Dr. Seuss would have turned 106 on March 2, 2010. Not coincidentally, one of his more obscure but nonetheless beloved characters celebrates the 40th anniversary of his birth this very same day. As the good doctor wrote about this uniquely Seussian character, “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.”

I wish Dave was a doctor. All doctor's should have a mustache that fine.
he's a doctor of blogology, a blogologist if you will. or a blogobstetrician. perhaps a blogthamologist.
and so on.
congratulations on reaching 40.
Happy Birthday, Dave. Jam yourself for turning 40.
thanks for the post!
oddly enough, i just went to my sentence and made a jamming reference.
you know, i shouldn't admit this, but i don't think i was ever jammed on my birthday.
i probably should just imitate art and keep that mustache year round, in case i gain internet fame . . . so people can recognize me.
Summer birthdays were huge for jamming avoidance.
Or being the toughest guy alive.
I met a man named Bjorn today.
I just got an email about a tapas assortment for our next department happy hour only I thought it said "a tapass assortment" and I got confused because I like tappin' dat ass as much as the next guy but not in the office, but then I realized they meant little servings of food and not little servings of poonanny.
I met Bjorn from Peter Bjorn and John and his English is atrocious but he sings with no accent. Why is that?
ask the beatles.
just started reading "superfreakonomics." here's something that might make you feel good: in Inia, men's condoms fail 60% of the time because Indian men have penises too small for the condoms manufactured to fit WHO specs.
Has anybody seen the current Postmaster General? Kind of looks like Rex Ryan, though he may be fatter.
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