I suspect this little thought experiment may yield some interesting responses from the G:TB community:
And, yeah, this is the best I can do after a week spent doing nothing so mentally taxing as calculating high and low tide.
Dedicated to the premise that life would be better if we all took ourselves a little less seriously.
Hold on...I've got today off, so I'm going to conduct a little research and get back to you on this.
Matthew McConaughey would be my spokesman. His ads would consist entirely of him saying "You got a joint? ... It'd be a lot cooler if you did."
Zoltan is on to something...
I think I'd go for a TV commercial campaign with lot of Michael Bay-esque explosions (maybe fireworks?)to get the viewing audience's attention and then just end with a dark screen that says POT: It's Legal.
Or, for the sake of irony, I'd include the same closing message on the old "I learned it from watching you" commercial. Maybe add bonus footage of the dad and kid smoking a bowl together.
Fucking Mayhugh beats me by a minute on this...I absolutely think a re-tooled "I learned it from watching you" ad is in order.
Worst economy in decades.
Unemployment headed towards 15%.
Swine Flu to infect millions by fall.
Housing and financial markets in the toilet.
Iran and North Korea going nuclear.
"Chill the fuck out. I got this."
these bots are annoying as all fuck. stupid, too.
Plax just got indicted...Antonio Pierce off the hook. Now let's see how long Burress' sentence is...
back to your regularly scheduled inanity, the skins d-line is dominating the o-line in early camp action. i choose to believe this is because the o-line is less effective than catholic birth control. which means that the colt brennan era is closer than you think. get fired up.
One of my friends from high school got his wife pregnant TWICE while she was on the pill. He says it's because he has super sperm. I say it's because the pill doesn't work on Catholics.
Tell DiBlasio that the pill only works when taken orally.
Plaxico Burress lives in Totowa?!
I've heard great things about the Shoumer Method of birth control.
Shoumer explained the Shoumer Method to me at a wedding with his wife standing about 5 feet away.
do i even want to know?
What no, Tiger wins his 69th tournament by shooting 69?? Very unfratty on here today.
Rob...it involves a display of passionate showmanship and reckless abandon.
willie nelson is your spokesperson. total pothead and he's cool to several generations-- i think my dad would start smoking pot if it was legal and willie nelson endorsed it. plus, you could make a great commercial, where it's april 15th and he's deciding between paying his taxes and buying some really good, high end weed.
The last lines of the (awesomely cool) film The Untouchables are a reporter telling Eliot Ness after all that's gone on, it looks like the government's going to repeal Prohibition -- and asking him what'll he do then. He replies, "I think I'll have a drink."
Gimme the general in the War on Drugs and some reporter asking him what'll he do if they legalize marijuana.
"I think I'll smoke a bowl."
A shirt for Shoumer:
I am also going to do a little research.
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