the job done."
i'm headed to richmond tomorrow, whit. who's with me?
The Tribe is trying to give us a heart attack. I can't go to Richmond but I think we need a nova viewing party for the final
shlara, make sure you miss the first few minutes.
And to top off the evening our skee ball team just knocked off the #1 team. They were undefeated until tonight
AAAHH skee skee god damn!
The lead girl from Precious said this to Ryan Seacrest about her dress:
"If fashion were porn, my dress would be the money shot."
Things I learned from watching the Academy Awards:
In The Big Lebowski, Jeff Bridges portayed himself.
The Dude really does abide.
I would like your Buffalo die by a viagra online overdose, I thing that can't have anything worse.
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